
Tibetan survival|Weaving love and time

author:Golden Ganzhou

Weaving love and time

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  When I went to work yesterday, I met my colleague Xiaomei, and Xiaomei said, "Sister Zang, I have a gift for you." Then from the cabinet beside her, he handed me a headdress crocheted with wool, a white and green hair tie, surrounded by small pink and purple bell flowers, which were decorated with green leaves crocheted with green wool. I was so happy that I held it in the palm of my hand and took a picture. I've always been a bad talker, so I didn't even say thank you.

Tibetan survival|Weaving love and time

  I remember when I went to work half a month ago in the morning, I saw my little sister from a distance, slim, fair-skinned, sweet and cute, wearing a gauze skirt and woolen hair ornaments on the head of the ball, elegant and retro. Walking up to her, I blurted out: The hair ornament is so beautiful! She smiled and took off her hair ornament to show me, saying that I had crocheted it myself and made one for you. When I learned that she did it herself, I couldn't help but admire what a ingenious woman she should be, and she must have flowers blooming and poetry in her heart, so she would use threads to crochet flowers one by one.

  I imagined my little sister finding a quiet corner after work, making a cup of hot tea, and then placing the thread ball by her side. Weaving quietly, as if time has also been stretched. A crochet needle, a ball of wool, into the delicate and tender, up and down flying, weaving lively and smart, a wisp of light or dark wool, like a round of brightness in the hand, enriching the heart of half an acre of flower field. In this moment, the worries and stress flew away, and she and her crochet belonged only to this good time.

Tibetan survival|Weaving love and time

  What can a yarn, a crochet do? In my opinion, it may not be anything, but in Lingxiu's, the little sister's hands can become all kinds of delicate small objects. Women love flowers by nature, and Xiaoyu began to crochet from flowers. "There is no flower, it is a flower from the beginning; There is no flower, and in the end it is still a flower. However, flowers crocheted with handmade cotton thread can live forever. All it takes is a ball of thread, a crochet hook, and a loving heart to weave all sorts of delicate little objects. Peanuts, little tigers, couples and roses are all vivid and lovely. "The meaning of the rose is: I want to live with you in a small town somewhere, sharing the endless dusk and the endless bells. In the inn of this small town, the faint sound of an ancient clock is like time, dripping softly. "Accompanied by the romantic language of flowers, the process of crochet becomes warm and poetic.

  Crochet knitting, referred to as crochet weaving, is a technique that crochets threads, ropes, belts, etc. into dense, concave and convex fabric textures, and is a unique handicraft. A stitch and a thread, weaving is not only a material product, but also the sustenance of the soul. Every time you thread the needle, it is as if you are having a dialogue with your heart, listening to your own voice and feeling that unique emotion. In this process, we can gradually let go of the worries and stress in our hearts, and let our minds be relaxed and nourished.

Tibetan survival|Weaving love and time

  A needle and a thread weave warmth, a crochet and a weave to cultivate the soul. Handicraft is not only a skill and a way of creation, but also an art of living. It allows Xiaomei to find a peaceful world in her busy life, allows her to find a way of self-expression and release in her creation, allows her to feel the charm of culture in inheritance, and also allows her works to enhance friendship and affection in social interaction. This creative process not only gives her a sense of accomplishment, but also allows her to find a way to express and release herself in her busy life.

  In the development of crochet, a handicraft full of humanistic temperament, people invented crochet and crochet methods between hands, needles and threads in order to weave the desired fabrics. This most primitive and pure relationship between man and utensils makes it possible to feel the brilliance of human nature even in modern society. When crocheting, every inch of the thread needs to go through the temperature of the hand, the thinking of the hand and the feeling of the hand, in order to crochet a beautiful work and convey people's feelings. And this emotion is priceless. The craft of hand crochet has nothing to do with high technology, it has nothing to do with economic development, but it has to do with our hearts.

Tibetan survival|Weaving love and time

\ I personally think that crochet is not only a test of creativity, but also a test of patience and carefulness, in such an impetuous life now, pure handicraft production can make people immersed in a serious, focused environment. Focusing on doing something that makes her happy, Xiaomei realized in the crochet process that no matter how many troubles, at the moment of creation, everything returns to zero. I think that the little sister who is immersed in the world of weaving, the process of weaving is a kind of enjoyment and fun for her, her inner world must be fulfilling, and she must be full of passion for life.

  I like the quiet years, the plain and quiet of these words. I know that not all people will live a breezy life, not all stories end as imagined, there are too many uncertainties in the years, but at least a woven heart can be at ease. In the light of time, quiet design and creation, not for recording, but for inner abundance and peace. Let the thoughts be entwined with the wool, let the sunshine spread in the heart, in this complicated world, to be able to put a heart in the weaving, to be able to let some people live in her fairy tale world, silently happy, for her, is already a kind of happiness.

  Snuggling up with the weaving, looking at the sunny shore, smiling softly, looking. The weaving world gives the starting point of life, gives the stage of life, every line of weaving, every circle of traces, between turning and looking back, thousands of strands of wool record the memories of life.

 Life is endless, weaving is endless!

Tibetan survival|Weaving love and time

   (About the author: Tibetan survival, Tibetan, born in the 80s, originally from Qinghai Mutual Aid, now living in Ganzhou. Make a living in fireworks, and make love in words. He is a member of Zhangye Internet Writers Association and a member of Ganzhou District Writers Association. )

Tibetan survival|Weaving love and time

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