
Quality Wende through the cycle丨Customer satisfaction is Wende's eternal goal

author:Home property headlines

On June 6, Wende Holding Group held two very serious meetings one after another. The first was the business meeting in May; The second session was a special seminar on "Customer Satisfaction".

Two sessions, different in topic, but related in cause and effect. The former discussed the basic logic of "the highest price and the best sale" of Wende products in the local market based on the operating results in May; The latter from macro to micro, from land acquisition, design, construction, sales to delivery, property, discuss how to integrate all the capabilities of Chinese and German to improve customer satisfaction, so that customers are not only satisfied with the product, but also more satisfied with the service.

At the business meeting, Wende shared the performance data for May. Tongguo Mansion ranked first in Tongcheng in terms of sales area/number of sets/amount in the second quarter; Huyu Tree ranked first in Deyang in terms of sales area/number of sets/amount in the second quarter; Jiangshan Mansion sales area/number of units/amount in the second quarter, the first in Wuhe......

Under the red of the sales side, there is one point worth paying more attention to, the price of Wende's products exceeds that of competing products by 1000-2000 yuan/㎡. In the current market, why can Wende achieve both volume and price?

Bucking the trend has its roots. In the following, the editor will take Wende as an example to explore its value in the real estate industry.

First, Wende's concept of choosing people is the most basic element.

First, there is a strong executive team in-house. As the 7th Best Employer in Anhui, Wende has always adhered to the concept of "talent as the first development element", attaches great importance to the cultivation of talents, recruits talents, improves talents, cultivates manpower, and builds echelons through diversified methods, and insists on sharing the fruits of development with outstanding talents.

At the same time, it continues to attract outstanding management talents from high-level real estate enterprises such as Vanke, Longfor, Tahoe and CIFI to join, and Wende has formed a multi-field, multi-level and multi-professional talent team at this stage.

Secondly, there is an authoritative team of consultants externally. Wende, in conjunction with City University of Hong Kong and Fudan University, invited international experts Professor Yang Zhilin and Professor Fan Xiucheng to set up a research team on "Improving Customer Satisfaction in Third- and Fourth-tier Cities" to provide guidance for service intelligence.

Second, Wende has a unique customer satisfaction system.

This can be seen in the second "customer satisfaction" special seminar, at the scene, Xiaobian saw that the real estate company attaches great importance to it, not the enterprise development strategy, but the lifeline.

In the following, we will divide it into separate paragraphs to peel off the "customer satisfaction" system of Wende, a real estate company, and systematically explain the depth of its research and wide application in this field.

Quality Wende through the cycle丨Customer satisfaction is Wende's eternal goal

For a long time, Wende regards customers as family members and insists on being a service provider for a better life in the city that understands customers and products best. With years of service experience combined with scientific models, we have established a customer satisfaction system covering "3 major needs, 6 major perceptions and 18 contact points".

Generally speaking, it is a systematic plan to serve customers in a more detailed, professional and timely manner in the whole chain of supporting quality, design quality, engineering quality, sales service, delivery service and property service, integrating all the resources and strength of Chinese and Germany.

Matching quality

The so-called quality of supporting facilities means that at the beginning of Wende's acquisition of the land, the customer's perception and satisfaction with the comprehensive supporting facilities around the community will be considered.

Therefore, buying a house in Wende is not a pile of reinforced concrete, but a one-stop full-scene supporting facility within a half-kilometer living radius, which must cover schools, parks, hospitals, urban CBD, etc.

Quality Wende through the cycle丨Customer satisfaction is Wende's eternal goal

For example, in Chunjiang Yuefu in Chuzhou, "Suzhou Park door to door, leaving home and entering the school" is its core label; Jiangshan Mansion and Tongguo Mansion are located in the city core, with one-stop medical treatment, learning, travel and shopping.

Wende believes that all resources should form a joint force to enrich the connotation of "good life" for customers. Buying a Wende house is buying a lifestyle created by Wende, with food, clothing, housing, transportation, eating, drinking and playing, all guaranteed, that is, Wende's resources will accompany the owner for a lifetime.

Design quality

It is reported that Wende has four major product lines: villa, city, government and TOP, and before design, it will build a customer research model to tap customer demand points and sensitive points, so that products and services can be localized.

