
Explore the thousand-year-old intangible cultural heritage: the legend of yang opera in the field!

author:Wang Qiuhong

In Qingquan Village, Tonggu Town, Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County, Chongqing, whenever the rice transplanting season comes, the fields not only reverberate with the laughter and laughter of rice farmers' hard work, but also have a unique cultural atmosphere that permeates here - that is, the inheritance and display of intangible cultural heritage skills and yang opera.

This form of opera with local characteristics not only enriches the spiritual world of local farmers, but also becomes an important carrier for inheriting and protecting traditional Chinese culture.

Explore the thousand-year-old intangible cultural heritage: the legend of yang opera in the field!

Yang Opera, a traditional form of theatre originating from southwest China, is known for its unique performance style, rich performance content and profound cultural heritage.

It is not only an artistic expression, but also a concentrated embodiment of the history, culture and life philosophy of ethnic minorities such as Tujia and Miao.

In Qingquan Village, Yang Opera not only preserves the ancient traditional skills, but also adds elements of the new era, making it a bridge between the past and the future.

During the rice planting season, the villagers of Qingquan Village gather together to rehearse yang opera while busy with farm work.

The fields became their stage, and the melodious singing and vivid dialogue echoed in the aroma of rice.

These performers range from seasoned veterans to energetic young artists, who interpret the love and inheritance of this ancient art with practical actions.

Explore the thousand-year-old intangible cultural heritage: the legend of yang opera in the field!

It is worth mentioning that the inheritance of yang opera is not immutable.

With the development of the times, yang opera is constantly incorporating new elements to attract more young people's attention and participation.

For example, the addition of modern music and dance elements makes the traditional yang opera closer to the aesthetic habits of contemporary people.

In addition, through the dissemination of social media and online platforms, the charm of yang opera has been able to transcend geographical restrictions and attract the attention of more foreign and even international audiences.

Explore the thousand-year-old intangible cultural heritage: the legend of yang opera in the field!

Although Yang Opera has shown strong vitality in the inheritance and development, its protection and inheritance still face many challenges.

With the acceleration of modernization, the traditional way of life and cultural space have been compressed to a certain extent, and the interest of the younger generation in traditional culture is gradually decreasing.

Therefore, how to effectively protect and inherit the intangible cultural heritage of yang opera has become a question worth pondering.

Faced with this challenge, the villagers of Qingquan Village and the majority of yang opera lovers are actively looking for solutions.

On the one hand, the local government and cultural institutions are committed to incorporating yang opera into the education and training system, and through the establishment of relevant courses and workshops, so that more young people can understand and learn yang opera. On the other hand, through the organization of yang opera performance competitions and cultural exchange activities, the social influence of yang opera is improved, and the public, especially young people, are stimulated to be interested in and love for traditional culture.

As a precious intangible cultural heritage, Yang Opera not only carries the cultural memory and life wisdom of the Tujia and Miao ethnic groups, but also becomes an important link between the past and the future, tradition and modernity.

In Qingquan Village, a land full of vitality and vitality, the inheritance and development of yang opera not only brings spiritual nourishment to the local villagers, but also provides valuable experience for the protection and dissemination of traditional culture.

In the future, we look forward to seeing more intangible cultural heritage skills such as Yang Opera innovate and develop on the basis of respecting traditions, and continue to shine with unique brilliance on the stage of world culture.