
Looking at a thousand swords and then recognizing the device, "Zisha Asks Tea" tells about the beauty of tea and pots

author:He Xiaobing

Yang Fei's new book "Zisha Asks Tea" was recently published by Zhejiang University Press. The book introduces in detail the excellent performance of the purple clay pot when making tea, and invites the professional team of the Department of Tea Science of Zhejiang University to conduct in-depth research on the tea composition and taste change principle of different types of tea brewed in the purple clay pot.

Looking at a thousand swords and then recognizing the device, "Zisha Asks Tea" tells about the beauty of tea and pots
Looking at a thousand swords and then recognizing the device, "Zisha Asks Tea" tells about the beauty of tea and pots

Zisha integrates calligraphy, painting, poetry, design, craftsmanship and other elements, and has its own miraculous taste, and it is even more romantic. Yang Fei, the author of the book, chairman of Jiangsu Zhongchao Investment Group Co., Ltd. and executive director of the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Association, is a well-known purple sand collector, who invested in the construction of the Liyong Zisha Museum with a large volume and a complete historical pedigree, and has made contributions to the inheritance, protection and development of Yixing purple sand pottery production technology, a national intangible cultural heritage project. Yixing Zhongchao Liyong Zisha Pottery Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Jiangsu Zhongchao Investment Group Co., Ltd., funded and filmed CCTV's masterpiece "Hundred Years of Masters, Zisha Chapter" systematically sorts out the historical context of Zisha for hundreds of years, and through the exquisite craftsmanship of Zisha, Zisha artists keep the spiritual temperament of subtlety and magnity, and present the spiritual outlook of Zisha cultural ecology as a living practice of Chinese excellent traditional culture.

Looking at a thousand swords and then recognizing the device, "Zisha Asks Tea" tells about the beauty of tea and pots
Looking at a thousand swords and then recognizing the device, "Zisha Asks Tea" tells about the beauty of tea and pots

"a thousand songs and then know the sound, watch a thousand swords and then recognize the device." For a long time, the author Yang Fei has deeply studied the purple sand transmitters of the past dynasties, and combined with his own tea research experience and experience, he has carefully written and written a book. "Zisha Asks Tea" provides readers with a window into the Zisha pot and tea culture. In the process of reading this book, readers can perceive the uniqueness of purple sand and its important position in Chinese tea culture. You can also master the scientific method of how to choose and use the purple clay pot, so as to better taste the taste and charm of the tea in the process of tea tasting, and better appreciate and understand the artistic value of the purple clay pot. "The book comprehensively analyzes the unique cultural phenomenon of purple sand, especially the study of the relationship between tea, utensils and people, which is rare in other books of the same type." Zhang Zhengzhong, a master of arts and crafts in Jiangsu Province, commented on this book.

Looking at a thousand swords and then recognizing the device, "Zisha Asks Tea" tells about the beauty of tea and pots
Looking at a thousand swords and then recognizing the device, "Zisha Asks Tea" tells about the beauty of tea and pots

The book "Zisha Asks Tea" was prefaced by Li Xiaolin, the chief planner of "Hundred Years of Masters" and the president of Xingzhi Silk Road Research Institute, and Tu Youying, professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Tea Science of Zhejiang University, respectively, and was highly recommended by many industry experts and scholars. It not only adds academic authority to this book, but also allows readers to feel the infinite charm of purple sand and tea with their own experiences and insights. (Jiangnan Evening News reporter He Xiaobing)

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