At the same time, Wende focuses on product design and engineering construction capabilities. At the design level, from the aspects of technology, control and execution, we will focus on improving the housing design and public area design, such as improving the quality of the house type, the quality of the lobby and the quality of the underground garage, and optimizing the design of the homecoming line, so that the layout of the house type and the supporting facilities of the public area are both "virtuous" and "smart".

Quality Wende through the cycle丨Customer satisfaction is Wende's eternal goal
Quality Wende through the cycle丨Customer satisfaction is Wende's eternal goal

For example, Yuechi Taoli Tsinghua has created the first 12 local theme pan-clubs, covering quyi, calligraphy, fitness, chess and cards, tea, parent-child 4:30 classes, etc., owners of different ages, according to their own interests and hobbies, choose different scenes, and complete community activities and life connections under the guidance and following of Wende.

Quality of engineering

Relying on strict internal supervision and a sound inspection mechanism, Wende will conduct comprehensive supervision and assessment through monthly inspections, weekly inspections, special inspections and irregular unannounced inspections, and force the project to improve product quality; In addition, all construction sites in Wende will regularly hold "site open day" activities, and the owners will invite the owner's representatives to carry out pre-inspection activities one month before the house is closed.

Quality Wende through the cycle丨Customer satisfaction is Wende's eternal goal

Dare to pull the interaction process with customers before product delivery to such a detailed degree, increase the investment of manpower, material and financial resources, and let the product withstand more scrutiny, all in order to improve the quality and customer satisfaction with the delivery, and consolidate the reputation and brand reputation.

Sales services

In Wende logic, behind the high-quality service experience is to achieve the ultimate in detail management. The moment the customer steps into the public area of the sales department, you will be greeted with sincere smiles and greetings, and the professional experience officer will guide the customer into the sales department.

Quality Wende through the cycle丨Customer satisfaction is Wende's eternal goal

The meticulous care makes the experience progressive, the sand table area provides customers with welcome water within 1 minute, and the negotiation area inquires and orders within 3 minutes, and every service action is carefully designed and trained day after day. When the customer service staff serves the tea, the tea is placed in front of the customer, bending over 15 degrees, and the warm and moderate tea etiquette gives you a sense of ritual and makes the service more warm.

Delivery services

Wende adheres to customer-oriented, continuously explores from the two levels of products and services, forms a delivery system with full coverage and comprehensive details before, during and after delivery, and strives to bring customers a better living experience with ingenuity, quality assurance and innovative services.

Wende delivery is not an isolated delivery node, but a comprehensive management capability that runs through the whole cycle and chain of product development, design, procurement, engineering, pre-delivery service experience, and even post-delivery life scene services. The "Group-Project" two-level quality control system covers more than 200 quality key points and 100+ different levels of inspection and diagnosis in the whole life cycle of the project, so as to achieve all-round construction supervision and quality control from project start to delivery.

Quality Wende through the cycle丨Customer satisfaction is Wende's eternal goal
Quality Wende through the cycle丨Customer satisfaction is Wende's eternal goal
Quality Wende through the cycle丨Customer satisfaction is Wende's eternal goal
Quality Wende through the cycle丨Customer satisfaction is Wende's eternal goal

At the practical level, we will make every effort to improve the delivery fulfillment and satisfaction, design and engineering quality, maintenance service and maintenance quality, and add a special performance assessment of product satisfaction in the product system.

Not only that, the whole chain of design, products, marketing, services, and property is included in the assessment, and integrated cooperation is carried out to comprehensively establish the gratitude and awe of each position to customers, benchmark the national satisfaction of outstanding real estate enterprises, and be the top student of all-round development.

Property services

At the service level, Wende chooses to vigorously develop its service company, Deshen Property, to form reception services, smile services, and butler service standards, so that owners can enjoy a more meticulous, professional, attentive, and timely high-end quality of life service experience.

At the same time, many of Wende's projects will also provide meticulous and convenient services on a regular basis, such as free car washing, organizing free clinics for the elderly, etc., and are committed to building a harmonious, safe, happy and diversified community, bringing safety and intimacy to the owners, while also caring for every owner and doing every little thing carefully.

