
The best time to cook corn is revealed, allowing you to cook fragrant and tender corn

author:Big mouth Dongdong

As a traditional delicacy in the mainland, corn is loved by everyone. However, many people often do not have a good grasp of the time when cooking corn, resulting in an unsatisfactory taste of corn. Today, we're going to reveal the best time to cook corn so that you can cook it deliciously.

The best time to cook corn is revealed, allowing you to cook fragrant and tender corn
  1. Choice of corn

To cook delicious corn, you must first have high-quality raw materials. When buying corn, choose fresh, plump corn so that the cooked corn will taste better.

The best time to cook corn is revealed, allowing you to cook fragrant and tender corn
  1. Preparation before boiling corn

Before boiling the corn, wash the corn and remove the corn whiskers and excess leaves. This step ensures that the corn is more flavorful during the cooking process, and also prevents the corn stalks and leaves from affecting the cooking time.

  1. The best time to cook corn

The time taken to cook corn depends on the ripeness and size of the corn. In general, small and medium-sized corn needs to be cooked for 8-10 minutes, while large corn takes 12-15 minutes. During the cooking process, keep the water level higher than the corn to ensure that the corn can absorb the water adequately.

The best time to cook corn is revealed, allowing you to cook fragrant and tender corn
  1. How to judge that corn is ripe

If you want to tell if the corn is ripe, you can try to gently prick the corn kernels with chopsticks, if it is easy to pierce in, it means that the corn is ripe. Also, you can taste the taste of water when boiling corn, and if the taste becomes sweet, it means that the corn is almost cooked.

  1. Precautions for boiling corn

When boiling corn, try to avoid using iron pots or aluminum pots, because the acids in the corn will react with the metal and affect the taste of the corn. It is best to use a stainless steel pot or a ceramic pot. Also, do not soak the corn in water in advance so that the corn does not lose its nutrients.

  1. Corn is processed after boiling

Cooked corn should be removed immediately and rinsed with cold water to prevent the kernels from hardening. Then, you can cut the corn into sections, add an appropriate amount of seasonings, such as salt, sugar, vinegar, etc., mix well and serve.

The best time to cook corn is revealed, allowing you to cook fragrant and tender corn

Summary: The best time to cook corn varies depending on the size and ripeness of the corn, and generally takes 8-15 minutes. If you know how to cook it, you will be able to cook tender and delicious corn. At the same time, selecting fresh corn and paying attention to the details of the cooking process are also key to ensuring the taste of corn. Go ahead and try it so that your family and friends can taste the delicious corn!

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