
A selection of lotus good morning pictures

author:Indifferent to the snow between the eyebrows


In the summer lotus pond, lotus flowers are in full bloom, pink and white, poetic and picturesque. The breeze blows, the lotus leaves sway, the dew rolls, and the fragrance overflows. Looking at the lotus pond in the distance, the blue waves are rippling, and the lotus flowers are slim and elegant, just like a fresh and refined ink painting, which makes people intoxicated, forget the troubles of the world, and enjoy the beauty of nature.

A selection of lotus good morning pictures

The lotus flower is born in the silt, but it is not stained with dirt, and it is full of clear ripples, but it is not enchanting. It blooms in the rippling blue waves, elegant and pure, like a gentleman standing in the world, not disturbed by the world. Whenever the summer is scorching, the lotus flowers are in full bloom, and the elegant fragrance is refreshing, making people admire and admire.

A selection of lotus good morning pictures

A pure thought, the heart is like a lotus, in this complicated world, looking for a quiet pure land. Like a lotus flower out of the mud and not stained, the state of mind is clear, and the dust is washed away. Let the soul bloom in purity, and feel the detachment and ease. When the lotus blossoms, the state of mind has been extraordinary, and I hope that you and I can keep this purity and bloom the lotus flower in our hearts.

A selection of lotus good morning pictures

In the scorching summer, the lotus pond breeze blows, and the lotus flowers stand slim and bloom in the wind. Against the backdrop of green leaves, the petals are like a brocade, bringing a touch of coolness to this hot summer. Dragonflies dot the water and fish play, forming a vivid summer picture. Walking through it, the heart is relaxed and happy, as if you are in a fairyland on earth.

A selection of lotus good morning pictures

Lotus flowers loom among the green lotus leaves, like a shy girl hiding her veil. The breeze blows, the lotus leaves sway gently, and the lotus flowers dance lightly with the wind, exuding a faint fragrance. The sun is shining, the dew on the lotus leaves is crystal clear, and the lotus flowers are more delicate against the backdrop of green leaves, forming a beautiful summer picture.

A selection of lotus good morning pictures

Through the secret realm of midsummer, lotus flowers descend like fairies. Dressed in neon feathers, they danced lightly on the green waves. The breeze blows and the lotus leaves sway, as if playing the most beautiful music for this summer dance. In this secret land, lotus flowers dance with summer, interpreting the poetry and romance of nature.

A selection of lotus good morning pictures

After the rain, the lotus pond is more delicate. The petals lightly support the crystal water droplets, as if inlaid with pearls, shimmering with shimmering. The breeze blows, the lotus leaves shake gently, and the water droplets slide down, splashing in circles of ripples. At this moment, the lotus flower is like a fairy descending to earth, noble and fresh, which makes people intoxicated in the beautiful scenery after the rain.

A selection of lotus good morning pictures

In the early morning, the sun shines gently, and the lotus flowers bloom quietly in the shimmer, which is picturesque. They dance lightly and start a new day. The pure petals, kissed by the sun, are even more delicate, bringing a tranquility and beauty to the world, and opening a good time for the day.

A selection of lotus good morning pictures

The lotus flowers bloom in summer, not only a gorgeous picture scroll in the water, but also a gentle love letter from nature to the earth. Each petal is as delicate as a pearl, and each lotus flower tells the tender honey of summer. The breeze is blowing, and the lotus fragrance is overflowing, as if you can hear the whispers of the words, gentle and affectionate.

A selection of lotus good morning pictures

In the summer lotus pond, lotus flowers are in full bloom, like blue waves dancing fairies. Surrounded by green leaves, the lotus canopy looms, and the lotus flowers contrast with each other. The breeze is coming, the lotus fragrance is overflowing, and the spleen is refreshing. This fresh and natural scenery is like an ink painting, which is so beautiful that it becomes the most moving scenery in summer.

A selection of lotus good morning pictures

By this quiet pond, a pool of lotus flowers blooms one after another, thousands of flowers, picturesque. They are either budding and waiting to be released, or they are in full bloom, competing for beauty and blooming with brilliant brilliance. The breeze blows, the lotus leaves sway, and the lotus flowers dance lightly, adding a touch of infinite vitality and beauty to nature.

A selection of lotus good morning pictures

Each lotus flower, quietly blooming in the blue waves, is an elegant resistance to ordinary days. They are unassuming, but they are stunningly beautiful, and the hustle and bustle of daily life is instantly silenced. The beauty of lotus flowers, no need for flowery rhetoric, just quietly appreciate, you can feel the extraordinary tranquility and elegance.

A selection of lotus good morning pictures

The lotus flower, the shining pearl on the tranquil lake, gently sways in the breeze, like a fairy dancing. The petals are as white as jade, exuding a faint fragrance, refreshing people's hearts. Standing by the lake, looking at this lotus scene, I can't help but feel a sense of tranquility and joy in my heart, as if I am in a fairyland on earth, which makes people forget to return.

A selection of lotus good morning pictures
A selection of lotus good morning pictures

In the summer lotus pond, a pool of clear water is leisurely, reflecting the charm of the season. Half a day, sitting by the pool, the breeze is slow, which makes people fascinated. Lotus leaf field, lotus flowers are in full bloom, like a fairy Lingbo, graceful and moving. This scene makes people yearn for it, as if they are in a beautiful picture, and they are intoxicated.

A selection of lotus good morning pictures
A selection of lotus good morning pictures

In the height of summer, lotus flowers bloom, each one like a dream, gently swaying on the rippling blue surface of the lake. They are like thousand-year-old poets, telling poetry and Zen with a graceful gesture, which makes people fascinated. Walking along the lotus pond is like being in a cool world, feeling the tranquility and beauty of nature.

A selection of lotus good morning pictures
A selection of lotus good morning pictures

The lotus flower, a short-lived dancer in the flow of the four seasons, shows the brilliance of life in an instant. They bloom quietly, gently swaying on the blue waves, short and warm, like an unfinished poem, telling the splendor and magnificence of life. Even though time flies, the lotus still interprets the true meaning of life with the most beautiful attitude.

A selection of lotus good morning pictures
A selection of lotus good morning pictures

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