
Contemporary Prose | "Shogundo" and "Hyoin Spring"

author:Fantasy Magpie M

Text/Zhang Nianli

In December 2022, after the epidemic was lifted, he and Li Gang and Zheng Jianwu visited Miniusi Village, which has the highest altitude and the smallest population in the southwest mountainous area of Anqiu.

After returning home, I checked the "Anqiu Gazetteer" published in the 80s of the last century and learned that Xiaorenquan is 7.2 kilometers southwest of the nunnery and the northeast foot of Taipinggang. Reprinted "Rebuilding Ju Zhi", Tang Xiao rode the capital captain Sun Yingqian after his death and was buried here, and his descendants built a house here to guard the tomb, known as filial piety. Sun was also buried here after his death. After there is a spring gushing out from the side of the tomb, in order to thank this filial piety, call this spring as filial piety spring, the village is named after the spring, and later it is performed as the spring of filial piety.

Contemporary Prose | "Shogundo" and "Hyoin Spring"

Such a cultural heritage of Xiaorenquan aroused my interest even more! The day before the Dragon Boat Festival, the weather was sunny, but not hot, and it was a good day to go out. So he went on the road with retired colleagues Han Fengxue and Sun Yeting. Several turns, came to Xiaorenquan Village, fortunately there are villagers to point out, we finally came to the Xiaoren Spring that has been worried for a long time, the original Xiaoren Spring is in the low-lying place in the west of the village, there are more than 100 meters in a radius, the south, west and north of the spring are hills, the east is the village, the spring water is clear and green, there are aquatic plants in the spring are shaking, the spring grows dense reeds, the spring water flows eastward along the ravine around the front of the village, it is said that no matter how dry the weather is, it will never be exhausted, it will not stop flowing, it will not freeze in Sanjiu, and the water temperature is also above seven or eight degrees. In the middle of summer, Hyoin Spring is a natural bathing place for the children of the whole village. In the cold winter, it is also a good place for women to wash their clothes and vegetables. With its clear and sweet spring water, Xiaoren Spring irrigates thousands of acres of fertile land in nearby villages and nourishes the local people.

Before Xiaorenquan Village was assigned to Anqiu County in 1943, it had always belonged to Juzhou (County), and there are many records of Xiaorenquan in the chronicles of Juzhou (County). The Taipinggang mountain range in the southwest of the village is located in Shibuzi Town, which is the boundary between the original Anshang Town and Zhaohu Township, the top is flat as if it is reached, the mountain is gentle, the altitude is more than 300 meters, and the area is about one square kilometer. The mountain is composed of white sand and gravel, terraced fields to halfway up the mountainside, and the vegetation on the top of the mountain is dense, and many pines and cypresses and black locusts are planted. The Great Wall of Qi, built during the Warring States Period, rises and falls with the mountain, winding on the top of the mountain. The Taipinggang Mountain Range, as well as Chengding Mountain, Tangwang Mountain, and Medicine Mountain, are also the battlefields of the past dynasties, and many battles have taken place here. The larger scale includes the Taipinggang battle in which Guo Ziyi's troops in the Tang Dynasty put down the Anshi Rebellion, and the Battle of Chengdingshan during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

According to legend, Sun Yingqian, a native of Le'an (now Le'an County, Hebei) in the Tang Dynasty, was a lieutenant of Qingzhou during the Tianbao period of the Tang Dynasty, garrisoned Qingzhou, and during the Anshi Rebellion, Sun Yingqian killed the thieves and made many military exploits, and the rebels once captured Qingzhou. When Guo Ziyi, the general of the imperial court, led his troops to quell the rebellion, Qingzhou Mansion, which had been occupied by the rebels, was also within the scope of the counteroffensive. Under the command of Guo Ziyi, Sun Yingqian led his troops to chase and annihilate the rebels, starting from Qingzhou, chasing and killing all the way, galloping through the land of Qilu, first looking up to Tianshan Mountain, then Yi Mountain, Tangwang Mountain, picking medicine mountain, winning the flag, and playing a triumphant song. When chasing to the black yin cliff on the west side of Taipinggang in the south of Anqiu Chengding Mountain, the mountain here is high and the road is dangerous, the trees are thick, the pine locust in front of you is dense, gloomy and terrifying, the feet are full of black stones and weeds, lost your way, I don't know where to go, send my subordinates to ask the local people, only to know that the name of this place is called "Black Mile Er". When Sun Yingqian heard the name of the place, he was shocked and said: "My life is over!" ”。 At this time, the rebels had already been ambushed in the dense woods, and cold arrows "swished" out of the dense forest, and one of them just hit Sun Yingqian, the commander of the cavalry, and fell to his death.

Contemporary Prose | "Shogundo" and "Hyoin Spring"

It turned out that when he went to Mount Tai, he had found an old monk in the Dai Temple to divinate the hexagram and ask about the auspiciousness of the army. The monk asked about his birthday, and then put the bamboo stick into the bamboo tube, Sun Yingqian shook it, and waited for the old monk to look at the bamboo stick for a long time, and only said eight words: "When it is green, it is auspicious, and when it is dark, it is fierce." The general has committed black crimes all his life, which is called "the general committing a place name", and Sun Yingqian firmly believes in this and firmly remembers it. Therefore, when the general came to "Heilier", he saw that the woods in front of him were gloomy and terrifying, black and oppressive, and the feet were full of black stones.

