
Success comes from relentless diligence

author:Fantasy Magpie M

Text/Shi Yuyuan

In real life, everyone has their own dreams and pursuits. Everyone is trying to find their own extraordinary path, and this path is undoubtedly intertwined by diligence and hard work. If you want to succeed, you must work hard, as the saying goes: "A hard work, a harvest." "There can be no source of success without hard work. There is no shortcut on the road to success, only hard work is the source of success.

Newton said, "No matter what you do, as long as you are willing to work hard, there is no failure." "The pursuit of happiness and the desire for success are everyone's wishes. Whether it is a man or a woman, they all have their original dreams, their goals in life, and their struggles in life. Whether it can be realized in the end requires certain objective conditions, but subjective conditions are crucial. If a person does not have faith, perseverance, and the spirit of hard work, he will not be able to achieve any success.

I always believe that everyone's success is not accidental. Whether it is a great person or an ordinary person in life, everyone's success is due to their years of unremitting efforts and perseverance beyond ordinary people. All accomplished people have achieved remarkable results through hard work. On the road to the peak of science, Chen Jingrun, a contemporary mathematician on the mainland who overcame the "Goldbach conjecture," did not know how much information he had read, and in order to study and calculate, he often stayed up all night, using dozens of sacks of scratch paper. Writer Lu Yao spent six years writing the novel "Ordinary World", in order to create, he locked himself in the house, closed the door, looked up the information, and wrote selflessly. As soon as the work was published, it became a sensation throughout the country and won the third Mao Dun Literature Award. He fell ill from overwork and died at the age of 42.

Success comes from relentless diligence

In addition to good psychological quality, there is one more thing that is most precious in the world, and that is diligence. The most valuable diligence is not only physical diligence, but also spiritual diligence. Literary scholars say that diligence is a golden key to open the door to the palace of literature; Scientists say that diligence makes a person smart; And politicians say that hard work is the cornerstone of achieving ideals; And ordinary people say that diligence is a traditional virtue. It can be seen that diligence has such a huge heritage and charm, if human beings discard it, it will never work.

In ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, all those who have achieved great things are not all based on the word "fight"? Sima Qian, a famous historian in the Western Han Dynasty, endured great shame after suffering from the torture palace, resolutely picked up the pen again, endured the humiliation, and was unswervingly committed to compiling the "Historical Records". Through his own efforts, Sima Qian opened up a glorious path in life, and he succeeded, and he made a heavy stroke on the pages of history that cannot be erased. Just imagine, if Sima Qian complained about this disaster that fell from the sky, and he couldn't live in fear. Then he must have no chance of success, but it is his hard work and diligence that make people always remember him and the "Historical Records" of "the swan song of the historian, without rhyme".

Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, in order to practice calligraphy well, he had to practice his own calligraphy every day, and after practicing, he washed the brush in a pond next to his home, so day after day, he dyed the water of the entire pond black. It is precisely because of Wang Xizhi's persistence and diligence that he is known as the "Book Saint". Su Qin, because he failed to seek official positions, was looked down upon by others after returning home, so he read Taigong's "Liutao" and "Yin Fu" and other books on the art of war diligently day and night. Whenever in the dead of night, when his head was dizzy and his eyes were astringent, and he always wanted to sleep, he would stab himself in the thigh with an awl so that he would wake up and read. It was precisely because of Su Qin's diligent efforts that he finally succeeded in his studies and became a famous political activist during the Warring States Period. From the examples of the ancients, we know that if you want to be successful, you must be diligent and hardworking, because diligence is the foundation of success.

Tong Dizhou, a famous biologist in the mainland, failed the exam when he was in middle school, and the teacher asked him to repeat the grade, and his classmates laughed at him, but he was not pessimistic and disappointed, but studied hard and finally achieved excellent results. When he studied abroad, he studied hard, fought for the Chinese, and became a famous biologist in the mainland. The scientist Madame Currie was also tireless and diligent in her exploration before discovering "radium", which made great contributions to mankind.

Although Zhang Haidi, who is disabled, has never gone to school, she has worked diligently and overcome difficulties that ordinary people cannot imagine, and has conquered several foreign languages. Isn't it the result of hard work that they have been able to achieve such an achievement? If they hadn't worked diligently, would they have achieved what they are today? The great physicist Albert Einstein was not an outstanding student when he was in school, and the teacher even said that he was a "man under intelligence", but he was not discouraged and diligent in his studies, although he was forced to leave school after only 3 months of school, he did not lose confidence, but became a world-famous scientific giant. All this proves that success comes from hard work, but if a person learns to be diligent, it means that he will be successful.

