
The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

author:Promises and History
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

In 1943, Comrade Huang Hua, deputy commander of the Jilu Military Region of the Eighth Route Army, was assassinated and killed in the conference room.

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

Huang Hua

At that time, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was in a very critical period of strategic stalemate, and the loss of a general by the Eighth Route Army undoubtedly greatly affected the overall war situation.

Commander Xing Renfu wept bitterly when collecting Huang Hua's body, and said that he must thoroughly investigate to the end and avenge Comrade Huang Hua by bringing the murderer to justice on the spot.

However, other comrades who were on good terms with Comrade Huang Hua found out that something was wrong.

Commander Xing Renfu often works against Deputy Commander Huang Hua, Xing Renfu is very dissatisfied with this airborne deputy commander, which is a well-known thing in the entire border area, why is he crying so sadly now?

The cause of Huang Hua's murder has not yet been ascertained, and Huang Hua's wife and newborn daughter have disappeared inexplicably, and no one knows where they have gone.

It wasn't until more than 60 years later that Huang Hua's daughter finally appeared in front of the world. When she was a baby girl, she was already a gray-haired old lady. She revisits the old place and reveals the mystery of the disappearance of the mother and daughter.

1. Heroes die

This tragic story begins on that rainy night in 1943. In Dazhao Village, Xinhai County, Jilu Military Region, Huang Hua, deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army, had already held a full-day military meeting with his comrades.

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

The twilight was already deep, and the light in the hut in the village was very dim, so Comrade Huang Hua sent his own guards and asked him to borrow a lamp from the nearby villagers.

Huang Hua never imagined that his decision indirectly led to his death. Not long after the guards left the house, several murderers forced their way in.

Because the guards were not around, Huang Hua was not reminded at the first time, so he lost the opportunity in the confrontation. Coupled with the darkness of the night, he couldn't recognize who the people on the other side were, and the disadvantage was even greater.

Comrade Huang Hua originally wanted to question this group of uninvited guests, but who knew that the murderers on the other side came this time to ask for the lives of the leading cadres in the house. The leading murderer shot Huang Hua with a gun, and the followers next to him mended the gun, and Huang Hua died on the spot.

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

Huang Hua

After killing Comrade Huang Hua, this group of extremely vicious murderers went on a killing spree, shooting wildly in the house, killing seven leading cadres of the Eighth Route Army who attended the meeting.

If the guards hadn't gone out that night to borrow lamps from the villagers, perhaps Comrade Huang Hua and other leading cadres would have been reminded in time to prepare in advance, so that they would not have died completely passively.

But now it's too late to say anything, tragedy has already happened. The Central Committee particularly deplored the death of Comrade Huang Hua, and Chairman Mao immediately ordered a thorough investigation of the case after receiving the bad news.

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

The reason why Chairman Mao attaches so much importance to Huang Hua is not only because he holds an important position and is an important figure in the Jilu Military Region of the Eighth Route Army, but also because he is a famous combat hero of our army.

As early as 1929, Comrade Huang Hua resolutely joined our party, and made many military exploits in the revolutionary base areas of the Red Army, and then completed the arduous Long March.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Comrade Huang Hua was entrusted with important tasks by the Central Committee, and he had both political work ability and battlefield experience, and was a rare "all-rounder" talent of the Eighth Route Army. Now that such a malleable general has unfortunately died, how not to make people sad and regretful.

2. Find out the real culprit

After receiving the central authorities' instruction to "thoroughly investigate the case," the Jilu Military Region attached great importance to it and immediately began to investigate the case. And the source of this investigation is, of course, the guard who was temporarily dispatched.

According to the clues provided by the guards, not long after he went out, he heard bursts of gunshots. Feeling bad, he hurriedly called everyone in the guard team to run back to the house, but unfortunately he was one step late, and the tragedy had already happened.

The situation stated by the guards proves at least one thing: this group of murderers has been planning for murder for a long time, otherwise they would not have attacked on a dark and rainy night, so coincidentally when the guards were not there and the leading cadres in the house were weak in their defense.

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

Immediately afterwards, the investigators began to ask the guards more detailed questions, such as the appearance of the murderers. Unfortunately, it was too dark for the guards to see anyone's faces.

However, although the guards failed to give more effective information, Chi Lin, the chief of staff of the guards who was temporarily called that night, recognized one of the murderers.

Chi Lin said that although the night was dark, he still saw clearly that there was a person in the murderer, who was Feng Guankui, a person from the Eighth Route Army. It's a pity that he came a step too late and couldn't catch up with him, so that he succeeded in escaping.

It would be easy to deal with someone who was certain, and the investigators could completely follow the vine and find out the truth behind the bloody case. But the question is, can Chi Lin's long-distance observation on a moonlit night be completely accurate? What if he's wrong?

