
Two pieces of news late at night determine the trend of A-shares tomorrow

author:Sixth brother on stocks

Tomorrow A shares will open, the Dragon Boat Festival holiday is over, in fact, to put it bluntly, it is a Monday. To put it bluntly, the European and American markets opened a little earlier than us. Looking back at the news over the weekend, in fact, there are only three or four that affect the market. First, the quantification is in the news, there is not much change, 300 and 200 times a second is no difference for retail investors, where the cheese will not be moved; Second, the Beijing Stock Exchange has also started an IPO, which doesn't matter, but it still has an impact on applying with money. But as long as the rhythm is still the current rhythm, the impact is not great; Third, the big and beautiful non-agricultural data is more beautiful, and it doesn't matter if the data is compiled anyway.

Two pieces of news late at night determine the trend of A-shares tomorrow

European and U.S. stock markets fell

European and American stock markets fell last Friday and continued to fall on Monday, which still has an impact on A-shares. However, A-shares were also in an adjustment cycle last week, and Friday was only red, and the GEM fell sharply. The external market fell, but it did not fall sharply, especially the U.S. stocks did not fall much at all, so the impact on A-shares was the opening.

It is certain that A shares will open slightly lower tomorrow, but we can't say what the trend will be, one thing is certain: it is unlikely that it will fall sharply! It's almost zero.

Two pieces of news late at night determine the trend of A-shares tomorrow

Gold and silver fell sharply

Gold fell sharply on Friday and continues to fall today; Silver plunged on Friday and rose slightly today.

Gold fell sharply, but crude oil came out of a continuous rally. This will be crucial for the direction of A-shares tomorrow. The decline in gold has a greater impact on the precious metals and small metal sectors of A-shares, and it is inevitable to open sharply lower. However, the rise in crude oil is good for the trend of the three barrels of oil. Therefore, the trend of A-shares tomorrow is still confusing, but some directions should not be wrong.

Two pieces of news late at night determine the trend of A-shares tomorrow

The trend of A-shares tomorrow and next week

Last Friday, A-shares were a doji that opened high and went low, but the Shenzhen Component Index and the Growth Enterprise Market are different, and the decline on Friday was relatively deep. Three crows at the lows, the degree of the downtrend is reduced.

Two pieces of news late at night determine the trend of A-shares tomorrow

The current daily series of the Shanghai Composite Index is 6 low, and if there is a low 9 next, it should be on Thursday. In other words, there may be a low point on Thursday, and it can also be said that A-shares are still in the adjustment cycle this week.

At present, A-shares have fallen below all the previous support, and the most important support position below is the 3000-point integer mark, and the possibility of A-shares falling below tomorrow is basically none, but it is difficult to say by Thursday, and you can only take one step at a time.

At present, A-shares have fallen below the trend line, so it is better to be cautious, and it may be an opportunity to buy the bottom on Thursday and Friday!