
What is the model of value-added consumption? How can consumption be value-added?

author:Veteran business model development

Hello everyone, I am the old business model developer, the head of an Internet software development company! Recently, many companies have been consulting what the consumption value-added model is, and the old paragraph of this article will explain it in detail

What is the model of value-added consumption? How can consumption be value-added?

1. What is consumption value-added:

The "value-added consumption" model is a forward-looking and innovative business model. Through the ingenious design of the point rebate system, the close connection and common growth of consumers and enterprises have been realized. Under the consumption value-added model, enterprises and consumers can share the dividends of the market and achieve a real win-win situation.

The value-added consumption model is an emerging business model, which is based on the concept of green points, and every time a purchase is completed in the mall, every consumption on the platform will be recorded, and part of the amount will be injected into the bonus pool. These funds are used to provide additional incentives and shares to consumers and merchants. As the amount of funds in the bonus pool increases, the value of the points will also increase accordingly, so that consumers and the platform can get more benefits.

What is the model of value-added consumption? How can consumption be value-added?

2. What are the advantages of value-added consumption:

For the platform, the "value-added consumption" model can effectively reduce the operating costs of enterprises, and the innovative business model can give the market greater flexibility and competitiveness, and help stand out in the market bottleneck environment. At the same time, through close interaction with consumers, companies can better understand market needs and develop and promote products with precision.

For consumers, the "value-added" model provides more consumer rights and value. Consumption can enjoy different discounts and rewards, enhancing consumers' purchasing power and repurchase rate.

What is the model of value-added consumption? How can consumption be value-added?

3. How to realize value-added points for consumption value-added:

1. Purchase products: consumers buy goods, get a certain value of the number of points, points for the sales volume of the product, every time a product is sold, the value of the points will rise once, the points can be withdrawn at any time, used to repurchase products to deduct cash or wait for the increase in value of cash.

2. Points cashing: When the points held by consumers are withdrawn, the platform rules will withdraw 80%, and the remaining 20% of the funds will flow back to the bonus pool to increase the price of points.

What is the model of value-added consumption? How can consumption be value-added?

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