
"Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it

"Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it

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2024-06-09 21:25Published in Hebei

Zhang Shaomu sent someone to get rid of Lin Shiman.

After Lin Shiman and Su Xing met in a café, they were assassinated by Zhang Shaomu.

After Dang Xunqi was strangled to death by Zhang Shaomu, Lin Shiman pretended to take refuge in Zhang Shaomu.

"Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it

Zhang Shaomu knew that Lin Shiman did not sincerely seek refuge in him, but had another purpose.

Zhang Shaomu temporarily "accepted" Lin Shiman, in his opinion, he and Lin Shiman just took what they needed.

Zhang Shaomu's true identity cannot be exposed yet, and Lin Shiman, the "head snake", is needed to complete the task.

And Lin Shiman pretended to take refuge in Zhang Shaomu, looking for an opportunity to avenge Dang Xunqi.

Zhang Shaomu's most important task at present is to rent a boat and take Tong Jiangnan and others out of Hong Kong.

In the past, this matter was done by Dang Xunqi, and after he was eliminated by Zhang Shaomu, this matter was handed over to Lin Shiman.

Zhang Shaomu's identity on the face is Tong Jiangnan's assistant, a teacher at Haida, his identity cannot be exposed for the time being, and he still needs this vest to get close to Tong Jiangnan.

"Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it

Zhang Shaomu didn't rent a boat, so Lin Shiman still had use value.

What Lin Shiman didn't know was that her death was approaching, and she still fantasized about uniting with Su Xing to get rid of Zhang Shaomu.

Zhang Shaomu is not a queen bee

Zhang Shaomu's removal of Dang Xunqi in the laboratory has both advantages and disadvantages for him. The advantage is that they have gained the unconditional trust of the Tong family's father and daughter; The bad thing is that his identity aroused the suspicion of Su Xing and Li Wenbo.

Zhang Shaomu has two points that are not clear to explain.

First, why did Dang Xunqi come to the laboratory?

Second, how could Zhang Shaomu, a weak scholar who was powerless, strangle a professionally trained spy with a weapon?

The answer given by Zhang Shaomu was that Dang Xunqi came to the laboratory to assassinate Tong Sheng, and he strangled him in a hurry.

Regarding Zhang Shaomu's explanation, the Tong family's father and daughter were convinced, but Li Wenbo and Su Xing did not believe it.

Li Wenbo even found Tong Jiangnan's family and told him about it, which led to his suspension.

Zhang Shaomu was trusted by the Tong family's father and daughter, and Su Xing's life was not easy.

"Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it

Tong Jiangnan has always been suspicious of Su Xing's identity, but because of the teacher-student relationship in the past, coupled with Tong Sheng's reconciliation in the middle, Tong Jiangnan did not turn his face with Su Xing.

Su Xing proved Zhang Shaomu's identity as a spy and contacted Lin Shiman through Li Wenbo.

Su Xing's purpose is very clear, that is, to find evidence that Zhang Shaomu is a spy.

The reason why Lin Shiman agreed to cooperate with Su Xing was because she wanted to avenge Dang Xunqi.

Lin Shiman obviously underestimated Zhang Shaomu's ruthlessness, and as soon as she came out of the café, she was killed by the people sent by Zhang Shaomu.

Lin Shiman has already contacted Boss Zhuang, and the two parties have agreed on the charter time. In Zhang Shaomu's heart, Lin Shiman has no use value.

What Zhang Shaomu didn't expect was that Lin Shiman had exposed the information of the queen bee before he died.

The queen bee is not Zhang Shaomu, but someone else.

"Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it

According to Lin Shiman, it was Ah Hui who said it to her unintentionally.

Ah Hui's exact words were:

"You don't have to worry about this, Mr. Zhang will report to the queen bee."

Zhang Shaomu is not the queen bee, so who is the queen bee?

First of all, according to Su Xing, Tong Jiangnan has a secret agent of the Secret Bureau lurking around him, and this person is Tong Jiangnan's closest person.

Zhang Shaomu is one, but there is another.

