
Contemporary Prose|In Search of the Cyan Code

author:Fantasy Magpie M

Wen / Yi He


The 2024 Shandong Provincial Prose Literature Association Member Creation Conference will allow prose lovers to gather in the ancient city of Qingzhou. After last year's Liantai Mountain Club Member Creation Conference, I had a full year. This year's Qingzhou activities must be participated, one is to take a look at the mystery of Qingzhou, which is the only one marked with color in ancient Kyushu, and the second is to listen carefully to the report of experts, communicate with literary friends, and find the "treasure book" of prose writing.

Gaode map check, driving to Qingzhou is 160 kilometers, it takes 2 hours, and the toll is 65 yuan. If you are driving, you can take a section of the latest Jinan to Weifang highway. Check the train information from Jinan to Qingzhou on 12306 and find that it is more convenient to go by train than by car. It takes an hour to arrive, about 30 yuan. After getting off the bus, take a taxi to the hotel, which is also about 30 yuan. In comparison, taking the train is a lot easier, and my wife is most concerned about the fatigue on the road. In particular, the end of the day is when you return after lunch, which is the time when you are easy to get tired and sleepy. When you get on the train, you can rest at ease, you don't have to stare at the steering wheel tightly, and after researching, you tend to take the train. Of course, there is also a careful thought that if you arrive a little earlier on the day of registration, you can go to the ancient city of Qingzhou to take a look at this rumored 5A ancient city.

Contemporary Prose|In Search of the Cyan Code


Look for coordinates from history. Qingzhou is one of the ancient Kyushu when Yu ruled the water, with a history of 7,000 years, a history of 5,000 years of civilization, and 12 years was the national capital. The "Zhou Li", written in the Warring States Period, records that the east is called Qingzhou. Because the soil layer is less yang, its color is green, so it is called Qingzhou. "Lü's Spring and Autumn" is called "the state of the East", "there are mountains and rivers on the right, and there is the rao of the rich sea on the left", is this the meaning of "Guangrao" now? In terms of location, it is said that it is "according to the sea in the northeast" (Bohai Sea), "far from Dai in the southwest" (Mount Tai), and has "Haidai Weiqingzhou". The green of Mount Tai, the blue of the Bohai Sea, coupled with Du Fu's "how is Dai Zongfu, Qilu Qing for" cultural polishing, has become the color palette of Shandong's "Haidai".

Regarding the youth of Qingzhou, I also thought that I must take a look at "A Brief History of Cyan" and "The Artists". "A Brief History of Cyan" must have a more specialized study of cyan. Feng Jicai of "Artists" said: All colors are language. He writes with two pens, one for a paintbrush and one for a fountain pen. That brush must have depicted cyan, that pen must have depicted cyan. In particular, when he said that "colors speak", the first thing that came to mind was that if you want to have colors, you must first have sunlight. If there is no sunlight, no color can be seen – "color is emptiness". The sunshine is also like walking history, and like "Rigui" carving the footsteps of time.


I saw that there were 268 people in the circle of friends who participated in the conference to attend the conference, and I saw that someone in the circle of friends of the meeting posted that the train ticket from Hangzhou to Qingzhou on the 22nd was 484 yuan. I also saw that the Shandong Prose Literature Association had such a great influence, and I saw that literature lovers are really "hobbies".

It only takes one hour to take the high-speed train from Jinan to Qingzhou, which is "the right of the sea and this Tinggu", which is really convenient.

The spring equinox has passed, and the earth still preserves the meaning of winter, following the warmth of winter to the "ancient state of the East". Compared with the imaginary Qingzhou, it seems that it has not yet woken up from its sting. In the Belon Garden, where I stayed, I saw Qingzhou stubbornly sticking to the belief of "green", smearing the cyan on the "aborigine" arborvitae trees, or painting them on the pine trees transplanted in the "Hakka style". This ancient cyan relic should have been thousands of years old, and although it is not verdant, it also wraps the life of this land. These pines and cypresses see the "descendants" who came today because the spring green meet here. Looking up, the cyan of the pines and cypresses of Camel Mountain and Yunmen Mountain has been flowing into the air. The bell that stands on the pagoda opposite the hotel is shaking the cyan sound of 5,000 years ago?

Contemporary Prose|In Search of the Cyan Code


Qingzhou has become a blessed land for harvest.

