
CCTV5 live witness! The Chinese men's football team has received major good news, and the first battle is "life and death", and it fights

CCTV5 live witness! The Chinese men's football team has received major good news, and the first battle is "life and death", and it fights

Great Qin gecko

2024-06-11 09:15Published in Anhui

Focus on sports information and pay attention to major competitions.

The second stage of the World Cup qualifiers has entered the sprint moment.

A key game, the Chinese men's football team challenged the strong South Korean men's football team away, this game is a veritable life and death battle for the Chinese team, the Chinese team needs to retreat with its whole body, and needs a vital 1 point to "continue its life".

CCTV5 live witness! The Chinese men's football team has received major good news, and the first battle is "life and death", and it fights

Many fans ridiculed that in the last round, although there is still hope for the men's football team, it was basically sentenced to a "suspended death", because in the final game, the Chinese men's football team will go to the away team to challenge the South Korean team, which has always been "Koreanophobia" incurable men's football team, I am afraid that they do not have much confidence and confidence to face.

The big war is imminent, almost every factor may affect the final result on the field, for the Chinese team, the biggest problem is the lack of strength, in the face of a strong opponent, the possibility of winning the battle is very small, so if you can fight a 1-point draw, it seems that the most realistic or possible place to achieve.

CCTV5 live witness! The Chinese men's football team has received major good news, and the first battle is "life and death", and it fights

A few pieces of good news may give my men's soccer team some courage to challenge.

The first is Wu Lei's comeback, which is indeed too important for the men's football team.

The last game against the Thai team, whether it is Alan or a small motorcycle, it is always a little worse taste, if there is Wu Lei's running position and sense of smell in front of the goal, the result is likely to be different, Wu Lei is also the Chinese goal in this qualifier relied on, with Wu Lei's comeback, if you can "steal chicken" a goal in the chaos, then the possibility of forcing the opponent to draw is undoubtedly greatly increased.

The second is South Korea's ace Son Heung-min, who is likely to miss the match against China.

CCTV5 live witness! The Chinese men's football team has received major good news, and the first battle is "life and death", and it fights

After qualifying one round in advance, the next task of the South Korean team is undoubtedly the round of 18, Son Xingmin, as the pillar of the team, must be used on the blade, the final battle is a life-and-death battle for the Chinese team, but for the South Korean team, it is actually just a game that goes through the motions.

It is reported that in the training of the South Korean team preparing for the Chinese team, Son Xingmin did not appear in the confrontation, so it is very likely that he will not play in the game with the Chinese team, and for the men's football team, there is no difficult task of defending Son Xingmin.

In addition to the above two points, in fact, the biggest good news for the men's football team is the performance of the "little brother" U19.

With the brace of teenager Liu Chengyu, the Chinese team kept a clean sheet against the South Korean team, which is tantamount to a shot in the arm for the current men's football team.

CCTV5 live witness! The Chinese men's football team has received major good news, and the first battle is "life and death", and it fights

What was the most difficult part of the game against South Korea?

It is nothing more than the courage and confidence to challenge a strong team. This is one of the fundamentals of whether a team can create miracles, and perseverance after repeated defeats can reap unexpected joys.

Liu Chengyu helped the U19s defeat the South Korean team at a critical moment, and can make the men's football players feel the power of role models.

In fact, the last battle is a game between the two sides, a tug-of-war, the good news that the Chinese men's football team received the U19 victory is undoubtedly exciting, then the South Korean team naturally does not want the same scene to happen again, they are likely to go all out in order to avenge the "little brother", then the result of the U19 victory to the men's football team may also be a double-edged sword, depending on whether the team has the confidence to fight against the water.

At 19:00 on the evening of the 11th, Beijing time, the men's football team challenged the South Korean team away, the ultimate battle, CCTV5 will be live to witness, and the soldiers of the men's football team must fight out to see a miracle happen.

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CCTV5 live witness! The Chinese men's football team has received major good news, and the first battle is "life and death", and it fights

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  • CCTV5 live witness! The Chinese men's football team has received major good news, and the first battle is "life and death", and it fights
  • CCTV5 live witness! The Chinese men's football team has received major good news, and the first battle is "life and death", and it fights
  • CCTV5 live witness! The Chinese men's football team has received major good news, and the first battle is "life and death", and it fights
  • CCTV5 live witness! The Chinese men's football team has received major good news, and the first battle is "life and death", and it fights
  • CCTV5 live witness! The Chinese men's football team has received major good news, and the first battle is "life and death", and it fights

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