
"The Story of Rose" Huang Yimei hollowed out her family to help Fang Xiewen start a business, but in the end she was still disappointed

author:Luozi has no regrets film and television recommendation

Red roses will also turn into mosquito blood on the wall, which was fulfilled in the marriage of Huang Yimei and Fang Xiewen.

"The Story of Rose" Huang Yimei hollowed out her family to help Fang Xiewen start a business, but in the end she was still disappointed

Huang Yimei knew that Zhuang Guodong was back, and in order to be angry, she married Fang Xiewen before she met Zhuang Guodong.

After getting married, Huang Yimei followed Fang Xiewen to live in a dilapidated rental house, and the roses that did not touch the spring water in the past began to sacrifice herself for marriage, washing her hands every day and making soup, and she no longer had time to dress up.

"The Story of Rose" Huang Yimei hollowed out her family to help Fang Xiewen start a business, but in the end she was still disappointed

Even during pregnancy, she had to squeeze the bus with a big belly, you know, before that, her brother Huang Zhenhua was her chauffeur.

Huang Yimei also took out all her savings to help Fang Xiewen start a business, and the two started from scratch, to have their own company, and then to move to a big house, they spent ten years.

"The Story of Rose" Huang Yimei hollowed out her family to help Fang Xiewen start a business, but in the end she was still disappointed

In the past ten years, Huang Yimei gave birth to her daughter Fang Taichu, a rose who has been a housewife for ten years, and wanted to work again, but was stopped by Fang Xiewen.

Isn't it normal for the male protagonist to be outside and the female protagonist to be inside?

Fang Xiewen has never understood Huang Yimei, and even because of his mother's words, saying that beating painless will affect the child, Fang Xiewen can watch Huang Yimei in pain.

"The Story of Rose" Huang Yimei hollowed out her family to help Fang Xiewen start a business, but in the end she was still disappointed

After Huang Yimei gave birth to a daughter, Fang Xiewen also wanted a son, but Huang Yimei refused, and the two quarreled because of this.

After getting married, Fang Xiewen became fearless, he didn't cherish it when he got it, and his desire to control was very strong, he didn't allow Huang Yimei to go out to work, and he didn't allow her to dress up.

"The Story of Rose" Huang Yimei hollowed out her family to help Fang Xiewen start a business, but in the end she was still disappointed

Jiang Xueqiong came to Shanghai to see Huang Yimei and asked her how long she hadn't had her nails done, this seemingly simple question made Huang Yimei completely sober.

Huang Yimei made her favorite nails again, put on beautiful clothes, and put on a rosy lipstick, and she decided to start again.

"The Story of Rose" Huang Yimei hollowed out her family to help Fang Xiewen start a business, but in the end she was still disappointed

Huang Yimei divorced Fang Xiewen and returned to Beijing with her daughter, ending her ten-year marriage.

Fang Xiewen worked hard to pick the roses, but later he didn't want to water even a drop of water, and everything before marriage no longer existed, but this mediocre and boring man got ten years of roses.

The lover still has a trace of painful pleasure, and the love is quiet and dull except for the feeling of suffocation.
"The Story of Rose" Huang Yimei hollowed out her family to help Fang Xiewen start a business, but in the end she was still disappointed

Huang Yimei also loved Fang Xiewen at first, if she didn't love her, she wouldn't choose to marry him with her rose character.

It's just that love changed later, so she chose to leave decisively.

Huang Yimei is lucky, no matter when, her parents and brother will never abandon her, and her home in Beijing will always have a place for her.

"The Story of Rose" Huang Yimei hollowed out her family to help Fang Xiewen start a business, but in the end she was still disappointed

After divorcing Fang Xiewen, Huang Yimei met Fu Jiaming again, the person who knew her best.

Fu Jiaming doesn't mind that Huang Yimei is divorced and has a child, he supports Huang Yimei's work and respects her hobbies, Huang Yimei thinks she has found someone to spend the rest of her life with.

"The Story of Rose" Huang Yimei hollowed out her family to help Fang Xiewen start a business, but in the end she was still disappointed

It's just that beautiful relationships are always short-lived, Fu Jiaming has a terminal illness and only has three months to live, so this love lasts for three months.

From here, it can also reflect reality, there are too few people like Fu Jiaming in reality, and such a beautiful love can only be short-lived, if Huang Yimei and Fu Jiaming get married, the future life may also change from a cinnabar mole to a white rice.

"The Story of Rose" Huang Yimei hollowed out her family to help Fang Xiewen start a business, but in the end she was still disappointed

It seems that no love can escape the firewood, rice, oil and salt of marriage, so most of the love we can see appears before marriage, and then it is gone.

#头条创作挑战赛## "The Story of Rose" Liu Yifeilin updated his view of marriage#


Text|Editor - No regrets