
Just one medicine: white peony! No. 1 liver nourishment, it can be called the king of liver nourishment!

author:Director Wang of Traditional Chinese Medicine

This article mainly introduces to you the flavor of white peony, known as the king of liver nourishment, very understanding of the liver, it can replenish energy collection, can be soft and slow, can be discharged and stopped! White peony has 6 major functions, and the following is a brief explanation for you.

Just one medicine: white peony! No. 1 liver nourishment, it can be called the king of liver nourishment!

1. Supplement

Application: tonify liver yin and liver blood.

Dialectic: When white peony enters the liver, its juice can be turned into liver yin and liver blood, which can replenish yin and blood, which is different from angelica and is mainly responsible for replenishing the water in the liver, that is, liver yin. If the liver yin is insufficient, use white peony; If the liver blood is insufficient, use angelica. It can also be used together with white peony and angelica, and the liver, yin, liver and blood are fully replenished.

Just one medicine: white peony! No. 1 liver nourishment, it can be called the king of liver nourishment!

2. Receipt

Application: Collect the fire of Jiao Fuyue.

Dialectic: Now the pressure of life is gradually increasing, people's temper has begun to become gradually irritable, every day needs to think a lot, especially at night, it is easy to think more, and will be affected by short videos, the brain is more excited, yang energy, at night will consume more, will be insomnia, dreamy, white peony will help us to recover yang, so that the focus is no longer excited, lead yang into yin, people can ensure the quality of sleep.

3. Soft

Application: Soft liver.

Dialectic: The liver, is really the head of the body, the temperament is impatient, the temper is straight, the need to overcome the rigidity with softness, white peony soft tendons, and the liver main tendons, can better nourish the tendons, nourish the liver blood, nourish the liver yin, relieve pain, usually people who love cramps can use white peony, often said peony licorice soup, is the use of white peony this feature.

Just one medicine: white peony! No. 1 liver nourishment, it can be called the king of liver nourishment!

Fourth, slow

Application: Acute and acute disease, pain.

Dialectic: Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to alleviating pain, those urgent problems, such as acute enteritis, acute tonsillitis, etc., can use white peony to reduce pain, cramps, limb tremors can also use white peony to relieve tension, so that muscles, qi relaxed, people can also rest.

5. Catharsis

Application: Diuretic.

Dialectic: White peony is heavy, bitter in taste, can be lowered, can be discharged through urine, can expel the heat of the liver and gallbladder, and take the fire of the liver and gallbladder away from the urine.

Just one medicine: white peony! No. 1 liver nourishment, it can be called the king of liver nourishment!

Sixth, stop

Application: Stop stool diarrhea.

Dialectic: Turbidity, one goes to urine, the other goes to the large intestine, the urine is blocked, it can only go from the large intestine, and there is a lot of moisture and water inside, and the stool will be diarrhea. White peony is good for urination, solid stool, so that water and stool are separated, and can stop diarrhea.

This article is only used as a medical science, not to make any drug recommendations, the specific medication varies from person to person, please follow the guidance of a professional doctor. #中医##男性健康##中药#