
Most of the organs "run" to the "belly", and the baby is on the operating table as soon as he is born

Most of the organs "run" to the "belly", and the baby is on the operating table as soon as he is born

Jimu News

2024-06-11 20:22Posted on the official account of Hubei Chutian Metropolis Daily

Jimu News reporter Zhao Xuechun

Correspondent: Tian Juan

"The baby can now eat 420 ml of milk a day and poop five or six times, thanks to the help of the two professors, I can have a healthy baby." On June 11, 34-year-old Ms. Zeng (pseudonym) wrote a letter of thanks in the maternal and child ward of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of Tongji Hospital affiliated to Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and her baby was successfully cured of congenital omphalocele within 40 minutes of birth under the multidisciplinary escort of Tongji Hospital. During the 7 years of preparing for pregnancy, she experienced molar pregnancy, chemoradiotherapy and omphalocele, and now she can finally go home with a healthy baby.

After many hardships, she finally succeeded in getting pregnant

"Since 2017, when we got married, we have been to Tongji Hospital hundreds of times, and it is the doctors who have encouraged and supported us for so long." When she first came to Tongji Hospital, the doctors at Tongji Hospital provided practical advice on ovulation measurement, weight loss, diet planning, etc., which made her feel that she was working the road to pregnancy.

In 2021, Ms. Zeng successfully became pregnant after artificial insemination, although there was a little bleeding in the first ten weeks, the B-ultrasound results were normal, but who knows, when she was about 10 weeks pregnant, she suddenly bleed heavily, and then checked and diagnosed malignant molar pregnancy, and started radiotherapy and chemotherapy after uterine clearance. At that time, after she went to the doctor, she heard many statements, such as that the disease may cause infertility, and in severe cases, it can endanger the life of pregnant women. "The doctors at Tongji Hospital told me that the disease can still be treated, and after chemotherapy and radiotherapy, I can still conceive a normal baby." Ms. Zeng said that the doctor's words seemed to point her the way, and she followed the doctor's instructions and walked down this road with peace of mind.

The companionship and support of her husband is also the motivation for Ms. Zeng to persevere. Every time she went to the hospital for a check-up, no matter how busy her husband was, he would take the time to accompany her; During her chemotherapy and radiotherapy, her husband was always kind to comfort her. The couple, who love children, still want to have a baby.

In May 2023, half a year after the end of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, Ms. Tsang's health was recovering well. But she is 165 cm tall and weighs 180 pounds, and the doctor told her that if the overweight is severe, it may lead to polycystic ovary syndrome and abnormal ovulation, and the pregnancy of a baby may be affected. After much consideration, Ms. Tsang resigned and stayed at home to concentrate on recuperating and preparing for pregnancy.

Eating a reduced-fat meal, running every day and climbing stairs, Ms. Zeng lost 30 pounds in three months, and at the end of September 2023, she learned that she was pregnant, and the whole family was very happy.

Most of the organs "run" to the "belly", and the baby is on the operating table as soon as he is born

Wu Xiaojuan performs surgery on the baby

The fetus in the womb is diagnosed with congenital omphalocele

But when she was 15 weeks pregnant, she was found to have congenital omphalocele in her womb. Hearing the news, the couple cried all night, in addition to being worried and afraid, more unwilling. Therefore, Ms. Zeng went to the obstetrics department of Tongji Hospital to seek medical treatment from Professor Wu Yuanyuan, the deputy chief physician, and Wu Yuanyuan immediately contacted Professor Wu Xiaojuan, deputy chief physician of pediatric surgery, for consultation.

Wu Xiaojuan told them that omphalocele is a congenital abdominal wall malformation, that is, the baby's intestine and other abdominal organs are outside the body, covered with only a transparent membrane composed of amniotic membranes and peritoneum. The disease is more common in boys, and omphalocele is a treatable condition with a cure rate of more than 90%.

After evaluation, the expert told Ms. Zeng that she could continue to have a normal pregnancy, and when the child came out, she would have an operation, and she would be able to do the same as other healthy babies.

Most of the organs "run" to the "belly", and the baby is on the operating table as soon as he is born

A multidisciplinary team transports your baby

Experts race against time to "grab" a healthy baby

Fortunately, in the follow-up prenatal checkup, the baby had no other abnormalities except for congenital omphalocele. Since the 15th week of pregnancy, the Department of Obstetrics, Neonatology and Pediatric Surgery of Tongji Hospital has set up a multidisciplinary expert team to pay close attention to Ms. Zeng's condition, pay close attention to the indicators of Ms. Zeng and the fetus, and try to ensure that Ms. Zeng can perform a full-term caesarean section to ensure the normal development of other organs of the fetus.

When Ms. Zeng was 37 weeks pregnant, Wu Xiaojuan found that the diameter of the fetal omphalocele reached 6 cm, and the small intestine, colon and left half of the liver of the fetus were convex outside the body, but the abdominal space was well developed and there were no other abnormalities. In this case, surgery is performed immediately after the caesarean section, and the protruding organs can be returned to their original position as much as possible.

On June 1, Ms. Zeng underwent a cesarean section and gave birth to a baby boy weighing 3.22 kilograms. While the obstetric nurse performed the caesarean section for Ms. Tsang, the anesthesiology, pediatric surgery, neonatologist and operating room nursing team waited outside. As soon as the baby is born, neonatologists and anesthesiologists immediately check the baby's oxygenation status and perform endotracheal intubation; The care team ensures that the baby's body temperature and bulge are kept warm and moisturized; The pediatric surgeon immediately prepares for surgery. Within 30 seconds of delivery, the baby was lying in the operating room next to the delivery room, ready to undergo omphalocele surgery.

Wu Xiaojuan explained that only by operating at the fastest speed can the gas enter the baby's body, ensure that the protruding organs will not become larger due to inhalation of gas, and increase the probability of successful one-time repayment. If your baby's abdominal space is insufficient or the bulging organs are too large, a second operation will be required.

After the careful planning and skillful cooperation of the medical staff, 40 minutes later, Wu Xiaojuan successfully returned the protruding organs to the original position at one time, and made beauty sutures for the baby, creating a belly button. After monitoring, the baby can be removed from the cannula on the second day of life and can defecate and defecate normally.

Wu Xiaojuan introduced that although congenital omphalocele is rare, the current surgical treatment method is very mature. In the face of neonatal omphalocele, timely diagnosis and treatment are crucial, and the professional ability and rich experience of the multidisciplinary team of Tongji Hospital bring hope and new life to the child.

(Source: Jimu News)

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  • Most of the organs "run" to the "belly", and the baby is on the operating table as soon as he is born
  • Most of the organs "run" to the "belly", and the baby is on the operating table as soon as he is born

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