Quality Wende through the cycle丨Customer satisfaction is Wende's eternal goal

Community building is an important part of Wende community operation. Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Wende has formed a community system in which hardware facilities and soft services complement each other. In terms of hard investment and soft services for development projects, we strive to be 10 years ahead of our time to meet the material and spiritual needs of customers and provide customers with a warm home.

In terms of hard needs, for example, considering that the elderly living alone are adapting to centralized living for the first time and want to continue to work, Wende will add a leisure community farm in the community to facilitate the elderly to grow vegetables and flowers; At the same time, it will plan and design sunshine runways, overhead chess and card rooms, direct drinking water systems, community canteens, etc., to meet the needs of older customers.

Quality Wende through the cycle丨Customer satisfaction is Wende's eternal goal

For young people, there are shared kitchens, open-air cinemas, barbecue bases, overhead floor live broadcast bases and other hardware to solve entertainment and social networking, basketball, tennis, badminton, table tennis courts to meet sports needs; There is an all-age children's playground covering 0-12 years old and a 4:30 school for children to meet the needs of play and learning.

In terms of soft services, the property will regularly organize cultural exchange activities such as Chinese Society, erhu exchange, paper-cutting, calligraphy and painting on the overhead floor or sunny lawn to help the elderly reflect the value of life, enrich the spiritual world, and improve their life happiness and residence satisfaction.

Quality Wende through the cycle丨Customer satisfaction is Wende's eternal goal
Quality Wende through the cycle丨Customer satisfaction is Wende's eternal goal

Considering the needs of the owners for gathering, making friends, and living and entertainment, the community will regularly hold open-air film festivals, blind date corners, habitual egg competitions, singing competitions, skills training, birthday banquets and other activities to meet the spiritual needs of community residents and enhance their sense of well-being.

You'll also see little presenters, singing competitions, speech contests, community sports days and more, and Wende will provide a platform for children to showcase their selves and help them develop holistically.

For example, Lixin Dajing City adheres to the concept of "making Lixin more first-line", and incorporates the unique club space of luxury houses in super first-tier cities into the design. About 2,000 square meters of eight theme sunken clubs, interesting chess and cards, book reading, parent-child school, sports and fitness, ball games, yoga dance, gardening handicrafts, tea tasting and listening, for the circle of people to form a closer social relationship and neighborhood feelings.

Secondly, the landscape construction has also made great efforts, with the new Chinese gardening method as the design concept, so that the park becomes a place with vitality, stimulates the vitality of owners of all ages from 0 to 60, and regularly organizes various community activities, such as Sunset Society, LOHAS Club, etc., to meet the spiritual needs of owners, and create a quality life of "less interesting, young people benefit, and old people have fun".

Here, the formation of a way of life is a spontaneous growth of each family and individual in the Wende community in the process of participation and co-construction of community life. Wende's role is to build a platform, through the transmission of ideas and the connection of resources, and the owners of the community to explore the community life circle and form a living community.

How to integrate healthy genes into the community is also a proposition that Wende has been thinking about. After a series of iterations, Wende has completed the upgrade from building a house to building a life. Wende joins hands with Beike Biotechnology, a leader in the field of health, to systematically start from the five dimensions of life and health, environmental health, safety and health, interpersonal health, and spiritual health, comprehensively consider the comfort of every detail of the owner's life in Wende community, anchor "green health", plan and build a "good house and good life" in the future, and empower emerging urban habitat.

Quality Wende through the cycle丨Customer satisfaction is Wende's eternal goal

As Ms. Yang Xiumei, chairman of Wende, said: We have withstood the test of many rounds of industry cycles and are still full of vitality, which stems from our "customer-centric" business strategy and the product concept of not reducing standards and allocation, and adhering to the product concept of winning reputation with high quality. Product quality is Wende's "No. 1 project", customer satisfaction is the "No. 1 standard", and it is also the two keys to Wende's market.

With this customer awareness at the top of the enterprise, coupled with the assistance of a strong senior management team and an authoritative consultant team, and the support of a detailed and systematic customer satisfaction system, it is not difficult to understand that Wende ushered in the highlight moment of "the highest price and the best sale" in the current market.