The first harvest is a visit to the ancient city of Qingzhou and the Qingzhou Museum, and I saw the past and present life of the Oriental State. The puppet garden in the ancient city of Qingdai and the visit of Ouyang Xiu Memorial Hall. The sunlight shines through the windows of the Ming Dynasty's osmanthus and spring flowers, making the dreams of people who come to worship the "Fulu Kangshou" stone come true. At the Qingzhou Museum, we met with the "Oriental Smiling Goddess" of Longxing Temple in the Northern Qi Dynasty (550-577 AD) and asked her how she "smiled at life" for more than 1,500 years. She told us that it was the insistence on tranquility and love in the ancient city that made her the "business card of Qingzhou". The carved stones, sculptures, and murals of the "Changing Paintings" have walked through the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, Maijishan Grottoes, Yungang Grottoes, Longmen Grottoes, and also walked to Longxing Temple. Among the ordinary people of the "illiterate group" who do not have the opportunity to read and write, the "convenient method", "sound and emotion" and "vividness" are used to convey the love of the world, and the special status of words is irreplaceable in the inheritance of Chinese culture.

There is also the only champion scroll in the museum of the Ming Dynasty palace examination "first class first place", so many students, parents, citizens who advocate "first" - tens of thousands of people line up from your side to the exhibition hall, corridor, and museum square. Worship "collectively" with a sincere heart, and infiltrate "excellence" in this solemn ceremony.

The second major gain was that Yuan Zhenfa, the editor-in-chief of Northern Literature, commented on his article "Bugs". He said:

The article "Bugs" is written about attending a meeting and making associations through "bugs". The bug enjoyed winter hibernation in the writer's study, and even climbed on the writer's computer, and even heard the sound of the writer's steps. This association as an essay, I think it is very well written and beautiful, and his entry point cuts from this incision. It is a great pity that the writer did not continue along this trajectory of thought. My feeling is that he is biased again, because your topic is bugs, and it should still revolve around bugs, and then cut in to set off the structure, and write to express the moral of the article, social philosophy. Then you are comfortable writing and writing. It should still be around the bug elephant to generate your association, and then put the sustenance you want to express in this image, and use it to express, called "metaphorical meaning", the article has some highlights. But my analysis of this article is the lack of creative experience, you don't know how to express, and the language is enough, then it's your experience problem, or you don't read enough, read less, and the form of your expression is too cramped and too simple.

I don't know Mr. Yuan, this heart-to-heart comment is the most innocent and simple. This is a maze of directions and methods. Lack of "creation" experience, and the cramped and single form of expression should be a weakness to make up. It turned out that I just wanted to record my life, and I never rose to the height of "creation". It is now clear that the "experience" of past work should be transformed into the "experience" of prose writing, and the method should be "digging a deep well". Editor-in-Chief Yuan's suggestion is very pertinent, so you can write it down along a line - the "central idea". Therefore, it is necessary to revise the original text according to the new ideas, and continue to write according to the "thinking" of the bugs, so that there should be a new realm.

The third major gain is that Mr. Mu Tao's report on "Article Atmosphere Respected by Chinese" has broadened his horizons. This kind of high-level academic report, from the macro perspective of Du Fu and Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty and Su Shi in the Song Dynasty, let us know the foundation of "folk style" and "literary style" in China's historical coordinates for more than 2,000 years. Of course, it also talked about the background of the "helpless" era of Tao Yuanming's idyllic poems without political plots and without worrying about the country and the people, and the mentality of birth is integrated with Taoist culture. His interpretation of the Book of Songs is more from the perspective of sociology and political science polls, and it is also the perspective of "using poetry to prove history". Mr. Mu's recommended Lu Jia's "New Language", Jia Yi's "New Book", Dong Zhongshu's "Spring and Autumn Dew", and Xiao Tong's "Nineteen Ancient Poems", these books have all been ordered, and then I will study the classics.

Mr. Mu's report enlightened us that even if we write a small article, we should be in a sober state and know what kind of article and style are respected by the society. It is necessary to get rid of the superficial wind, not to follow the trend, to become a noble purifier and laundry detergent in the society, and to truly care about the development of the society. After listening to his report, I felt sober, and a lot of confusion was suddenly opened in his "slow stripes", and I felt that he had given us a key to write good prose.

Contemporary Prose|In Search of the Cyan Code


"I'm waiting for you in Qingzhou!"

Looking at Yunmen Mountain from afar, the reverie continues, "Yunmen Mountain" is really the door of the cave that Qin Shi Huang made people open, and the clouds passed through it and got its name? When I thought of the most classic "where the rain passes and the clouds open, such a color will be the future" in "A Brief History of Cyan", I realized that this should be the "place where the clouds open" - such as "the beginning of chaos, the color of things", the cloud gate is the gate of "azure", the cloud gate is the mountain of "azure" and the word "longevity" is an inch-long "longevity", which is a cinnabar seal stamped in the picture scroll of azure! That day, the color of blue flowed into the Dai of Mount Tai and the blue of the Bohai Sea, the wind of Qingzhou became the green wind, and the taste of Qingzhou became the green flavor. "Ultramarine" gathers - blue is better than blue!

I found you in Qingzhou!

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