
The origin and customs of the Dragon Boat Festival "noon water", what are its uses?

author:The gastronomic culture of the sea

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, and there is a very magical custom in ancient times, which is to make "noon water" during the Dragon Boat Festival. As we all know, the Dragon Boat Festival belongs to the day of pure yang in the year, which is the beginning of the most vigorous yang, and it happens that its day is also the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, and the fifth day of the fifth month of May here is a homophone with the noon of noon. That's why this day is named "Dragon Boat Festival", which means that from this day onwards, it is the day and time when yang energy is the most vigorous. Then making drinking water at noon is also one of the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival in the coastal area of southern China in ancient times. Because it is the noon water of the heavy noon day, the yang adds yang, so the "noon water" is also called "extreme yang water", "lombok water", and "positive yang water".

The origin and customs of the Dragon Boat Festival "noon water", what are its uses?

The origin of water at noon during the Dragon Boat Festival:

Legend has it that when Zheng Chenggong occupied Taiwan, on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, his army marched to Anvil Mountain in Dajia Town, but was in trouble because he could not find a water source. At noon, Zheng Chenggong plunged his sword into the ground, and after drawing the sword, it magically gushed out of the mountain spring. To commemorate this event, people named the well "Sword Well". Since then, every year at the noon of the Dragon Boat Festival, people will go to Jianjing to get water, believing that such water has miraculous effects. The custom of drinking noon water during the Dragon Boat Festival comes from this.

The origin and customs of the Dragon Boat Festival "noon water", what are its uses?

Dragon Boat Festival noon water production method:

1: It was recorded in the Song Dynasty's "Trivial Records" that noon water refers to: at noon on May 5, take well water and put it into a basin, expose it to the sun for 2 hours, and then put it into a plastic bottle, and place it in a cool place to use it all year round.

2: If you live in the city and there is no well water, you can also go to the supermarket to buy mineral water and pour it out, pour it into an iron basin at noon on the Dragon Boat Festival, put it under the sun for 2 hours, and then put it into a plastic bottle for subsequent use.

The origin and customs of the Dragon Boat Festival "noon water", what are its uses?

The ancients regarded the noon water as a good luck water, the noon yang energy of this day is the most vigorous, and the Dragon Boat Festival is the best to drive away evil spirits at noon, with the effect of warding off evil spirits, purifying the body, and removing obstacles. It is said that the water used to make tea at noon is particularly mellow, and the raw drink even has the miraculous effect of curing diseases. There is a proverb that says: "Wash your eyes at noon, and you will see it like a black bird", and it is said that "drinking a mouthful of water at noon is better to take tonic medicine for three years".

The origin and customs of the Dragon Boat Festival "noon water", what are its uses?

What are the other uses of water during the Dragon Boat Festival?

1: After attending someone's funeral: you can use noon water, bathe or make tea, brew realgar wine to drink, you can remove bad luck, clean the body, rise to the sun to ward off evil spirits and disasters, and treat diseases.

2: After moving to a new house: You can also use the noon water to clean the room before entering the house. It can also play a role: drive away bad luck, sterilize, dust and insects, and clean the house.

The origin and customs of the Dragon Boat Festival "noon water", what are its uses?

3: People who are riddled with bad luck: use noon water to use noon water during the Dragon Boat Festival to wash your hair and take a bath, which can also play a role in: convert the magnetic field, improve your own energy, drive away bad luck, make your mind more sober, and achieve the effect of strengthening your body.

The origin and customs of the Dragon Boat Festival "noon water", what are its uses?

4: Fortune water: This statement refers to the noon of the Dragon Boat Festival, after making the noon water according to the above method, prepare a string of copper coins, put in the copper coins and continue to dry for 2 hours. Then when the time is up, the copper coin will be taken out, and then made into a mascot to wear on the body, which can play a role in improving personal fortune and attracting wealth.

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