
Madness and busyness in the northern land in the heat

author:Tang Baoer Pro

Today's temperature is 41 degrees, I got up at 5 o'clock in the morning and took my mother out for a walk.

Yesterday, my brother drove his parents to Shijiazhuang in my city to see a doctor, because I arrived at 9 o'clock in the evening, so I got up early in the morning to take my mother to see the development around my house.

My mom hasn't been to my house for more than a decade, and the last time I came was because my daughter was sick and she came to help take care of her.

My mom said that there were a lot more buildings and cars near my house than before...... Yes, when I first moved here, the neighborhood was full of farmland, and now it's full of high-rise buildings and constant traffic.

I went to the vegetable market with my mother to buy fried dough sticks and my dad's favorite pancakes, and walked home while chatting. It was too hot, and it was cool for our family to have breakfast on the terrace. My daughter was woken up by the heat from her sleep, and I called her to the terrace, where she slept on a deck chair and fell asleep again.

The hospital started work at 8 o'clock and we arrived at the door at 7:40. Unexpectedly, the 88-year-old Chinese medicine doctor went earlier, and people had already started to receive treatment. My dad was third. The doctor gave the pulse, asked for a consultation, and after taking the medicine, I saw that the time was only half past eight, so my brother drove, I led the way, and a large family headed towards my vegetable field.

This time, the main task was picking, because my parents were in a hurry to go home, and they wanted to return in the afternoon after seeing a doctor in the morning.

When I arrived at the vegetable patch, I found that the landlord's family was harvesting wheat, and my mother immediately twinked up and wanted to call my dad to go with me to "pick up wheat"—that is, to pick up the scattered wheat scattered on the ground by the harvester in the field. Unfortunately, the weather was too hot, and finally I had to give up looking at the wheat fields.

When it came to my vegetable garden, my parents didn't expect my 230-square-meter vegetable garden to be so big. After a brief moment of surprise, everyone began to pick their own picks.

My brother tasted an apricot, and found it delicious, so he waved the long pole of his hoe and began to threak apricots from the tree with concentration, and in a short time he had beaten twenty or thirty. While beating back, he instructed me: "You find a plastic bag to help me pack the good one, and I will take it back to your sister-in-law to taste!" ”

Well, I've been fed another mouthful of dog food.

My dad found a small stool to concentrate on my leeks, and in a short time he cut a big bag. When he saw that my onions were buried in the grass, he asked me if I wanted to take them all, and I said take them! I've already received half of it. So my dad started to look for onions in the grass again.

Madness and busyness in the northern land in the heat

My mother couldn't walk anymore when she saw the wild vegetables in my field, so she pulled out two big silver horns, saying that she wanted to take them home to make dumplings to eat. I was speechless, I didn't pick so many serious vegetables, I had to pull wild vegetables to eat.

After many reminders from me, my mother finally woke up and started to pick tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants. Finally, after picking a large bag and resting for a while, I continued to concentrate on pulling wild vegetables.

I have to say here that I made a mistake again. The day before yesterday, I poured a lot of water on the tomatoes, and many of the fruits that were already red cracked...... Lesson, don't water the fruit when it's ripe, even more so tomatoes and watermelons!

The dog was busy helping with the tools before and after the run, while I continued to wrap around the watermelon vines. It's only been a day, and the watermelon vine has grown a lot!

The picture below shows a newly grown vine, and I wonder if it grew 10 centimeters overnight.

Madness and busyness in the northern land in the heat
Madness and busyness in the northern land in the heat

I wrapped them around the rope or they would break if the wind blew.

Madness and busyness in the northern land in the heat

As a result, this magical northern land presents a hot scene in the high temperature - the landlord's family drives a harvester to harvest wheat in the smoke and dust and the roar of the engine; My mother was pulling wild vegetables, harvesting tomatoes, eggplants and peppers; My dad sat on a small stool and carefully harvested leeks and onions; My brother raised his head and used a big hoe to concentrate on the apricots on the tree, intent on bringing back a few more for my sister-in-law; The dogs were running around bringing water and stools, and I was wrapping the vines of watermelons......

Maybe that's the meaning of my growing vegetables, a happy family enjoying the fruits of labor together.

Thank you for watching.