
Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?

author:CiCi sees the world
Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?

Text| CiCi sees the world

Edit | CiCi sees the world

saw a screenshot of the chat with my dad shared by a netizen, my dad said that he missed his children, and his daughter said that she would go back during the summer vacation, but her dad said that you are not going out to work in the summer vacation?

The poster said that his first reaction when he saw this sentence was nausea, and a huge feeling of discomfort struck!

Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?

At first, I thought it was my daughter who was older, and what my father said I miss you made her feel uncomfortable, and then I looked at the comment area, and it turned out that it was not one sentence that caused her discomfort, but these two sentences from my father!

Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?

↑ Dad first said that he missed his daughter, if he missed his daughter, he must want to see his daughter soon, but when his daughter said that she was coming back for the summer vacation, Dad said that you are not going out to work? ↑

So does the father miss his daughter? What makes my daughter unhappy is not the sentence that I miss you, nor the sentence that you are going to work in the summer, but the kind of thing that I want you to go out to earn money in the summer, but I still have to pretend that I miss you first!

Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?
Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?

There are also children in the comment area who use the word "disgusting", saying that her parents' performance makes her feel "disgusting", and to be honest, this word also shocked me a little! Of course, it's not to criticize children, because we don't know the specific situation of other people's families, what kind of parents their parents are, but I don't think it's enough to let children go out to work during the summer vacation to use the word "disgusting"!

Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?
Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?

➤ This poster is a college student, can college students work in the summer? Should I work part-time? I feel like everyone is quite divided!

↓ Some people can't understand why parents let their children go out to work, and feel that they really love you, how can they be willing to let you go out and endure hardships, unless you can't pay the tuition, shouldn't college students do a good job in their studies first? After a semester of classes, I went out to relax in the summer vacation! ↓

Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?
Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?

↓ What makes the children aggrieved may not be because they have to go out to make money during the summer vacation, but because the family will make you feel guilty about giving you money! If you don't go out and make money, you're sorry for their upbringing! But they will say that they are great, and they treat them differently, and some children don't have to work summer jobs, but you have to go! This feeling of grievance does not come from working on my own, but because I don't feel loved! ↓

Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?
Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?
Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?

↓ The material life now is indeed richer than before, even if you are poor, the food is better than the hard times! However, now is also an era of huge gap between the rich and the poor, the Internet is so developed, what kind of life others are living, and what kind of life they are living are clear at a glance! No matter how poor you are, you can't live, but after comparison, you just won't be happy! ↓

Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?
Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?

➤ There are also some opinions that support going out to work during the summer vacation, but those who hold this opinion are generally overseas IPs and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan IPs

↓ In some places, children go out to work part-time when they are teenagers, and let's not say that the law allows it, most of the children before high school are still studying! When I arrived at university, I didn't have the pressure to study, but I could actually get in touch with the society more and prepare for employment! ↓

Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?
Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?

➤ Of course, there are also some people who give very pertinent opinions, you can go to work during the winter and summer vacations, but you have to work effectively!

↓ College students have no academic pressure during the summer vacation, and this time can indeed be used to accumulate experience and increase some economic income! However, it is best to find some jobs related to your future employment direction, and the salary is not high, and it will not help you in your future employment! Reasonable planning of the winter and summer vacations of college is what a smart and goal-oriented college student should do↓

Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?
Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?
Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?

➤ To be honest, I just saw this post and also felt this way, after all, I am already a college student, and independence is the first lesson I have to learn, and I don't understand why I have so much resentment towards my parents!

Does the daughter think her father's words are disgusting? What's wrong with the world? Is it the adult's fault or the child's fault?

When I first saw this post, I was a little scared by the word "disgusting", as parents, it is our responsibility to provide for our children's life and learning before and during college, but when our children become adults, we are more worried about their ability to survive! After all, after so many years of training, I just hope that they can have a skill in the future and be able to survive independently in society!

During college, you have not officially entered the workplace and have no academic pressure, so finding a summer job at this time can help you understand this society more realistically! When you complain that your parents always tell you to save a little bit, really feel what kind of life you can live with your own ability!

Of course, there are a lot of parents who don't do it well enough! If you don't work hard, you forget that your children can repay you more, and a few children in the family have a bowl of water and don't care enough about your children! There is a theory that the word gnawing old only exists in poor people's homes, and the poorer they are, the more they feel that their children are gnawing at the old! However, if the truth is poor, for children, the only way you can change the state of poverty is to work hard, not to lie flat and complain, and really gnaw at the old!

Dear friends! What do you think of this girl's saying that her father wants her to go out to earn money while expressing concern and wanting her to go out to earn money? Is it that young people nowadays are too hypocritical? When you encounter a little thing, you blame everyone else? Or are parents not doing well enough and not really caring about their children at all?

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