
As the end of Xianbin Reef approaches, China has taken on the challenge of eight countries, the anti-encirclement has taken shape, and the Philippines has opened up a new battlefield

author:See the world in the vernacular

The Philippines is vainly trying to open up a "new battlefield", China has received the "challenge letter" from the 8 countries, China's anti-encirclement circle has taken shape, and at the same time, the new regulations of the Chinese coast guard have been officially implemented, and the end of Xianbin Reef is approaching, who are the 8 countries? What do the new China Coast Guard regulations say?

Following Ren'ai Jiao, the Philippines has vainly attempted to open up a "new battlefield" and has set its sights on the mainland's Xianbin Jiao in a vain attempt to re-stage the drama of "sitting on the beach" at Xianbin Jiao. Not long ago, Philippine coast guard ships hoisted several small boats in the waters near Xianbin Reef in an attempt to forcibly land the reef and carry out illegal operations. In addition, during the G7 summit, seven countries, including the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, and Canada, issued a joint statement opposing China's use of coast guards and "maritime militias" in the South China Sea, and repeatedly "obstructing freedom of navigation on the high seas," while declaring that China's claims in the South China Sea have "no legal basis." To put it bluntly, opposing China's use of water cannons against Philippine ships and hyping up the so-called "South China Sea arbitration results" are so-called "legally binding" on China. It is not difficult to see that under the Marcos administration's "luring the wolf into the house", the actions of the United States and the West to disrupt the South China Sea have become arrogant and obvious. At present, at least eight countries, including the Philippines, have challenged China on the South China Sea issue.

As the end of Xianbin Reef approaches, China has taken on the challenge of eight countries, the anti-encirclement has taken shape, and the Philippines has opened up a new battlefield

In response to such blatant provocations, China accepted the "letter of challenge" from the eight countries and resolutely responded by directly increasing troops in the South China Sea, blocking the Philippines on three sides and dispatching at least eight vessels, including the China Coast Guard 3303 and seven large fishing boats. Not only that, recently, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has dispatched three 0.55 million tons of large drive ships and one Type 052C missile destroyer to form a training formation, and went to a certain area of the South China Sea to organize training content focusing on the naval formation's sea assault, submarine warfare, and single-ship air defense. The three 0.55 million tons were Xianyang, Zunyi, and Yan'an, and the 052C destroyer was Haikou, and the training lasted for a total of 6 days and 5 nights. At this critical moment, the appearance of three PLA 055 ships in the South China Sea is obviously a tough response to the United States and other external forces to disrupt the South China Sea. It can be said that the Chinese side's counter-encirclement circle has taken shape.

As the end of Xianbin Reef approaches, China has taken on the challenge of eight countries, the anti-encirclement has taken shape, and the Philippines has opened up a new battlefield

In addition, on the 15th, China's "Provisions on Administrative Law Enforcement Procedures of Coast Guard Agencies" came into effect, which clarifies that foreigners suspected of violating entry and exit control and need to be further investigated may be detained for review with the approval of the head of the China Coast Guard agency. The period for detention review must not exceed 30 days, and where the case is complicated, it may be extended to 60 days with the approval of the coast guard body at the level above. To put it simply, since June 15, the Philippines has dared to continue to stir up trouble in the South China Sea, and the Chinese coast guard has the right to board ships and arrest people. Judging from the current situation of China's blockade on Xianbin Reef on three sides, no matter how much the Philippine side pretends to be, it will inevitably return in vain, and it will try to repeat the drama of "sitting on the beach"? This is pure wishful thinking. Whether it is at Ren'ai Jiao or Xianbin Jiao, the arrogance of the Philippine side is nearing its end. Previously, the PLA Type 071 landing ship and a number of hovercraft and aircraft participated in the exercises, as well as the three 0.55 million tons of large drive in the South China Sea, obviously not for show, the Marcos government should do it for itself.

As the end of Xianbin Reef approaches, China has taken on the challenge of eight countries, the anti-encirclement has taken shape, and the Philippines has opened up a new battlefield

In addition, the Marcos administration's vain attempt to rely on the United States and other external forces to exert pressure on China is nothing more than wishful thinking on the part of the Philippine side. Recently, a move by the US military has made the answer clear. Because on the eve of the official implementation of the new regulations of the China Coast Guard, the US Navy's "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier strike group, which had been wandering in the South China Sea for 58 days, slipped away. Why did the US aircraft carrier withdraw at this time? Obviously, the answer is self-explanatory, and the Marcos administration can't change that fact.