
Balcony Spring|Uplink: Hydrangea spits out the sun, Downlink: Invite you to the next link, what are you right?

author:Shoot the flower man on the rhyme

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Uplink: Hydrangea spit out the sun,

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[Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze]

Balcony Spring|Uplink: Hydrangea spits out the sun, Downlink: Invite you to the next link, what are you right?

【Original】"Balcony Spring" poem

Poetry/rhyme shoot flower man

The balcony building reflects the sunny sun,

The hydrangea blooms like a glow.

Green leaves help the wind to send incense,

Red makeup and green leaves are happy.

[Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze]

Balcony Spring|Uplink: Hydrangea spits out the sun, Downlink: Invite you to the next link, what are you right?

【Original】Hydrangeas on the balcony

Text/Rhyme Shoot Flower Man

On the balcony of my house, there is a hydrangea plant, which is a bright color in my life and a piece of peace in my heart.

Balcony Spring|Uplink: Hydrangea spits out the sun, Downlink: Invite you to the next link, what are you right?

On a spring morning, when the first rays of sunlight break through the clouds and onto the earth, I am attracted by the hydrangea on the balcony. Its flowers are like small snowballs, white and flawless, dotted among the green leaves, like a vivid picture. The flower has a unique shape, with layers of petals intertwined to form a perfect sphere. Each flower is like a carefully carved handicraft, delicate and elegant.

Balcony Spring|Uplink: Hydrangea spits out the sun, Downlink: Invite you to the next link, what are you right?

The aroma of hydrangeas is also charming. The fragrance was faint, but it was enough to fill the entire balcony. Every time I get close to it, I feel a fresh breath on my face, as if I am in a sea of flowers. The aroma is refreshing and pleasant, as if all your worries have been dispelled by it.

Balcony Spring|Uplink: Hydrangea spits out the sun, Downlink: Invite you to the next link, what are you right?

In addition to their beautiful flowers and captivating fragrance, hydrangeas also have a resilient vitality. It is not afraid of the cold and heat, and can thrive no matter how the environment changes. In the hot summer, it can withstand the scorching sun and still maintain that vitality and vitality; In the cold winter, it can resist the cold wind and stand proudly. This perseverance makes me full of respect and love for it.

Balcony Spring|Uplink: Hydrangea spits out the sun, Downlink: Invite you to the next link, what are you right?

Hydrangea is also a plant that symbolizes good luck. In traditional Chinese culture, hydrangeas represent reunion, happiness and happiness. Its flowers are tight and plump, symbolizing the harmony and warmth of the family. Whenever I see it, I think of the time when my family was together, and a warm current wells up in my heart.

Balcony Spring|Uplink: Hydrangea spits out the sun, Downlink: Invite you to the next link, what are you right?

The hydrangeas on the balcony are a part of my life and a piece of peace in my heart. With its beauty and aroma, it brings me endless joy and pleasure. With its tenacity and vitality, it taught me how to face the difficulties and challenges of life. With its meaning and blessings, it has brought me endless warmth and happiness.

Balcony Spring|Uplink: Hydrangea spits out the sun, Downlink: Invite you to the next link, what are you right?

I will continue to take care of this hydrangea and let it thrive on the balcony of my home. I believe that in the days to come, it will continue to bring me more surprises and touches. It will be an integral part of my life and accompany me through every wonderful moment.

Balcony Spring|Uplink: Hydrangea spits out the sun, Downlink: Invite you to the next link, what are you right?


Balcony Spring|Uplink: Hydrangea spits out the sun, Downlink: Invite you to the next link, what are you right?
Balcony Spring|Uplink: Hydrangea spits out the sun, Downlink: Invite you to the next link, what are you right?