
Fantasy Journey to the West: What a deceptive trick this is

author:Dreamy old Xing

Fantasy Journey to the West: What a deceptive trick this is

Just finished digging a wave of exquisite pictures in the afternoon.,36 pictures out of 8 books and 14 spars.,The shipment rate is not bad.,You can watch the last video just released.。 was tidying up the warehouse, and saw someone transmitting the sound, 100W cultivation fruit, Aunt Xu.

Fantasy Journey to the West: What a deceptive trick this is

This first made me wonder, normally the cultivation fruit stall in our district is 900,000, and if you shout to collect it, it is about 880,000, why can it be directly increased to 1 million, there are really local tyrants who are not bad for money?

Fantasy Journey to the West: What a deceptive trick this is

I also rushed to Aunt Xu's place to take a look, and after a while, a large number of cultivation fruit stalls came up.

In fact, this place in our district was originally a common place to sell cultivation fruits, but there were originally 900,000 yuan in the stalls, and this one was 1 million.

I immediately thought that it would be a simple trick, shouting 1 million to collect, and then putting 900,000 next to me, waiting for you to finish in seconds.

Then I'll pay attention here to see if there are people in the booth with 1 million.

Fantasy Journey to the West: What a deceptive trick this is

Just when I was flipping through the stall, I found that this ID, isn't it the one who shouted Transsion?

shouted 1 million to Aunt Xu, and then set up a stall for 1 million, is this collected or sold?

Fantasy Journey to the West: What a deceptive trick this is

It didn't take long for these people to find out, and this was a boring scam.

However, if you take the cultivation fruit, 900,000 to 1 million, it is too little to earn the difference of 100,000. Generally, rare props such as the Soul Restoration Secret Technique and the Yellow Emperor's Inner Scripture are taken directly, and 10 million are directly collected, and 3 million are placed next to them.

Fantasy Journey to the West: What a deceptive trick this is

After a while, the old brother himself shouted again, saying that he was selling cultivation fruits, not collecting them, but calling on everyone to raise the price to 1 million, which is okay.

Let's take a look at the first shouting of the voice, saying that 1 million cultivation fruits are set up by Aunt Xu, but she really didn't say that she wanted to accept it, talent. It is estimated that he was asked by his friends to clarify it a lot.

How can this rise from 900,000 to 1 million in one transmission, and there are still a lot of people in stock.

So here's the problem, the price of the cultivation fruit has always been anchored with the point card, and the point card will rise when the cultivation fruit rises, and it has been kept at about 7 yuan, and the proportion has fallen too fast recently, and the point card has grown too fast, as if it hasn't kept up.