
90,000 China-Europe trains have shown new momentum, and trillions of domestic products have gone to the world and taken root in overseas markets


It turned out that a while ago, the domestic official release of the article "China-Europe Express Runs New Kinetic Energy", which mentioned that the cumulative number of China-Europe trains has exceeded 90,000, the cumulative transportation of more than 8.7 million TEUs, and the cumulative value of goods exceeded 380 billion US dollars, equivalent to about 2.736 billion yuan, so that trillions worth of domestic goods to the world.

90,000 China-Europe trains have shown new momentum, and trillions of domestic products have gone to the world and taken root in overseas markets

Many people are curious, what kind of goods are mainly transported by the "steel camel caravan" shuttling on the New Silk Road? It is understood that there are now more than 50,000 kinds of goods transported by China-Europe trains in 53 categories, including auto parts, liquid crystal display panels, aluminum battery raw materials and other goods.

90,000 China-Europe trains have shown new momentum, and trillions of domestic products have gone to the world and taken root in overseas markets

Some friends may be curious, aren't these all semi-finished materials that need further processing? That's right,A large part of this is the raw materials used by domestic enterprises to produce finished products in local factories,For exampleTCLThe transportation cost of finished TVs is high、The risk of damage increases,It has established a TV factory in Poland in Europe,Rooted here,Rely on the raw materials transported by the China-Europe train to produce finished products,And then sell them locally in Europe,Very convenient,Delivery from here,One day can reach Germany,Two days can reach France,Three or four days can reach Spain、Portugal。

90,000 China-Europe trains have shown new momentum, and trillions of domestic products have gone to the world and taken root in overseas markets

According to Thomas Olander, deputy general manager of TCL Poland TV factory, they have been using China-Europe trains since 2016, and now the train can arrive on time 100%, and in recent years, the factory's output has climbed, up to 60%. It can be seen that TCL's products are not only sold in China, 618 rushed to the first place on the list of good starts, and it is also very popular abroad.

90,000 China-Europe trains have shown new momentum, and trillions of domestic products have gone to the world and taken root in overseas markets

Now TCL products are so popular,Largely because of their advanced Mini LED TV products,As the first manufacturer in the world to launch a mass-produced Mini LED TV,TCL's achievements are obvious to all,Recently they launched a collection-level Mini LED TV Q10K shook the TV market again。

90,000 China-Europe trains have shown new momentum, and trillions of domestic products have gone to the world and taken root in overseas markets

As a Mini LED TV,The more the number of backlight partitions,The richer the picture details,Studies have shown that 300 backlight partitions can significantly improve the picture quality details,And 1000 backlight partitions can be close to the OLED level,And Q10K has2500+Backlight partition,It has surpassed OLED,When displaying all kinds of wild and unrestrained animals in documentaries,It can develop each of their hairs,Do it in detail。

90,000 China-Europe trains have shown new momentum, and trillions of domestic products have gone to the world and taken root in overseas markets

Peak brightness as a common parameter index of various TVs,Determines the contrast of TV,If the peak brightness of a TV is insufficient,When showing a picture with too high brightness, it will "compress brightness",Cause the picture to be bright and not bright,Details in dark places are also easy to lose。 Q10K's 3800nits peak brightness has far exceeded the HDR based on 1000nits, which is a true XDR level, whether it is bright colors or dark details, it can be perfectly displayed, and the effect is very good when watching some American dramas and movies with dark scenes, so you don't have to worry about missing the details in the dark.

90,000 China-Europe trains have shown new momentum, and trillions of domestic products have gone to the world and taken root in overseas markets

However, Mini LED technology has always had the bottleneck of halo. The so-called halo refers to the inaccurate light control of the zone, which causes the light of different zones to cross-pollute each other, and finally generates a faint circle of phantom around the image, which is especially conspicuous when the highlighted image is displayed on a dark background, and the appearance plummets.

90,000 China-Europe trains have shown new momentum, and trillions of domestic products have gone to the world and taken root in overseas markets

But TCL broke through this bottleneck. The Q10K is equipped with TCL's global halo control technology, which completely solves the halo problem by integrating technologies such as hexacrystal square core II., super-concentrating microlens, transient response algorithm, and macro OD, so that the starry sky at night can be more dazzling.

90,000 China-Europe trains have shown new momentum, and trillions of domestic products have gone to the world and taken root in overseas markets

One of the most important is macroOD technology,The so-called OD refers to the distance from the backlight board to the diffuser board,TCL thanks to the industry-leadingMini LED backlight system,It can reduce the OD to the extreme,Not only the end of the halo problem,It can also make the TV thinner,Easy to achieve"Thin as cicada wings"The effect。

90,000 China-Europe trains have shown new momentum, and trillions of domestic products have gone to the world and taken root in overseas markets

Tsinghua University also showed interest in this,They usedQ10K as a sample,Compare with another Mini LED TV with the same positioning on the market,The final results show that Q10K not only has solid basic skills,And the comprehensive performance is completely better than another product。

90,000 China-Europe trains have shown new momentum, and trillions of domestic products have gone to the world and taken root in overseas markets
90,000 China-Europe trains have shown new momentum, and trillions of domestic products have gone to the world and taken root in overseas markets

I have to sigh that the current domestic production is really getting stronger and stronger, and it is no longer simply going abroad, but can even take root overseas and thrive, and I look forward to more such excellent enterprises in the future.

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