You must know that Feng Guankui is a person within our army, and if it is determined that he is one of the murderers, it means that there are spies within the Eighth Route Army. This case is not only the murder of the leading cadres of our army, but has also escalated into an operation to eliminate "internal ghosts."

If Chi Lin admits his mistake and Feng Guankui is not among the murderers, then the investigators rashly investigate "their own people" will have a great negative effect. Now that the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression has reached a critical stage, the most important thing for our army is unity, and it is not appropriate to suspect people casually.

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

When the investigators were hesitating, a new clue provided by a boy provided corroboration for Chi Lin's statement. According to the boy's recollection, he saw "Uncle Feng" sneaking away from the backyard with a group of people dressed in lily clothes that night.

The "Uncle Feng" in the boy's mouth is none other than Feng Guankui. He was a little frightened because he heard the gunshot, so he quietly hid, and happened to see Feng Guankui's face.

According to the testimony of Chi Lin and the boy, Feng Guankui is one of the murderers, and it is already undoubted.

Commander Xing Renfu gritted his teeth angrily when he learned that the murderer was Feng Guankui, and was the first to stand up and say that he wanted to arrest Feng Guankui.

Soon, the central government also learned of the incident and immediately sent Luo Ronghuan, an expert in political work, to conduct an in-depth investigation of this person.

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues


I don't know if I don't check, I was shocked when I checked it, Feng Guankui joined the Eighth Route Army, and there was a huge conspiracy hidden behind it! Before joining our army, he was actually an old bandit who disregarded human lives and plundered people's property.

It stands to reason that such a person who is full of evil will never be able to enter the revolutionary ranks of our army. And the reason why he became the Eighth Route Army was because there was a "big man" protecting him.

And this "big man" of our army who "released water" to the old bandit Feng Guankui was Xing Renfu, the commander of the Jilu Military Region. The reason why he wanted to recruit the most vicious people into the Eighth Route Army was entirely for the selfish interests of cultivating personal forces in the army.

As Luo Ronghuan continued to investigate deeply, he was surprised to find that Xing Renfu was the mastermind behind the assassination of Huang Hua. And the reason why he killed his comrades was entirely because of personal grudges.

Xing Renfu was also a capable general of our army and had made many military achievements. But with the passage of time, the situation of the Anti-Japanese War became more and more difficult and difficult, his pride in protecting his family and defending the country became weaker and weaker, and his selfishness in cultivating personal power became more and more heavy.

The Japanese army's repeated "sweeping" offensives in the Jilu Military Region made Xing Renfu uneasy. He began to be a "battlefield bastard", hoping that he could "survive" until the end of the Anti-Japanese War.

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

As the commander of the local military region of the Eighth Route Army, Xing Renfu had a fear of war, which directly affected the safety of the old villagers in Jilu.

The organization discovered that something was wrong with Xing Renfu, so he transferred Comrade Huang Hua to serve as deputy commander.

Huang Hua's repeated advice was fruitless, so he criticized him bluntly at the meeting, which made Xing Renfu feel very shameless.

Later, the matter reached the central government, and in order to reverse Xing Renfu's erroneous thinking, Chairman Mao and other leaders seriously criticized him, and later arranged for him to go to Yan'an for ideological study.

During Xing Renfu's study, his work in the Jilu Military Region was temporarily replaced by Deputy Commander Comrade Huang Hua. Xing Renfu thought that the central authorities were seizing their own power, and he was very angry in his heart.

As for Huang Hua, who first directly criticized himself and later temporarily took his place, he became a thorn in Xing Renfu's side and a thorn in his flesh. He began to ponder revenge on Huang Hua and kill the deputy commander, so that he, the commander, could centralize power in the military region.

In fact, both Comrade Huang Hua and the leading cadres of the Central Committee persuaded Xing Renfu for the sake of Xing Renfu's good. It's a pity that Xing Renfu has long been deeply immersed in the distorted thinking of fighting for power and profit, and he can no longer correct it.

In order to maintain his "position," Xing Renfu carried out a brutal killing operation against the leading cadres of the Jilu Military Region, represented by Comrade Huang Hua, who dared to "go against him." His henchman Feng Guankui is the lead executor of the homicide case.

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

3. Skynet is magnificent

After Feng Guankui was found out by our army, Xing Renfu knew that the conspiracy had been revealed, so he was eager to find a way out. He found Feng Dingping, the head of the Independent Regiment, and encouraged him to follow him to "rebel" and become a local warlord.

Feng Dingping showed rare intellect and integrity to his old chief. He not only righteously and sternly rejected the "old commander's" deception, but also reported the matter to the Central Military Commission as soon as possible.

After receiving Feng Dingping's report, the central government completely understood that Xing Renfu was now hopeless. In this case, the most important thing at the moment is to arrest him.

