
What is the current situation of a game known as "Punch" Crossfire and "Kick" Counter-Strike?

author:Light weapons
What is the current situation of a game known as "Punch" Crossfire and "Kick" Counter-Strike?

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What is the current situation of a game known as "Punch" Crossfire and "Kick" Counter-Strike?
What is the current situation of a game known as "Punch" Crossfire and "Kick" Counter-Strike?

Many famous foreign military games are based on the theme of World War II, and players are immersed in it and fully feel the bloody battlefield. Now, China has also launched a military game with World War II as the background - "Armageddon", which restores a large number of classic weapons during World War II, players can operate a variety of weapons, can drive tanks and artillery, can choose to play different types of troops, and participate in the tragic war that swept the world 70 years ago in a variety of modes -

What is the current situation of a game known as "Punch" Crossfire and "Kick" Counter-Strike?

Armageddon is a 3D shooter online game set in World War II. The overall picture of the game adopts a realistic painting style, whether it is buildings, bridges, tanks, artillery, even shrubs and grass, they are all depicted as realistically as possible to create a realistic war environment. In order to highlight the sense of vicissitudes, the game screen is based on black and white, and try to avoid using too flashy colors, I believe that players who like to watch World War II movies will definitely find a sense of déjà vu in this game.

Restore a large number of classic World War II weapons

"Armageddon" truly restores many classic weapons that appeared in World War II, not only the appearance is highly realistic, but also the rate of fire, range, magazine capacity and other data are also strictly based on the real situation.

The game includes more than 150 of the most representative small arms, such as the famous M1928 Thomson submachine gun, PPSh41 submachine gun, Mosin-Nagant rifle, Mauser 98K rifle, MG42 general purpose machine gun, M1918 Browning automatic rifle, Stg44 assault rifle, Iron Fist anti-tank rocket launcher, etc. For hardcore military fans, it's definitely an exciting time to be able to "fight" with all the models of World War II weapons in Armageddon!

Tiger & Pershing Feel like a real vehicle

Vehicle gameplay is a major feature of Armageddon, in which players can drive dozens of tanks and artillery such as Tiger tanks, Pershing tanks, Sherman tanks, SU-85 tank destroyers, Type IV tank destroyers, and 88mm anti-aircraft guns to fight against the enemy, and the battle situation is more varied. Players can drive a variety of tank vehicles to participate in battles in the game, which can truly realize the coordinated combat of infantry and tanks. Each vehicle is designed based on historical data, such as the different defenses of each part of the tank, and some weak points will directly affect the performance of the tank when damaged. In addition, each tank has a unique performance and feel, providing players with a highly realistic driving experience.

What is the current situation of a game known as "Punch" Crossfire and "Kick" Counter-Strike?

The Tiger tank is on the scene

What is the current situation of a game known as "Punch" Crossfire and "Kick" Counter-Strike?

Infantry and tanks work in tandem

The four classes recreate classic battles

"Armageddon" is designed with four distinctive classes, players can choose to play as assault troops, scouts, support soldiers or engineering troops in the game, and can switch at any time, while the game highlights the coordination and tactics in the battle. Each class has a different position on the battlefield, they hold different weapons, each has special skills and expertise, players need to focus on the battle situation, through different types of troops, maximize their personal value, and carry out diversified cooperative operations.

What is the current situation of a game known as "Punch" Crossfire and "Kick" Counter-Strike?

Engage in fierce battles with your enemies

Among the four major arms, the Assault Soldier is the most comprehensive class, and it can be divided into two specialized routes: elite paratroopers and grenadiers, according to the weapons and skills selected by the player. Elite paratroopers can use most types of firearms, such as Thomson submachine guns, Stg44 assault rifles, Browning M1918 automatic rifles, etc., giving them very high battlefield adaptability. The Grenadier can be equipped with a variety of special grenades and explosives, such as M42 smoke grenades, MK2 fragmentation grenades, flash grenades, etc., to kill enemies in a wide area.

The Scout is an agile but vulnerable class that excels at stealth combat. It also has two specializations, namely a sniper who is good at long-range combat and a special forces who is good at infiltrating and destroying behind enemy lines. Snipers can use high-accuracy rifles with scopes as sniper rifles, such as Mosin-Nagant rifles, Mauser 98K rifles, Springfield rifles, etc., to shoot enemies from long distances, while also being able to call in a variety of rear support including reconnaissance aircraft and artillery. Special forces can equip submachine guns and various mines, set traps, and use camouflage abilities to infiltrate and destroy enemy rears and create chaos among the enemy.

What is the current situation of a game known as "Punch" Crossfire and "Kick" Counter-Strike?

