
Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details

author:Shi Xiaodao
Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of information and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

A few days ago, the incident of two hikers who were swept away by the torrent and killed everyone is still so worried that many people will now stay away when they see a place with water. However, danger is not just in the water, it is everywhere and requires us to be vigilant at all times.

Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details

There was a girl who suffered severe heat stroke during the hiking process, and even though she was helped by many well-wishers, the rescue was ultimately ineffective and she suffered misfortune.

Why did a heat stroke end up with such serious consequences? As more insiders speak out and break the news, it turns out that many of the girl's actions are hidden huge risks!

Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details

On June 9, 2024, a girl came to an Internet celebrity hiking route around Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, and Jiulianjian is a must-go road loved by many travelers.

Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details

Because the altitude of Jiulianjian Mountain is not high, even if it is not difficult to reach the top, but the scenery on the mountain is very beautiful, and the mountain road is relatively stable, so there are still many travelers who come here every day to climb and hike.

This girl may have come to this mountaineering and hiking route with this mentality in mind. But I didn't expect to end my young life here.

Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details

After the incident, many witnesses at the time revealed more information, and it turned out that such an incident was not caused by accident.

Mr. Liu, an eyewitness, said that the temperature that day was more than 30 degrees, and the mountain was extremely hot, and when Mr. Liu saw the girl, she had already fainted, and she had no companions around, so she should be alone. At that time, two people had already discovered that something was wrong with the girl, and quickly called the police and fire at the first time, and then the two were still physically cooling the girl. But by the time the fire and police arrived, it was already too late.

Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details

At that time, the donkey friend who helped the girl do physical cooling also told everyone about the scene at that time, saying that the girl was still conscious at the beginning and could make sounds, and the donkey friend walked by the girl's side and suddenly felt that something was wrong, and when he turned around, the girl had lost consciousness and fainted to the ground.

Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details

There are also several travelers who were also hiking in Jiulianjian that day, saying that although the temperature was more than 30 degrees that day, the body surface temperature was definitely more than 30 degrees. However, there is not much vegetation on the mountain, and it is even more sultry, and some people have even drunk three liters of water during the climb.

Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details

And more than one traveler said that he would avoid the hottest time at noon to go mountaineering, basically wait until the afternoon to go mountaineering, and these travelers also met the girl who went down the mountain on the way to the mountain, so it is estimated that the girl probably started climbing at noon when the hottest time.

Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details

According to the revelations of several insiders, it really makes people's scalp tingle. Life is sometimes so fragile.

There are also doubts that the girl is wearing too much to cause her heat stroke. However, judging from the pictures of the girl when she was rescued, the girl was wearing a very cool suspender belt at that time, and there should be no possibility of wearing too much and causing heat stroke. But it is not excluded that everyone helped the girl take off her coat when they rescued her. But these are just my personal guesses, let's see what is wise and what is wise.

Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details

When many netizens learned about this, they couldn't sit still, and the comment area instantly fried the pot.

Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details
Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details
Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details
Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details
Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details

With the gradual fermentation of public opinion, a netizen suspected of being the girl's younger brother stood up and told everyone that the girl was his sister, 24 years old, from Hunan, working in Shanghai. Presumably, he took advantage of this Dragon Boat Festival holiday to come to Nanjing from Shanghai to climb the mountain, but in the end, such a heart-wrenching thing happened.

Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details
Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details
Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details

She was still so young, with loving parents and younger brothers, and a decent job in a big city, her life had just begun, and it had already come to an abrupt end because of a heat stroke.

In fact, if we think about it again, it is conceivable that if you climb the mountain alone in such a high temperature environment, if you have not undergone professional training, it will be easy to feel unbearable heat and physical discomfort on the way to the mountain. If you don't anticipate this situation in advance, and don't bring enough water or other medicine and equipment to cool off, on the deserted mountain at noon, you can only wait for danger to come?

Distressed! Who will pay for the death of the girl Jiulianjian? The rescue picture was exposed, and the insider revealed more details

On the whole, this girl just can't keep up with her physical fitness, lack of experience, and the high temperature leads to severe heat stroke. This incident is really heart-wrenching, but at the same time, it is also a wake-up call for many of us, no matter when and where, safety hazards are everywhere!

So if such a tragedy happens, will anyone pay for it in the end? If the girls' hike was organized, then there is no doubt that the organizers will inevitably bear some responsibility. But according to people in the know, the girl was single at the time, and if the girl had come on her own, then no one would have to pay for it.

Now, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and many of us have to pay attention to heat prevention, especially those who like outdoor activities, and it is even more important to take heat stroke prevention as a top priority.

When doing outdoor activities, be sure to avoid the hottest times of the day. If you are after strenuous exercise, don't drink ice water right away. It is best to drink plain water at room temperature, of course, you should also drink it in small amounts and many times, and you must ensure that your body will not be short of water.

If you feel unwell, you can flush the arteries in your wrist with cold water to cool the blood, or apply cold water or diluted alcohol to your body and fan to cool down.

You should also carry some medicine to prevent heat stroke with you in case you need it.

I hope that everyone can play happily under the premise of ensuring safety and health during outdoor activities in this hot summer.


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