Success is the goal that everyone pursues, and self-confidence is its premise. Whether in study or in life, there will be setbacks, big and small. Self-confidence is a kind of power, a potential, precious, and powerful force. So that you will not be silent and slumped, but believe in your own ability and start again. As the saying goes: failure is the mother of success, and self-confidence is the cornerstone of success. As long as you choose self-confidence, then success will light up a jewel lamp. Self-confidence is not enough, you must also pay hard sweat.

Thomas Edison once said: success = 1% talent + 99% sweat. It can be seen that hard work is a necessary factor for success. Confucius also said: "Forget to eat, and forget to worry with happiness." It is also the reason why I am more competent in teaching students and diligent in education. Yan Zhenqing also wrote in "Persuasion": The three watches are lit and the five watches are chickens, which is when the boy is studying. The black hair does not know how to study early, and the white head regrets studying late. Doesn't that also show the importance of hard work? There is a diligent path in the book mountain, and there is no end to the hard work of learning the sea. This proverb, which has been passed down to this day, illustrates the importance of hard work for success. It can be seen how important the proportion of hard work is. If you have both self-confidence and hard work, and you can do both, then a brilliant flower of success will quietly bloom.

Zeng Guofan, a celebrity in the Qing Dynasty, was not a "smart person", but a relatively "stupid" person. Liang Qichao also said when evaluating him: Zeng Guofan is not an outstanding genius, and he is the most dull among the sages of the time. Zeng Guofan also admitted that he was not born a smart person, "life is shorter than talent" and "reckless". Zeng Guofan, who reacted very slowly to reading, didn't understand after reading once, and didn't understand it twice or three times until he understood, but Zeng Guofan was not a person who didn't seek to understand, no matter if he walked along the way during the day, or pillowed on the pillow at night, he read and thought about it repeatedly until he understood. Zeng Guofan was known for his "dull material" in the late Qing Dynasty, and his achievements were all due to his hard work.

Legend has it that in the process of Zeng Guofan's hard study, there was also such an interesting little story: one day Zeng Guofan was endorsing at home, and he encountered an article that he couldn't memorize. It just so happened that at this time, a thief was hiding under his roof, ready to wait for Zeng Guofan to finish reciting the book and go to bed before stealing. But Zeng Guofan has memorized this article many times, but he has always refused to go to sleep if he can't memorize it. Later, the thief couldn't wait to jump out and said, "You stupid, you can't memorize it after so many times, I have listened to it." As he spoke, he recited it and walked away. Although there are exaggerated elements in this story, which is not necessarily true, it also reflects on one side that diligence has become Zeng Guofan's creed, and hard work has become a habit for him.

Success comes from relentless diligence

"Industry is good at diligence, and absurdity is frolic; Actions are made in thought, and destroyed in follow. This is the deep emotion of Han Yue, a writer who has left famous sentences for mankind. Only through unremitting diligence can we enrich ourselves even if we cannot become talents. But if you can't be diligent, you won't be able to achieve great things at all. The ancients said: "Learn one trick a day, and learn one set in ten days." "Learning is a process of accumulation, and success requires keeping loneliness, so that we can have perseverance and perseverance, and we can persist to the end and achieve our own success. No matter how the society develops, people need to learn, they need to have skills, and only with skills can they have a job to make a living, so that they can live a good life.

There is a good saying, "I'm not afraid that people are not good, but I am afraid that my art is not good." Nowadays, many people have put their minds on engaging in personnel relations and entertainment, busy eating, drinking and having fun, how can they have time to read and study, and there is no time to learn art, they must study diligently, they must study hard, they must learn skills hard, people can go all over the world with skills, and they don't have to worry about finding a job and no job.

Leeuwenhoek, the inventor of the microscope, said: "To succeed in a business, you have to spend a lifetime." "On the road to success, no one can be, all the way is smooth, smooth sailing, more or less, there will be ups and downs, there will be tribulations. Chen Jingrun and Lu Yao, if they didn't have tenacious perseverance and perseverance, how could they have achieved such great success. Freezing three feet, not a day's cold, water drops and stones wear, not a day's work. The same is true for people's careers, if you want to be successful, you must put in the effort, you must put in the labor, otherwise it will become a fantasy, and you will achieve nothing.

All in all, diligence is a virtue, a temperament, a spirit, the cornerstone of promoting the continuous progress of individuals and society, and the golden key to open the door to success. I believe that as long as we continue to maintain a diligent state, our life will become more and more exciting, more and more fulfilling, and more and more valuable.

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