
Two announcements and one reminder

author:Longling Police
Two announcements and one reminder

The Dragon Boat Festival holiday in 2024 is approaching, and it is expected that the traffic flow during the Dragon Boat Festival this year will be based on short-distance travel and self-driving tours around the jurisdiction to facilitate the travel of the masses, and the holiday time will be from June 8th to 10th, a total of 3 days, and work will be on June 11 (Tuesday). In order to prevent and reduce all kinds of road traffic accidents, the Longling traffic police will analyze and predict the characteristics of road traffic flow in the jurisdiction during the Dragon Boat Festival, and release road travel tips in advance, reminding you to reasonably plan the travel time and route in advance during the Dragon Boat Festival, consciously abide by traffic laws and regulations, drive safely and travel in a civilized manner.

Two announcements and one reminder

Weather forecast

Two announcements and one reminder

1. Congestion-prone road sections, accident-prone road sections and dangerous road sections

(1) Congestion-prone road sections

1. The farmers' market on Xingnong Road, Longshan Town, Longling County, encountered a large number of festival cars, and the road was easy to be congested.

2. Longling County Bizhai Township Demeng Line 644 + 200 to 650 + 100 meters encountered a large number of festival cars, the road is easy to congestion.

3. Longling County Mengnuo Town to Sanjiangkou Datianba Road Section, Xiangda Town 0 kilometers 800 meters to 1 km 600 meters (Qiaoxiang Avenue), Xiangda Town Zangsa Village Road Section, Xiangda Town Tiantian Supermarket to Government Road Section, Chaoyang Street Road Section, the road section is at the transportation hub, encountering many festival cars, plus the phenomenon of roadside stalls is serious, and the road is easy to congestion.

(2) Accident-prone road sections and dangerous road sections

1. There are landslides and gravel rolling down on the Sanjiangkou to Eggplant Mountain line in Longling County, and the road section belongs to the river and cliff, the road is relatively narrow, the protective wall on the outside of the road is not fully covered, there are many sharp bends and steep slopes, the road is slippery in rainy days, the road outside the fork road to Pingda is not repaired, uneven, there are many bends, and the road surface is slippery in rainy days.

2. Longling County Demeng line 613 kilometers + 200 meters to 677 kilometers + 100 meters (Bizhai Township Hongqi Bridge to Mengnuo Town Street), National Highway 219 line 7411 kilometers to 7415 kilometers (Mengnuo Town Tianpo Village to Mengnuo Town Longzhen Bridge) belongs to the river cliff section, the road outside the protective facilities are not complete, the road surface is uneven, the potholes are larger, at the same time the inner side of the road is mostly high mountains, the mountain stone and soil are soft, beware of gravel rolling down, please slow down the majority of drivers to ensure driving safety.

3. Ka (Kanas) East (Dongxing) Line 7259 kilometers 600 meters to 7260 kilometers (Longling to Tengchong direction 9 kilometers), the road section is a landslide section, pay attention to driving safety; Ka (Kanas) East (Dongxing) Line 7276 kilometers 750 meters to 7270 kilometers (National Highway 320 Line 3477 kilometers 650 meters to 3484 kilometers) Longling deep ditch section of the continuous seven kilometers long downhill, driving to keep the distance between vehicles, slow down and slow down.

4. 7 kilometers to 10 kilometers of the Longhe line uninterrupted fog section, please pay attention to driving safety in rainy and foggy weather.

5. Landslide in the section from Chalutian to Duanjiaba on the Kadong Line, pay attention to safety when passing.

6. National Highway 320 3456 km 00 m to 3459 km 500 m, National Highway 320 line 3462 km 00 m to 3464 km 500 m is an accident-prone road section, pay attention to driving safety.

7. Foggy section of the rainy season from 7 km to 10 km of the Longhe line.

8. Foggy section of the Xianglao Line 5 km to 8 km in the rainy season.

9. Mengbang to the cabbage dam road in the rainy season foggy section.

10. Section of the wooden line 24 km to 45 km rainy season foggy section.

(3) Construction section:

1. Longling County Xiangda Town National Highway 219 line sprinkled to the road section of the road surface repair, vehicles to implement a single semi-closed traffic control, please pay attention to their own safety when passing vehicles enter the construction area, consciously obey the command of the on-site construction management personnel, slow down.

2. Longyu Avenue in Longling County, there are construction vehicles in and out, please slow down, pay attention to driving safety, please take the auxiliary road.

3. Longling County Kadong Line 7403 kilometers 200 meters to 7414 kilometers 600 meters for the G219 National Highway expansion section, the road is interrupted from time to time, the construction site road conditions are complex, please slow down the passing vehicles, obey the command of the Baotong staff, in case of accidents.

4. Longling County 219 National Highway Huangcaoba fork 7281 kilometers to 219 Eggplant Mountain Reservoir fork 7492, the whole line 21 kilometers of the road section expansion road, please slow down according to the road section prompts, obey the command of the on-site construction personnel.

5. Like the construction of the third line, please slow down and slow down according to the prompts of the road section and obey the command of the on-site construction personnel.

6. For the construction of the section of the wooden line, please slow down and slow down according to the prompts of the road section and obey the command of the on-site construction personnel.

