
It's fragrant! What else is there in the Chinese herbal medicine market besides spices?

author:Gao Jiuheng said medicinal herbs
It's fragrant! What else is there in the Chinese herbal medicine market besides spices?

Recently, under the leadership of spices such as black pepper and grass fruit, the market of traditional Chinese medicinal materials such as skullcap, sand garden, cat's claw, gardenia, and gourd has also performed well.

Hot market of traditional Chinese medicinal materials

First, skullcap is popular, and red euphorbia is sluggish and difficult to revive

Skullcap has recently been favored by foreign merchants, and the supply of goods is selling smoothly, and the market is constantly rising. Affected by the drought in the production area, many merchants pay attention, and the price of the whole piece reaches 45-46 yuan, and the sieved thick piece is even as high as 68-70 yuan. On the other hand, the red euphorbia, the market demand is limited, the market performance is not optimistic, the price of the whole goods is 180 yuan, the downturn is difficult to reverse, if there is no demand in the short term, the price may continue to be weak.

Second, the price of long pepper has risen significantly, and the market of golden hezi is temporarily firm

Driven by the soaring pepper market, the supply of goods has accelerated, and the price has risen sharply, and the price of the whole product has reached 89-90 yuan. Although there is no change in the market of Jin Hezi, the holders are optimistic about the market outlook, and the goods are now stable at 6.5 yuan, and the gold and wheat meat is 11 yuan, and the market is not turbulent for the time being.

Third, there are many people looking for goods in Shayuanzi, and the soil keel is sold in small quantities

Shayuanzi has increased the number of seekers in the past two days, the supply of goods has been sold smoothly, the market has risen, and the general price of goods is between 110-115 yuan. Although the number of merchants asked about the soil keel, the supply of goods is mostly small batch sales, and the overall market is fluctuating in operation, the price of the unified goods is 180-200 yuan, and the washed goods are 300 yuan.

Fourth, cat's claw has rebounded significantly, and the gypsum market is weak

With the digestion of the supply of cat's claw in the production area, the market volume has decreased, the market has continued to rise, and the price of washed goods has risen to 580-600 yuan, and the market has rebounded significantly after the new production. Although the gypsum market is talking about more businesses, the actual transaction volume is not large, the price is slightly weak, domestic goods are 3 yuan, imported goods are 2 yuan, and the market outlook may be difficult to change.

Fifth, the dried ginger moved smoothly, and the price rose steadily

Although dry ginger is also a spice, but also traditional Chinese herbal medicine, due to the relatively low price recently, the increase in the purchase volume of merchants, the supply of goods to move smoothly, the market rises, the price of Yunnan flour has risen to 23.5-24 yuan, the market pays close attention to its growth and processing.

Sixth, the gardenia market climbed, and the dandelion stabilized

Gardenia is affected by the reduction in production, and there are still merchants taking goods in the near future, and the market is constantly rising, and the price has reached about 70 yuan, and the popularity is still high. Although the market has declined after the output of new dandelions, the sales of the near futures source have been smooth, the market has stabilized, and the price of wild goods is between 8-9 yuan.

Seventh, the implementation of the situation is rising, and the price of cinnabar is increased

The recent market volume of Qianshi is not large, but the supply of goods is smooth, the market continues to rise, and the price of 10% goods has reached between 36-37 yuan. Cinnabar is affected by resources, the market is small, the market continues to rise, natural cinnabar quotation has risen to 1600-1800 yuan, compared with the same period last year.

8. Skullcap thick slices sell well, red vine is not sold well, and dodder seeds are looking for more goods

Skullcap thick slices have been favored recently, and the price has reached around 65 yuan, and the thin slices are as high as 75 yuan. The red rattan has been selling poorly in recent years, coupled with the abundant market inventory, the market continues to be sluggish, and the price of good goods is only 6-7 yuan, which is slightly weaker than the previous period. The number of merchants asked about the increase in dodder seeds, but the actual transaction volume was not large for the time being, the market had no obvious fluctuations, and the price of decoction pieces was stable at about 32 yuan.

Spices are still hot

First, the black pepper market is hot, and the price has soared

The black pepper market has been booming recently, with prices soaring. Affected by the rise in foreign markets, the attention of merchants continues unabated, and the supply of goods is sold smoothly. At present, the market price of black pepper has reached 62~64 yuan, and it is expected that the market will still be variable in the later period. In terms of supply and demand, the rapid increase in prices due to the increase in international demand for black pepper and the relative shortage of supply has driven the rapid increase in prices, despite this, trading is still active and market sentiment is high.

Second, the price of fragrant sand has increased by the attention of merchants

The fragrant sand market has recently increased its attention and the market has risen. The low price increases the attention of merchants and amplifies the volume of market supply. At present, the price of the whole goods is between 33-35 yuan, which shows that the supply is sufficient and the transaction is active. In terms of supply and demand, with the hot seasoning market, the demand for fragrant sand has increased, and the supply is also rising steadily, and the price is showing a steady upward trend.

Third, the grass and fruit market is strong and affected by drought

The grass and fruit market was affected by the drought in Yunnan, and the market was strong. Merchants continue to buy goods, the supply of goods is smooth, and the market price is around 60 yuan. In terms of supply and demand, the drought has led to a decrease in the output of grass fruits, but the market demand is still strong, which supports the firm price, and the inventory is still there, so it is necessary to continue to pay attention to the purchasing power of merchants to judge the future market trend.

Fourth, the price of white cardamom has risen and traded actively

The white cardamom market has been actively traded recently, and prices have continued to rise. The attention of merchants has not decreased, and the supply of goods has been sold smoothly. At present, the market price of white cardamom is 55 yuan, and the market has risen significantly in the short term, due to the decline in production in the production area, the supply of white cardamom has become tighter, and the market demand is still strong, which has promoted the rapid rise in prices.

Fifth, the market of imported sand kernels has risen steadily

The market for imported sand kernels has risen steadily recently. Due to the low price in recent years, the recent seasoning market is hot, the purchase volume of merchants continues to increase, and the supply of goods is large. At present, the price of round fruit is about 43 yuan, and the price of long fruit is 45 yuan. In terms of supply and demand, with the prosperity of the seasoning market, the demand for imported sand kernels has increased significantly, and the price has shown a steady upward trend.

Sixth, the rebound of galangal market is affected by market sentiment

The galangal market has rebounded recently. Although this year's production is large, the seasoning market is very popular, so that the high price of galangal has once again attracted the purchase of merchants. At present, the price of sulfur is between 32-34 yuan, and the price of sulfur-free goods is 38 yuan, and the increase in market sentiment has promoted the increase in demand for galangal, which in turn has led to a rebound in prices.

Seventh, the bay leaf market rose and traded smoothly

The bay leaf market has risen again recently. Under the active purchase of merchants, the price of goods has risen to about 60 yuan, and the new green price is 73 yuan, the supply transaction is smooth, and the market demand for bay leaves continues to be strong, and the supply is slightly tight under the active procurement of merchants, which has promoted the rise in prices.

Eighth, the price of puzzle prices has become faster

The puzzle market has risen in price recently, and the supply of goods has become faster. After the market has stabilized for a period of time, there have been signs of faster movement in the market in recent days, and prices have risen due to this. At present, the price of Hainan goods is 68.5 yuan, and the price of Guangdong goods is 67.5 yuan.

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