
Aier Ophthalmology: Can laser "hit" in the eye still cure eye diseases?

author:Entrepreneur Daily

Many patients are surprised and worried when they hear the doctor say that "laser is needed for the fundus", and they are afraid that it will affect their vision and daily life. In fact, fundus laser therapy has been widely used in ophthalmology and is one of the effective treatments for many eye diseases, especially fundus diseases.

Aier Ophthalmology: Can laser "hit" in the eye still cure eye diseases?

The fundus refers to the posterior part of the eyeball, which is an important structure of the eye, located in the deep part of the inner eye, and the structure is very fine, and the main components are the retina, retinal blood vessels, optic nerve papilla, choroid, and vitreous.

Fundus laser therapy, commonly known as "laser", also known as retinal laser photocoagulation, is a common treatment in ophthalmology by using the laser emitted by the laser to focus on the retina to coagulate and adhesion the retina.

Aier Ophthalmology: Can laser "hit" in the eye still cure eye diseases?

Shen Baiyun, director of the fundus department of Nanning Aier Eye Hospital, said: After the treatment of patients with diabetic retinopathy through fundus laser, the retina in the macular area can get more nutrients and oxygen supply, reduce vascular penetration, reduce retinal exudation and edema, improve retinal ischemia, reduce the secretion of neovascular factors induced by ischemia, and reduce neovascularization or neovascularization.

When is fundus laser therapy used?

Laser therapy for fundus disease is mainly used in the treatment of retinopathy, including but not limited to proliferative diabetic retinopathy, ischemic area caused by retinal vein occlusion, retinal tear caused by high myopia, and retinal periretinal venous inflammation.

In addition, fundus diseases such as central serous chorioretinopathy, retinal degeneration, choroidal hemangioma, and retinopathy of prematurity can also be treated with lasers.

Aier Ophthalmology: Can laser "hit" in the eye still cure eye diseases?

How to cooperate with the doctor during the laser procedure?

Follow your doctor's instructions during the laser procedure. Maintain a stable posture, keep both eyes relaxed at the same time, fix the direction of eye gaze according to the doctor's instructions, inform the doctor if there is obvious discomfort, and do not move the eyes and dodge at will.

Does laser therapy hurt?

Everyone's feelings are different, the treatment area is different, and the pain is felt differently, some people feel pain, some people don't. However, the degree of cooperation in the treatment process is also very important, and the faster the treatment process, the shorter the pain time.

What do I need to pay attention to after laser?


Patients should avoid rubbing their eyes on the same day after laser treatment, as this may lead to damage to the corneal epithelium, which in turn increases the risk of eye infection.


Immediately after laser treatment, patients may experience blurred vision, which is a normal response to treatment. To ensure adequate rest and recovery of the eyes, patients are advised to avoid prolonged TV viewing or other activities that overuse their eyes during the day.


Do not do strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for 1-2 weeks after laser treatment.


Some people may experience headaches or eye pain, which usually recover within a few days.


Laser treatment requires adequate pupil dilation, and there will be blurred vision for 4-6 hours after pupil dilation, so patients should avoid driving on the day of treatment and preferably be accompanied.

Warm reminder: Many fundus diseases have no obvious discomfort in the early stage and are not easy to be detected, but the early stage is often the best time for treatment. Patients can be treated with medication or fundus lasers. If the best time for treatment is missed, surgery may be required, and the loss of vision may not be well recovered. If you are a high-risk group such as high myopia, diabetes, and hypertension, you need to have regular fundus examinations for early detection and treatment to prevent the disease from developing.