This matter is easier said than done, seeing that the momentum is not good, Xing Renfu chose to shrink in Wangzi Island after instigating Feng Dingping unsuccessfully. The island is difficult to conquer from the front, which is quite detrimental to the capture operation.

In order to successfully arrest Xing Renfu, the central authorities played a trick of "retreating into advance," put on a posture of being willing to talk about it, and notified him to attend a "military meeting." Xing Renfu knew in his heart that at this juncture, most of the so-called "meetings" were fake.

Although Xing Renfu did not attend the meeting, he still chose to wander around the surrounding villages. Our troops seized the opportunity and immediately surrounded his village, planning to arrest him.

It's a pity that because of the "internal ghosts" planted by Xing Renfu in our army, he received a danger signal in advance, so he successfully ran away. Although our army later cleared out the spies in the ranks, it is an established fact that Xing Renfu successfully escaped.

After Xing Renfu defected, he completely betrayed the party and the revolution. He first took refuge in the Japanese devils, stabbed the Eighth Route Army on his back, provided our army secrets for the Japanese invaders, and became the commander of the Japanese puppet Cangnan; Later, he switched to the national army and continued to betray our army.

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

By "peddling" intelligence on our army to the Kuomintang, Xing Renfu successfully obtained the post of commander of the Kuomintang Army. As a result, he didn't have long to be proud, and after the liberation of Tianjin, he was still caught by our army.

is the so-called Skynet restoration, after many years, Xing Renfu still received the punishment he deserved for the sins he committed back then. He was executed by our army, and the death of Comrade Huang Hua and seven leading cadres of the Eighth Route Army finally got revenge.

4. The orphan shows up

After successfully avenging Comrade Huang Hua, the next task of the central authorities is to continue to search for his widow and orphans. Comrade Huang Hua had a wife and a daughter, but after he was killed, his wife and daughter mysteriously disappeared.

The central government has never given up investigating the whereabouts of the mother and daughter, but nothing has been found. It wasn't until more than 60 years later that Liu Lubin, the orphan of Comrade Huang Hua, finally appeared in front of the world in June 2007.

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

Liu Lubin came to Huanghua City, Hebei Province, a city named after his father, and told the story of that year. It turned out that her mother, Gu Lanqing, the widow of Comrade Huang Hua, took the initiative to run away incognito.

On the night that Comrade Huang Hua was killed, Gu Lanqing realized that there was a mole in the ranks of the Eighth Route Army. Her husband died suddenly and strangely, and she was afraid that the mole would continue to hunt down and kill her and her daughter, so she took her infant child out into hiding.

This hiding is more than 60 years. Over the years, Gu Lanqing remarried and lived a new life, and Liu Lubin also changed his surname to "Liu" with his stepfather's surname.

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

Huang Lubin presented a flower basket for the statue of the martyr Huang Hua

It wasn't until his mother's deathbed that Liu Lubin knew about his life experience. When Gu Lanqing was dying, she told her daughter how she fled when she was still a baby, and what a hero her biological father was.

Liu Lubin had mixed feelings after hearing this, and he suddenly felt a sense of admiration and closeness to his biological father Huang Hua. It's just that after a long time, she didn't want to repeat the old story, so she decided to simply bury the secret.

It wasn't until he saw a news of a veteran looking for someone in the newspaper that Liu Lubin changed his mind. She was surprised to find that her biological father's comrade-in-arms, Wang Xinhua, was still struggling to find Huang Hua's wife and daughter.

In order to reassure Wang Xinhua, Liu Lubin, who is 65 years old, appeared in front of the world and told the story of the year. She and Wang Xinhua met and were very touched by each other.

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

Later, Liu Lubin made a special trip to the place where his biological father was killed. She looked at the tables and chairs in the room, as if her father's face was in serious meeting back then, and her eyes were burning with perseverance and tenacity.

Liu Lubin couldn't help but burst into tears, and everyone accompanying him was also in tears. These tears are not only admiration and remembrance of the revolutionary martyrs, but also a lot of emotion for the relationship between father and daughter.

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues


1. A thrilling special contest: the murder of Huang Hua and the beginning and end of the counterinsurgency ("Yanhuang Chunqiu" 1994, Issue 11)

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

2. After the Martyr Huang Hua was Killed ("Party History" 2004 Issue 06)

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

3. Why did the commander of the military region defect ("Government Legal System", Issue 02, 2005)

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

4. Tragic Song and Heroic Tears: The Chronicle of the Martyrs of Huang Hua ("Party History" 1998 Issue 01)

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues

5. Once you can see the end of the heroic soul: looking for a daughter for the Huanghua martyrs ("Literature and History Monthly" 2010 01 issue)

The deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army was killed, and the real culprit was actually the commander, and his wife and daughter evaporated after discovering the clues