Sun Yingqian's wife and son Sun Ji, when they learned the news of his martyrdom, found it here, and with the help of their subordinates and nearby people, their bones were transported to the bottom of the mountain and buried in the valley at the northeast foot of Taipinggang, which is now the north of Xiaoren Quan. Soon after, his mother also died of excessive grief, and Sun Ji, with the help of the nearby people, buried his mother and father together. After his mother's death, Sun continued to live in a grass house, guarding his parents' grave for several years, getting up in the morning to clean the area around his parents' cemetery, and then sitting in front of the grave to remember his parents' deep kindness, day and night. When he was thirsty, he took spring water from the ravine to quench his thirst, and when he was hungry, he went to the houses of the people nearby to ask for something to eat.

A few years later, a clear spring bubbled out from the grave of Sun Ji's parents. According to the local people, it was Sun Ji's loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness that moved the mountain god and made the clear spring gush out of the deep valley. Due to excessive grief and frailty, Sun was unable to keep up with food and clothing, endured hunger and cold, and died of illness a few years later. The local people remembered their filial piety and pooled money to buy a coffin to bury it next to their parents' graves, so that they could always accompany their parents and do their filial piety for their tombs. And the mountain spring gushing out next to the tomb is called "the source of filial piety". The source of filial piety is also known as the spring of filial piety, and later evolved into the "spring of filial piety". Later, on the side of the cemetery of Sun Yingqian and Sun Ji father and son in Quanbei, the filial piety temple was built, and it was later renamed the Zhongxiao Temple. On the east side of Xiaorenquan, the village originally called "Wopo" was also renamed "Xiaorenquan Village".

Later, the people in the vicinity were grateful for the loyalty, courage and benevolence of Sun Yingqian, Sun both father and son, reported to the government, and were allowed, about the time of Tang Zhongzong, built the general temple in the place where Sun Yingqian was martyred, and renamed the original "Heilier" as Taipinggang, in order to show the permanent commemoration of Sun Yingqian's loyalty and courage to serve the country, the nearby people called the general temple "General Hall", and now there has been the place name of "General Hall" in the southwest mountainous area.

According to records, in the first year of Tang Dezongzhen, there was Sun Ji's tomb and induction tablet by Xiaoren Spring, and it was clear that from the Middle Tang Dynasty, Sun Yingqian, Sun Ji's father and son were sacrificed and commemorated. From the Yuan Dynasty to the first year of Zheng (1341), there was a great drought in Shandong, and the mountainous area of Jubei was also affected by drought. The people erected a monument for Sun Yingqian, Sun Ji's father and son. If there is a great drought, it can be begged to rain and ensure a good harvest, and the people can live in peace for a long time, which has been widely recognized. Liu Jie, the secretary of the Taiyuan Dynasty Taishi Academy, wrote "Rebuilding the Source of Filial Piety" to record this incident.

In the Ming Dynasty, people rebuilt the General Hall on the original site. The ancient locust in front of the hall is lush and strong like an umbrella, and farmers or passers-by often rest under the trees. The site of the General's Hall is five miles away from Xiaoren Spring, at the west end of the Taipinggang Mountain Range, on the top of the east hill of Taijiaya Village, Zheshan Town. 

Liu Pu of the Ming Dynasty once wrote the poem "The Source of Filial Piety", praising the loyalty and filial piety of Sun Yingqian and Sun Ji's father and son. Liu Pu, a native of Zuntou Village, Shibuzi Town, Anqiu City, was a native of Zuntou Village, Jiangxi Province supervised the imperial history during the Apocalypse, and was patrolled by Huaiyang in Zhili. He wrote the poem "The Source of Filial Piety": "The prince is filial piety and virtue is out of the fish, and a threshold is a direct green canal." It's strange that the people in the country offer Fula, and the clouds and Han are comfortable at three o'clock. "Gonghou" is the word of Sun Ji. The sentence "Gonghou Xiaode out of the Divine Fish" in the poem echoes the auspicious record of a pair of big carps jumping out of the water when Liu Chun, the governor of the Yuan Dynasty, and others in the Yuan Dynasty's "Rebuilding the Source of Filial Piety" written by Liu Jie in the Yuan Dynasty prayed for rain.

The latest record of the filial piety spring sacrifice in the history books is in the Qing Dynasty Qianlong Ding Mao year (1747), where the heavy rain occurred, the filial piety temple collapsed. A few years later, a new shrine was rebuilt in the same place, and the statue of Sun Yingqian was also set up in it, sacrificed together, and the plaque was written as "Loyal and Filial Piety Temple". Liu Jiesheng, a local man, wrote "The Record of Building and Repairing the Shrine of Loyalty and Filial Piety" to record this incident.