Tong Jiangnan's plan to go north, Zhang Shaomu didn't know about it at first, and Tong Jiangnan didn't tell him.

According to Tong Jiangnan, the plan to go north was initially known only to him and Tu Zhe, deputy editor-in-chief of Ta Kung Pao.

Therefore, Zhang Shaomu ruled it out. However, Mr. Tu Zhe was still killed by the enemy.

"Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it

Tong Jiangnan also has two closest people around him, Tong Sheng and Han Yurong.

First of all, Tong Sheng is excluded, then only Han Yurong remains.

Han Yurong is Tong Jiangnan's cousin, who came to Tong's house a year ago to serve the life of Tong's father and daughter.

Han Yurong is the person who has the most time to contact Tong Jiangnan, and she also has a lot of time to consult the information that Tong Jiangnan left in the study.

The most important point is that Han Yurong is different from Zhang Shaomu, she only came to Hong Kong a year ago.

A year ago, no one knew what Han Yurong was doing.

When Dang Xunqi was on a mission in Shanghai, he killed Tong Sheng's mother in order to force Tong Jiangnan to hand over his research materials.

Tong's father and daughter and Zhang Shaomu came to Hong Kong from Shanghai, but Han Yurong did not follow.

The enemy didn't even let Tong Sheng's mother go, let alone Han Yurong.

It is very likely that Han Yurong has already taken refuge in the enemy after Tong Jiangnan left Shanghai.

"Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it

Han Yurong came to Hong Kong a year to find Tong Jiangnan, which was to implement the bee plan.

Zhang Shaomu framed Su Xing

Lin Shiman found the boat, Zhang Shaomu saw that he could take Tong Jiangnan away from Hong Kong, but Su Xing stepped in.

Su Xing returned to Tong Jiangnan's side as a student, which greatly annoyed Zhang Shaomu.

In Zhang Shaomu's view, Su Xing is like a time bomb that will explode at any time. Especially Tong Jiangnan also planned to leave with Su Xing.

Zhang Shaomu thought of a way, intending to make Tong Jiangnan disgusted with Su Xing.

Zhang Shaomu sent someone to kidnap Professor He in the name of Su Xing.

Tong Jiangnan was really fooled, and after he knew about it, he said to Han Yurong:

"If he threatens me with Professor Ho's life, bastard."

"Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it

Zhang Shaomu's purpose was achieved.

First, Tong Jiangnan alienated Su Xing, so Zhang Shaomu didn't have to worry about Su Xing sabotaging their plan.

Second, the police throughout Hong Kong are looking for Su Xing, which greatly reduces the surveillance of Tong Jiangnan.

In this way, it will be much more convenient for Zhang Shaomu to transfer Tong Jiangnan and others from Hong Kong.

This time, in the face of Zhang Shaomu's framing, Su Xing did not restrain himself, but joined forces with Boss Zhuang to set a trap for Zhang Shaomu.

Boss Zhuang opened his mouth to Lin Shiman and asked for 800,000 freight.

Zhang Shaomu thinks that Boss Zhuang is insatiable, and the money is enough to buy two ships.

"Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it

Zhang Shaomu directly found Boss Zhuang's subordinate Ah Qiang, and promised him that he could sit in Boss Zhuang's position, and the price was to give Zhang Shaomu a boat.

Ah Qiang agreed to Zhang Shaomu's request, and took a gun in front of Ah Hui to resist Boss Zhuang.

Zhang Shaomu was fooled, he thought he had everything under control.

In fact, this was all arranged in advance by Su Xing and Boss Zhuang.

Su Xing knew that Zhang Shaomu wanted to charter a ship, and only Boss Zhuang in Hong Kong could meet his requirements.

Su Xing persuaded Boss Zhuang and gave Zhang Shaomu a play.

Zhang Shaomu pretended to be smart, what he didn't know was that Su Xing had already mastered all his plans of action.

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  • "Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it
  • "Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it
  • "Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it
  • "Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it
  • "Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it
  • "Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it
  • "Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it
  • "Special Ops" Queen Bee has someone else! Su Xing will make a plan, and Zhang Shaomu really fell for it

Personal opinion, for reference only

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