
Purple sanding ware: explore its unique charm and appreciation

author:Pu Zhi Zisha Culture

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As a shining pearl of Chinese tea culture, purple sanding ware has been a treasure collected by literati and artists since ancient times. Mr. Gu Jingzhou once said: "The beauty of the purple clay pot lies in its shape, quality, color, sound and rhyme. This sentence aptly sums up the unique charm of purple sanding ware. So, how do you delve into this gem of traditional craftsmanship? Next, let's explore the key points, know-how, and methods of appreciation.

Purple sanding ware: explore its unique charm and appreciation

All handmade antique bottom groove please Li Qigang

First, the unique charm of purple sanding element

With its simple but not simple shape, the purple sanding ware interprets an aesthetic concept of returning to the basics and simplicity. As Chen Mansheng, a famous purple sand artist in the Qing Dynasty, said: "The wonder of purple sand lies in the spirit of simplicity." "It doesn't need to be elaborately decorated, just the smooth lines and harmonious proportions can give a sense of serenity and harmony. At the same time, the unique air permeability and water absorption of purple sand mud make the tea soup fully blended in the pot, thereby improving the quality of the tea, and truly achieving "the world in the pot and the world in the tea".

Second, the key points of appreciating purple sanding ware

  1. Material identification: The high-quality purple sand mud has a warm color and delicate feel, which is as comfortable as touching the baby's skin. As Shi Dabin, a famous purple sand master in the Ming Dynasty, said: "The mud color is noble and moist, like fat and jade." "When purchasing, you can gently tap the body of the pot to hear whether its sound is crisp and pleasant, so as to judge the purity of the mud.
  2. Process observation: The production process of purple sanding ware is very exquisite, and it needs to go through dozens of processes to complete. As Mr. Gu Jingzhou said: "The craftsmanship of the purple clay pot needs to be ingenuity in order to achieve high-quality products." "When appreciating, you can carefully observe whether the spout, handle, lid and other parts are tightly and smoothly connected, and whether the lines of the body are symmetrical and natural.
  3. Modeling aesthetics: Although the shape of the purple sanding ware is simple, every detail is full of design. As Chen Mingyuan, a famous purple sand artist in the Qing Dynasty, said: "The beauty of modeling lies in the charm." "When appreciating, you can taste the ingenuity and uniqueness of its shape, and feel the aesthetic pleasure it brings.
Purple sanding ware: explore its unique charm and appreciation

All handmade Ming-style palace lamps Li Qigang purple mud

3. The trick of appreciating purple sanding utensils

  1. Look more at the authenticity: Chen Hongshou, a famous purple sand artist in the Qing Dynasty, once said: "Only by seeing the real thing can you recognize the authenticity." "By looking at the real thing, we can develop the sensitivity and ability to distinguish between the purple sanding and the element. In museums, art galleries and other places, you can enjoy a variety of high-quality purple sanding and priming ware, so as to deepen your understanding and understanding.
  2. Learn theoretical knowledge: read relevant literature and famous works, such as "Yangxian Tea Pot System", "Tea Pot Catalogue", etc., to understand the historical origin, production process and cultural connotation of purple sand light element, which will help improve the level of appreciation.
  3. Communicate with experts: Communicate with the experts of purple sanding and pigment ware to gain more knowledge and experience about appreciation. Their insights and suggestions will have a positive impact on your path to appreciation.
Purple sanding ware: explore its unique charm and appreciation

Handmade Ming-style hat Li Qigang No. 4 well old purple mud

Fourth, the method of appreciating purple sanding utensils

  1. The mind is as calm as water: When appreciating the purple sand pigment ware, you need to maintain a calm mind. As Lu Yu, the tea saint of the Ming Dynasty, said: "Tea is for drinking, and it is most suitable for people who are thrifty and virtuous." "Only when the mind is as calm as water can we be more focused on appreciating its unique charm.
  2. Careful observation: In the process of appreciation, you need to observe every detail carefully. Through comparison and analysis, we can find its uniqueness and shortcomings. As Yang Pengnian, a famous purple sand artist in the Qing Dynasty, said: "Details determine success or failure." ”
  3. Combined with culture: purple sand light ware is not only a tea set, but also a carrier of culture. When appreciating, it is necessary to combine it with tea culture and traditional Chinese culture, so as to understand its connotation and value more deeply. As Xu Cishu, an expert in tea science in the Qing Dynasty, said: "Tea and pot complement each other; Culture and art complement each other. ”

In short, appreciating purple sanding requires patience, carefulness and care. Through continuous learning and practice, we can have a deeper understanding and recognition of this treasure of traditional culture, and feel its unique charm and value.

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