
Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?

Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?

Uncle Chai will take you to a movie

2024-06-28 18:38

In 2022, Liu Yifei came to the crew from the big screen, and after filming "Menghualu", we once again witnessed the amazing fairy sister.

from Bai Xiuzhu in "The Family of Gold Powder" to Wang Yuyan in "Dragon Babu" to the little dragon girl in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"; to the big screen, "The King of Kung Fu", "Tongquetai" and "Mulan" have established her status in the film industry.

Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?

"The Story of Rose", which just finished broadcasting this year, once again witnessed that Liu Yifei is still the leader among the beauties in the entertainment industry.

Liu Yifei, who is 36 years old, not only has an explosive appearance, but also has an elegant and elegant temperament that makes many people envious and jealous.

It is said: Beauty is in the bones, not in the skin. Liu Yifei's beauty cannot be replicated. Appearance is important, but the temperament or aura that a person brings by nature and cultivated is absolutely unique.

Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?

However, in Linyi City, Shandong, there was a 19-year-old girl who was not convinced, and had to look like a fairy sister as a template.

This girl's name is Li Yifei, is it very similar to the name? In fact, the name was later changed after the fairy sister, and her original name was Li Jinghan.

Now, 8 years have passed, after Li Yifei became "Liu Yifei", is he doing well?

Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?

Li Yifei, who was born in 1997, was raised by his parents since he was a child. His father is a soldier, his mother is a teacher, and his family conditions are good.

Originally, Li Yifei inherited her mother's beauty and her father's gentleness, and she was a more thoughtful-looking girl.

However, her excellent academic performance since she was a child, coupled with her proficient knowledge of singing and dancing instruments, makes this girl very proud, and she always feels that she is the best.

Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?

However, in 1988, a TV series "The Family of Gold Powder" broadcast by TV changed her life completely. She was deeply infatuated by the noble and cold Bai Xiuzhu played by Liu Yifei.

Li Yifei, who was still in elementary school at the time, began to chase stars like crazy: she bought a lot of Liu Yifei's stickers, posters, keychains, magazines...... In short, everything that can be collected will be moved home.

Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?

After she fanatically chased stars, which led to a decline in her academic performance, her mother asked her daughter with concern, but heard an explosive idea. Li Yifei told her mother that she couldn't do this anymore, and she wanted to become Liu Yifei.

The parents were shocked by their daughter's unbelievable thoughts. They are all intellectuals, how can they stand Li Yifei's deviant thoughts.

The father immediately criticized his daughter harshly: "If you want money to spend on you, plastic surgery will definitely not work!" A good appearance has to be made into a star face, you are full of food. ”

Seeing that his parents were half angry, Li Yifei didn't dare to say more. She secretly swore in her heart: "Don't let me fix it, I'll make it myself." ”

It turns out that Li Yifei, who has been independent and strong since he was a child, said that he did everything from what he said to do. Her parents can't change what she decides.

Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?

At the age of 18, Li Yifei was admitted to Qingdao Agricultural University, majoring in English.

In college, parents rarely care about their daughter when she is older. Li Yifei has become a free and easy wild horse.

In between studies and holidays, Li Yifei started a crazy money-making mode, and she wanted to save money for plastic surgery. In the past four years, she has worked as a car model, a greeter, and a waiter, and she will not give up if she can earn more.

However, despite his desperate efforts to make money, he still can't keep up with the skyrocketing cost of plastic surgery. Year after year, when will you be able to save enough? Li Yifei was at a loss!

Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?

By 2015, Liu Yifei had already ascended to the smooth path of an international superstar, and the film appointments continued. And the mature Liu Yifei is more beautiful and beautiful.

Li Yifei saw Liu Yifei's successful career, and he became even more anxious: "Can't my dream of plastic surgery come true?" ”

At this time, just as she was struggling with her future, a great opportunity appeared!

Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?

At that time, there happened to be a rookie model competition, and Li Yifei, who had a good figure, participated in the competition with the mentality of trying it out. Unexpectedly, he was lucky to win the championship.

The sponsor of the competition happens to be a plastic surgery hospital in Qingdao. Li Yifei found the person in charge and proposed to look like Liu Yifei. After looking at her external conditions, the dean thought that there were indeed some places that resembled a fairy sister.

Talk to Li Yifei about the conditions: if the plastic surgery is successful, the millions of plastic surgery fees spent will be free, and Li Yifei will cooperate with the hospital to advertise.

Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?

Later, in 2016, on major online platforms, the public welfare plastic surgery activities of "Liu Li Fangfei" were in full swing.

The publicity of the news media made Li Yifei out of the circle with Liu Yifei's fame, and Li Yifei became an "Internet celebrity" who attracted the attention of the whole people.

She was so excited that she didn't even have time to tell her parents. In this way, unaccompanied, Li Yifei went to the operating table alone.

After removing the gauze after the operation, Li Yifei was stunned when he saw himself for the first time, he was indeed well-organized, and his eyebrows, eyes and chin were very similar to Liu Yifei. But there is only an appearance and no otherworldly temperament.

Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?

After the hospital media posted the photos on the Internet, one stone stirred up a thousand waves. There are praises and complaints, and more is a wait-and-see mentality.

"Compared with Liu Yifei, it's not 108,000 miles, right?"

"There is nothing wrong with loving beauty and pursuing beauty. The girl who tries to be herself is beautiful. ”

Go your own way and let others say go! Li Yifei doesn't care about gossip. In order to keep up with the fairy sister, she changed her name Li Jinghan to Yifei.

Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?

In the following days, Li Yifei continued to receive invitations from commercial performances or advertising companies. She was invited to perform live at the Qingdao Beer Festival; I was fortunate to participate in CCTV's hottest variety show "Avenue of Stars" with Brother Dayi, and for a while, the whole network became popular.

Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?

However, Li Yifei is a sober-minded girl, she understands that women can't eat youth for the rest of their lives, so she decided to go outside to recharge herself.

She went to study at a university in Australia. After graduation, Li Yifei has transformed into a completely different "Liu Yifei". Big eyes, straight nose bridge, fair skin, red blonde hair with big waves, completely exotic girl, no longer a little green.

Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?

Li Yifei doesn't care so much about her appearance like a fairy sister, but her rich knowledge and experience have changed her aura.

You don't have to imitate others, you are the cutest one.

She posted on social platforms: Create a unique self in the future! I will live up to my years and go all out in the wind and waves.

Today, Li Yifei has settled in Australia, joined the Chaoshi Group of Companies, and opened his own cosmetics company. Li Yifei, who is busy every day, finally unloaded his appearance anxiety and ushered in a new self.

Here, I want to say that everyone has their own shining point, discover their own shining point, love yourself well, love life, and be a strong person in your heart! People who are truly strong at heart do not have an anxious appearance.

The author of this article | He Wen

Editor-in-Charge | Blue orange

Curated | Blue orange

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  • Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?
  • Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?
  • Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?
  • Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?
  • Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?
  • Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?
  • Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?
  • Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?
  • Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?
  • Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?
  • Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?
  • Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?
  • Liu Yifei has been in eight years, and she is not as good-looking as she used to be, does she regret it?

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