7. Announcement of intermittent closure construction of highway construction of Longling County Transportation Bureau

(1) Closed road sections and time limits

(1) Closure time from Xinhe fork in Lameng Town to Qingshu Yakou in Bizhai Township: March 12, 2024 to September 30, 2024. (2) The whole road from Lameng Town to Bizhai Township will be closed in stages, and the closure time will be from March 12, 2024 to December 30, 2024. (3) Sanjiangkou to Eggplant Mountain Highway (K0+000-K47+725) and Xiangda Sancha Road to Laomuchang Pass Highway (K0+000-K8+567). Closed time: 08:00-12:00, 14:00-19:00 every day from March 1, 2024 to December 30, 2024.

(2) Precautions

(1) During the construction period, except for construction personnel and construction vehicles, any social vehicles and personnel are strictly prohibited from entering the construction area. (2) Please make travel arrangements in advance for drivers and pedestrians of passing vehicles, do a good job of route planning, and it is recommended that passing vehicles please choose the S237 Hongmeng line or other routes to detour, and obey the management and command of on-site traffic control personnel, and travel in a civilized manner.

2. Traffic

Longling traffic police reminded that during the Dragon Boat Festival, it is recommended to choose a reasonable time to travel when you go out, and at the same time, it is recommended that other vehicles go out to stagger the peak hours from 8 to 10 o'clock and from 15 to 18 o'clock; During the Dragon Boat Festival, the traffic pressure around short-distance travel and tourist attractions will increase significantly, and the traffic volume will increase sharply, and it is also a high incidence period of illegal behaviors such as drunk driving, speeding, and fatigue driving.

3. Road traffic safety travel tips

1. When traveling during the Dragon Boat Festival, please pay attention to travel safety, do not speed, overcrowd, fatigue driving, do not drink and drive, and drive without a license. Drinking alcohol causes the driver to react slowly, move slowly, and make inaccurate judgments. There are many gatherings of family and friends during the holidays, please keep in mind that "life is priceless, no driving after drinking", and resolutely "don't drink and drive, don't drink while driving". During the holiday, the Long Traffic Police will continue to carry out special rectification actions for drunk driving, please be civilized and law-abiding, and go home safely.

2. When driving in rain or on slippery roads, please reduce your speed, keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front, and avoid emergency braking and emergency steering to prevent the danger of vehicle skidding.

3. During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the traffic of popular routes for tourist attractions and self-driving tours increases. Traffic police tips, please drive civilly, standardize parking, please wait patiently in case of road congestion, do not occupy the emergency lane, do not take the road to overtake or occupy the opposite lane, do not intersperse waiting vehicles, to ensure safety.

5. The roads in the Dragon Boat Festival scenic area are mostly in mountainous areas, with many sections near water and cliffs, sharp bends and steep slopes, and poor traffic conditions. The traffic police reminded that the traffic flow is dense during the Dragon Boat Festival, and you should keep a safe distance from the side of the road when driving; The speed of the vehicle should be controlled, and it should not be forcibly overtaken, forcibly overtaken, or occupied; Poor sight distance road sections should be honked in time and be prepared to stop and avoid.

6. When driving on county and rural roads and mountain roads, pay attention to the road conditions, strictly follow the speed limit, and do not exceed the speed limit. Do not overtake illegally on the curved road section, illegally occupy the opposite lane and go in the opposite direction, do not slide in neutral gear when going downhill, pay attention to control the speed when going uphill, and avoid stepping on the accelerator sharply and rushing at high speed. When passing through villages, intersections, and mountain road turns, you should sound your horn in advance, and pay attention to changing your high and low beams at night to remind oncoming vehicles.

7. During the Dragon Boat Festival, there is an increase in activities in rural areas. Traffic police tips: tractors, trucks and cargo compartments illegally carry people and mixed passenger and cargo mixed hidden dangers and great harm. Please do not take trucks, tractors, overcrowded vehicles to travel, and do not mix people and goods.

8. When traveling at home during the Dragon Boat Festival, the seat belt is the life belt! The use of seat belts can reduce the risk of traffic accident casualties by more than 40%. When traveling by vehicle, please fasten your seat belts throughout the process. Safety helmets can protect lives and are the most important line of defense for cyclists' life protection. Please choose a child safety seat suitable for the child's age and weight while fastening the seat belt, and avoid carrying the child in the car or letting the child sit or stand in the passenger seat.

9. Before traveling, it is necessary to comprehensively check the safety technical performance of the vehicle such as steering, braking, tires, lights, etc., and carry tools such as hazard warning signs, jacks, screw sleeves and so on in case of urgent need. If you charter a car or take a passenger vehicle to travel, please rent or take a vehicle with reliable safety performance and operation qualifications from a regular professional transportation unit, and do not take an illegal vehicle.

10. If you are driving during the long holiday, please arrange the rest time reasonably, ensure that you get enough sleep, drive for no more than 4 hours in a row, and stop for no less than 20 minutes. Fatigue makes the driver's attention unstable, narrow vision, blurred vision and slow response, which can easily lead to traffic accidents.

11. When driving during the long vacation, please pay attention to the road conditions ahead, and don't be a "bowed head". Distracted driving, such as blind driving, using mobile phones, picking up items, drinking and eating, etc., will cause the driver to be distracted, take his hands off the steering wheel, ignore the operation of the vehicle and the observation of road conditions, and affect the normal passage of other vehicles, and traffic accidents often occur at that moment.

11. Report serious traffic violations in a timely manner, if you encounter serious traffic violations such as overcrowding, drunk driving, and illegal transportation during your trip, please report them in time. Police: 110.

Review: Zhao Jiacai Editor: Hong Jirang Editor: Xu Jie Source: Traffic Police Brigade