The battlefield was full of artillery fire, and the fighting was extremely fierce

The Engineer is the strongest anti-armor class, but it also has a good close-to-face combat ability, allowing it to help its teammates by building fortifications. There are two types of engineering soldiers: combat soldiers and construction soldiers. Combat sappers can use bazookas, for example, to destroy enemy armored vehicles, or they can use their tactical advantage of agility and mobility to engage the enemy. Builders are more likely to build fortifications to fight, and they can build bunker shields, Browning M2HB heavy machine guns to fix fire points, gun mounts, and other facilities to provide strong support to their teammates when defending at a fixed point.

Supporters have the highest health and firepower of any class, and can provide logistical support to teammates such as medical and ammo, but their large bodies and heavy equipment limit their movement speed. Its two specializations are fire support and logistics support. Fire support units provide strong fire support, and they can use high-powered weapons such as MG42 machine guns, Bren LMG, Lewis machine guns, ZB26 LMG and flamethrowers to deliver powerful blows against the enemy. Logistics support units can provide logistical supplies such as ammo or medical care to teammates.

In battle, all branches of the army cooperate with each other to effectively complete the mission. Armed with submachine guns, pistols, rifles, daggers, grenades and other weapons, the assault troops tear open the gaps in the enemy positions, eliminate the defending enemy forces, and open the way for the entire team to advance. Scouts and Support Corpses are experienced snipers, machine gunners, armed with sniper rifles, light and heavy machine guns, mortars, etc., and provide strong fire cover when assault troops are in action. The responsibility of the engineering corps is to build a comprehensive defense network, climb the commanding heights to observe and build points of fire. And the right logistical support from the reinforcements can often turn the tide of battle. The coordination and tactics of the four major classes are brought into full play in the game.

What is the current situation of a game known as "Punch" Crossfire and "Kick" Counter-Strike?

The battlefield was full of artillery fire, and the fighting was extremely fierce

Five classic modes to experience the famous battles of World War II

In order to allow players to experience the tragedy of World War II more realistically, "Armageddon" refers to many classic street battles and tactical offensive and defensive battles of World War II such as the Battle of Brest Fortress, the Philipville Offensive and Defensive Battle, and the Battle of Kursk, and expands a variety of gameplay methods such as team competition mode, "Blitzkrieg" mode, suppression mode, annihilation mode, and "King of the Hill" confrontation mode, leading players into the battlefield of World War II full of gunsmoke and killing.

What is the current situation of a game known as "Punch" Crossfire and "Kick" Counter-Strike?

Armed with a Bobosha submachine gun, it reproduces the classic street battles of World War II

The team mode is the most basic battle mode in Armageddon: after entering the battle, players are divided into two teams and attack each other in a closed battlefield. The team with the highest number of kills first reaches the preset goal, or the team with the most kills within the time limit wins.

The "Blitzkrieg" mode divides players into offensive and defensive sides. The level is divided into several stages, the attacker needs to advance stage by stage, and the defender has to do everything possible to stop the attacker from advancing. This mode reproduces the tactics and scenes of attacking and defending in the real battlefield through a targeted and distinct division of labor between offense and defense.

Suppression mode is a simulation of the offensive and defensive battles of strongholds in real wars, through fierce offensive and defensive battles to compete for several flags distributed in a fixed order on the map. The linear level structure allows players to come together and increase the intensity of local battles.

Enter Annihilation Mode, where players will search for each other and attack each other in complex scenarios. Killed players can be revived by their teammates, and the team that destroys all the enemy first wins. This model is very much about tactical coordination.

The "King of the Hill" confrontation mode is a fast and fierce confrontation mode based on tug-of-war and attrition war around the stronghold. Both teams will battle for a stronghold in the center of the map. The team that occupies the stronghold gradually gains points over time, and the team that reaches the maximum number of points first wins.

What is the current situation of a game known as "Punch" Crossfire and "Kick" Counter-Strike?

War is brutal, fight bravely!

In Armageddon, players will be confronted with a shocking battle scenario: a rain of machine-gun shells, staggered rockets, artillery support falling from the sky, formidable armored behemoths, and more. From the walls of Cassino to the waves of the port of Sevastopol, from the frozen soil of Smolensk to the yellow sands of Algiers...... Armageddon will take players back to the war that swept the world 70 years ago, and experience the brutal years of those years in an immersive way, feeling the smell of dust, gunsmoke and steel everywhere.

(This article was published in the first half of the 5th issue of "Light Weapons" in 2013, and the official account article has been deleted)

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What is the current situation of a game known as "Punch" Crossfire and "Kick" Counter-Strike?

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What is the current situation of a game known as "Punch" Crossfire and "Kick" Counter-Strike?
What is the current situation of a game known as "Punch" Crossfire and "Kick" Counter-Strike?

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Editor: Gao Yanyan Ding Yongqiang
Proofreading: Wei Kaigong

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