Villagers legend that during the Anti-Japanese War, General Zhou Yuying, the commander of the 51st Army stationed on Chengding Mountain, was a native of Fuliu Village in Jingzhi, this county, and thanked Sun Yingqian, Sun Ji and his son for their loyalty, bravery, benevolence and filial piety, and once erected a monument for it in front of the Loyal and Filial Piety Temple, recording in detail the story of loyalty and filial piety of Sun Yingqian's father and son, but unfortunately, when the war was raging, the stele erected did not know where to go, and the stele was recorded on the stele and did not know its content.

This shows that people's formal sacrifices and commemoration of Sun Yingqian and Sun Ji's father and son have lasted for more than a thousand years. It is a pity that the legendary "Loyal and Filial Piety Temple" no longer exists, and the original ruins and broken walls seem to be faintly visible. We stand by the filial piety spring, look at the clear and turquoise pool of spring water, and then look at the site of the "Loyal and Filial Piety Temple", empty, so there is a profound cultural heritage of loyalty and filial piety, no monuments can be found, there is not even a stone tablet that introduces the filial piety spring, only the filial piety spring water bubbling endlessly, gurgling eastward, suddenly feel regretful, also a little disappointed.

Although there are no historical sites to be found near Hyoren Spring, the story of "Hyoren Spring" has been recorded in many historical books, and the local folk have been circulating. The place name "Shogun's Hall" has also been used until now, and when you open the navigation, you can search for a place called "General's Hall". Following the navigation, let's go to see the place where General Sun Yingqian was martyred for the country, and whether we can still find some clues of those years.

Contemporary Prose | "Shogundo" and "Hyoin Spring"

From Xiaorenquan Village to the north, it is not long to go up to the Chengding Mountain Heavenly Road, the Heavenly Road is high and low, tactful and tortuous, the jungle on both sides is dense, the strange stones are numerous, and soon we come to the village on the clouds - Liuheyu. When I met a villager and asked him about the specific location of the General Hall, he said that after leaving the village, he went west, then went south along the cement road, went down to the lowest point, and then walked up about 20 meters, which is the general location of the General Hall. Many years ago, the ruins and broken walls of the General's Hall were still faintly recognizable, and an ancient acacia tree in front of the General's Hall was thick and lush, and he hadn't been there for many years, so he didn't know what it looked like now. We drove for more than ten minutes according to the guidance of the villagers, arrived at the location of the general hall, looked left and right, and finally did not see the remains of the general hall, let alone the ancient acacia, but here the pine locust is dense, the pine waves are bursting, gloomy and terrifying, the feet are littered with stones and dry grass, look at the surrounding there is no piece of land that can be cultivated, it is really a deserted place, a birdsong, from the depths of the forest, breaking the silence of the mountain forest. Could it be that this is the place where Sun Yingqian fought a decisive battle with the rebels of the Anshi Rebellion?

According to the historical records, about the Tang Dynasty Zhongzong period, the government and the villagers built the general temple here, to commemorate the martyrdom of General Sun Yingqian, the local people called "the general hall", there are many repairs in the past dynasties, and finally prove the existence of the general hall, that is, the remains of the broken wall of the general hall and the national acacia, the ancient locust has been more than 500 years old, it should be planted in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the general hall is in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the incense is still vigorous, and when it was finally destroyed, no one knows. After coming back, I met an old colleague whose hometown was Taijiaya, and asked him about "Xiaorenquan" and "General's Hall", he said that it had been more than 30 years since he came out of the village, and he only knew that there was a place called General's Hall, but he didn't know where it was, Xiaorenquan was a village, and he didn't know what was going on with Xiaorenquan and General's Hall. The stories of "General's Hall" and "Hyorenquan" seem to be gradually forgotten!

In the history of Chinese civilization for 5,000 years, loyalty and filial piety are the blood of traditional culture. His children and grandchildren not only built a grass house, but also guarded the tomb of their parents and did their filial piety, which moved the heavens and the earth. Sun Yingqian, Sun Ji, father and son, set an example for people with their loyalty and filial piety, and were set as an example by the people, and they are god-like beings in people's minds. "General Hall", "Xiaoren Spring", for more than 1,000 years, praise and tell the touching stories of "loyalty" and "filial piety" that have occurred on the land of Anqiu, I hope that these moving stories can be traced, and I really hope that the ancient buildings of "General Hall" and "Xiaoren Temple" are still standing there, becoming a place for people to praise and promote loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness!

Zhang Nianli, a native of Weifang, Shandong, born in January 1964, is a member of the Shandong Prose Literature Association, deputy editor-in-chief of Qilu New Literature, vice president and executive secretary general of the Chinese and Foreign Wine Culture Association. He has published more than 100 prose essays, among which "Looking for the Miniu Temple" and "Autumn to Daze Mountain" won the 2022 "Contemporary Prose" Platform Outstanding Work Award of the Shandong Prose Literature Association, "Falling in Love with Wheatyu" won the first prize of the 2nd "The Most Beautiful China" Contemporary Poetry and Prose Competition, "Xiashan Lake, the Peach Blossom Source in My Dreams" won the gold medal of the "Sanya Cup" National Literature Competition, and "Bringing the Golden Ox to the Spring" won the second prize of the "Chunguang Cup" Contemporary Ecological Literature Competition.

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