
Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut

Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut


2024-06-12 19:14Published in Hubei

When the LPL Summer Tournament was in full swing, the LCK Summer Tournament next door also kicked off the Summer Tournament on June 12. According to the schedule, the LCK Summer Debut will consist of two matches: DK vs. Hanwha and NS vs. FOX.

Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut

Those who are familiar with the LCK esports circle know that DK and Hanwha are both strong teams in the LCK. Hanwha, in particular, is not short of money and has recruited several world champions, but the results of the tournament are always not satisfactory.

Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut

DK, on the other hand, reorganized around showmaker after the dispersal of the championship lineup, but the record was not particularly ideal. This time, what kind of exciting matchup will the two teams play in their debut? Let's find out!

Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut

In the first game, DK blue side, Ban Renata, Quisanti, Prince, Senna, and Big Tree, and choose Scorpion, Wei, Rock Sparrow, Xia, and Luo; On the Hanwha Red side, ban Plane, Varus, Ash, Lucian, and Blind Monk, and select Zack, Leopard Girl, Cannon, Calista, and Leona

In the first game, DK chose a traditional lineup with a high margin of error, and the combination of Xia Luo in the lower lane was to improve the margin of error in team battles; Hanwha, on the other hand, took out a dual-shooter lineup with a small cannon mid-laner, which was more resource-hungry and full of damage in the later stage.

Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut

For this game, everyone thought it was a close game, but in the first game, DK beat it into a bloody game with less LCK in 26 minutes. With a KDA of 22 bars and 1 bar 54, DK easily bloodied Hanwha. Frankly speaking, this score was never expected before the game. In this regard, the embarrassed king could only joke: Viper tried his best, and one person took the head of the whole team.

Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut

In the second game, Hanwha Blue Bans Blind Monk, Vi, Rambo, Enchantress, and Bomberman, and selects Scorpion, Mantis, Rock Sparrow, Ash, and Bullhead; DK red side, ban Senna, Big Tree, Leopard Girl, Jax, Titan, and choose Scorpion, Foyego, Tsar, Airplane, Leona

Hanwha, who lost the first game, chose a traditional lineup to meet the enemy in the second game, improving its own error tolerance rate while expecting the opponent to make mistakes. And DK also chose the traditional lineup with the tsar as the core, and DK chose the plane to go down the road in the lower lane. This is also the first ADC aircraft to appear in the LCK arena after 2,519 days.

Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut

As a result, in the second game, the two teams played fiercely and stalemate in the first 20 minutes, and the economy has not been able to effectively open the gap. The turning point occurred around 22 minutes, when the two teams broke out into a big dragon group, and Dolan's scorpion ultimate hit the plane, helping Hanwha play a wave of 2 for 5, basically laying the foundation for victory; Hanwha then won the big dragon in 26 minutes, and then expanded the economic gap with the big dragon buff, and finally at 32 minutes 01 seconds, Hanwha equalized the game after the small dragon team played 1 for 4.

Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut

In the tiebreaker, DK blue side, ban Big Tree, Senna, Ash, Rock Sparrow, and Bull Head, and choose Quisanti, Leopard Girl, Little Cannon, Zeli, and Titan; Hanwha Red Bans Blind Monk, Vi, Lucian, Lo, and Callista, and selects Scorpion, Praying Mantis, Tsar, Varus, and Ryl.

In the tiebreaker, DK pulled out a two-shooter system with a small cannon mid-laner, while Hanwha focused on stability, a traditional lineup with a czar's core, expecting DK to make mistakes.

Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut

As a result, the two teams played evenly in the first 20 minutes. The turning point came around 22 minutes, when Hanwha forced the big dragon after playing 0-for-2 from the small dragons, only to be defeated by DK after hitting a 1-for-3 backhand to win the big dragons, and DK began to snowball. Later, although Hanwha got the electric dragon soul and moved back to the disadvantage for a while, it lost too much in rhythm and economy. Around 38 minutes, the two teams broke out in a team battle with the Ancient Dragon, and Hanwha seemed to have been immobilized, but when they were crippled by the Ancient Dragon, they suddenly stopped and were robbed by DK, and the Tsar also failed to steal the house. In the end, DK fought for 45 minutes and 22 seconds, and won the game by defeating Hanwha!

Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut

After watching the debut of the LCK Summer Tournament, the embarrassed king can't help but ask, is there only T1 and Base left on the LCK side? DK and Hanwha are also strong teams, but they played like the bottom team in this game. In particular, Hanwha's three players in Uenosuke can be described as sleepwalking in the third game. This also explains from the side why Base can win the MSI championship this year, it turns out that it excludes Dolan and Little Peanut, the two buddies!

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  • Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut
  • Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut
  • Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut
  • Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut
  • Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut
  • Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut
  • Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut
  • Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut
  • Finally understand why the base can win! DK defeated Hanwha 22-1 and won its LCK Summer debut

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