
When people get older, they realize that happiness is actually very simple, as long as they can meet the following points

author:Unpretentious Sydney V


As people get older and older in this life, you will find what happiness is, in fact, happiness is a relative word, for the elderly, happiness is actually very simple, it only needs to meet the following conditions:

When people get older, they realize that happiness is actually very simple, as long as they can meet the following points

To have a healthy body

The happiest thing for people to be when they are old is to have a healthy body. In addition to health is all floating clouds, this is not chicken soup, health first, everything else is zero, with health can you have the capital to enjoy the rest of your life, without health everything loses its meaning.

Therefore, for the sake of health, we must continue to maintain good lifestyle habits and eating habits.

Don't overeat, eat eight points full at each meal, don't be happy without meat, mix meat and vegetables, reduce oil, salt and sugar, prevent the "three highs", and avoid the occurrence of chronic diseases.

Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eat more nuts, drink more milk, strengthen immunity, and promote good health.

Don't smoke, don't drink, don't stay up late.

Find a way of exercising that suits you and stick to it consistently, instead of fishing for three days and drying nets for two days. But exercise must be appropriate, don't follow the trend of walking 10,000 steps or 20,000 steps, that will hurt the knee the most, and once the knee is damaged, it will be permanently irreparable.

At the same time, remember to bask in the sun and soak your feet before going to bed to promote blood circulation and promote health and longevity.

Another point is to remember to have regular physical examinations, the purpose of which is to detect diseases early and treat them symptomatically, so as to control the disease in the bud and prevent it from happening.

When people get older, they realize that happiness is actually very simple, as long as they can meet the following points

There must be no shortage of money in hand

When people are old, they have no platform to continue working, so they can only rely on their pensions and bank deposits to survive.

If you want to be happy in your old age, you must not lack money in your hands. The pension doesn't have to be a lot, even if it's an old man like me who retires from a company. The monthly pension is only about 2,000 yuan, but having it is better than nothing.

At the very least, it arrives on time, which solves most of life's problems.

In fact, when people get older, as they get older, their digestive function gradually weakens, and they really can't eat much or drink much.

As for wearing clothes and hats, not to mention, as you get older, with the increase of wrinkles on your face and the loss of shape of your figure, no matter how well you wear them, no one may appreciate them, so you don't have to wear them too well, as long as you are comfortable to wear.

As for being sick and hospitalized, it doesn't cost much for minor illnesses, it's enough to take a medicine and an injection, and as for serious illnesses, we all have medical insurance, and in the end, it's really your turn to pay for it, and if you really have an incurable disease, there is no need to treat it, don't end up with no point in spending money on crime.

So, as long as you have a little pension in your hand, and you have 100,000 or 200,000 in the bank, I think the old man will be very happy.

When people get older, they realize that happiness is actually very simple, as long as they can meet the following points

Have a detached house

People have their own independent nest when they are old, this is very important, the gold nest and silver nest are not as good as their own kennels, as long as they do not send people to live under the eaves of others, and look at other people's faces to live, I think it is happy.

In addition to having money, the other thing is to have freedom, so if you have an independent residence, the old man will be very happy.

Have a healthy wife

Old wife, old wife, you still have to have a companion when you are old, when you are young, husband and wife are old companions, and when you are old, your love is stronger than when you are young.

When you are old, you are happy to have a healthy wife. No matter how filial the children are, it is impossible to be by their side 24 hours a day, only the wife and children, when we are sick and hospitalized, can saddle the horse and wait without abandonment.

The most romantic and happiest thing is to grow old together in a rocking chair with you.

When people get older, they realize that happiness is actually very simple, as long as they can meet the following points

Have filial children

When people are old, they don't want their children to be rich and rich, but only want their children to be safe, filial and sensible, which is happy for the elderly.

There is no need to compare how good the children are, in other words, excellent children are cultivated for others, only our ordinary, mediocre children are around us all the time, so that we can enjoy the family fun of children and grandchildren around the knee, this is the simplest happiness of the elderly.

Have a hobby

When people are old, they must have their own interests and hobbies, so that they will feel happy in their old age.

After being busy for most of your life, when you are old, rich and free, you will find your own interests and hobbies, and you will feel that your life in your later years is very full and happy.

Even if you ask three or five friends to go fishing by the river, or go to the park for a stroll, sing, dance, the world is so big, remember to see, to browse the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, to taste the food of various places, it is not in vain to walk in the world.

In short, how to be happy, as long as you have a hobby, you will definitely make your old age happy.

In general, the happiness of the elderly is actually very simple, no wonder it is these points, to have a healthy body; There is no shortage of money in your hands; Have a detached house; Have a healthy wife; Have a filial child; Have a hobby.

I think if I can have the above points, I will definitely make my old age very happy.

When people get older, they realize that happiness is actually very simple, as long as they can meet the following points