
Dong Yuhui blew himself up to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep, and ordinary people don't understand the troubles of rich people!

author:Meow Mei said entertainment

On June 12, when Dong Yuhui was live broadcast in Shanxi, he responded that he could only fall asleep by taking sleeping pills, netizens said that Dong Yuhui was too hypocritical, and he must not be tired enough to fall asleep, saying that he could fall asleep even if he was 5 minutes or 10 minutes Dong Yuhui responded: Is there really no one who has experienced the pain of being extremely tired and having a body that is about to collapse, but unable to fall asleep?

Dong Yuhui blew himself up to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep, and ordinary people don't understand the troubles of rich people!
Dong Yuhui blew himself up to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep, and ordinary people don't understand the troubles of rich people!

Dong Yuhui lies in bed at about 12:30 every day, and then starts to take the first two sleeping pills, and if he is lucky, he can fall asleep at about 2 o'clock.

Dong Yuhui blew himself up to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep, and ordinary people don't understand the troubles of rich people!
Dong Yuhui blew himself up to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep, and ordinary people don't understand the troubles of rich people!

If you are unlucky, you will start to take the next few pills at about 3 o'clock, and you can fall asleep for a while at about five or six o'clock, and generally you will sleep for more than an hour and wake up immediately, and then sleep for more than an hour and wake up, and the whole person is very painful.

Dong Yuhui blew himself up to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep, and ordinary people don't understand the troubles of rich people!

Although it is said that if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. What netizens don't understand is that Dong Yuhui is eating the dividends of the Internet, and at the same time, he still has to dislike netizens for not understanding him.

Dong Yuhui blew himself up to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep, and ordinary people don't understand the troubles of rich people!

Normal people should recuperate when they are tired, and when the pressure is so great that they are about to crush people, it is not a wiser choice to take a temporary break, and it is really incomprehensible to complain about the pain while not wanting to give up and continue to make money.

In fact, Dong Yuhui can leave the live broadcast industry to do what he likes, he himself said that he hates live broadcast goods very much, and he doesn't enjoy live broadcast goods to this day, and he hates everyone calling himself an Internet celebrity, and would rather everyone call him a laid-off teacher.

Since you are so bored, you can continue to be a teacher, you want to make more money and want an ideal life, this is the most difficult thing to do, and it is strange that it is not painful.

Dong Yuhui blew himself up to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep, and ordinary people don't understand the troubles of rich people!

Many netizens said that they liked him very much at the beginning, and because he often bought things in his live broadcast room, he felt that he could learn a lot in his live broadcast room, and the positive energy he transmitted every day was also very comfortable, but I don't know when it started to change, and every time he came out, he gave people a "uncomfortable" feeling.

I don't want to watch his live broadcast room anymore, and I haven't bought anything from him for a long time. It can only be said that fame and fortune are charming, and many times people will change if they lose their original intentions.

The body is the capital of the revolution, and no amount of money can be recovered if the body collapses, I hope Dong Yuhui can understand this truth as soon as possible.