
The Philippines has set up missile positions, and the Chinese coast guard has used unprecedented means against Philippine ships

author:Chen Hui on the sword

Relying on the "support" of the United States, the Philippines has set up missile launch positions in the South China Sea, clearly pointing its sword at China. The Chinese coast guard acted decisively and used unprecedented means to give the United States and the Philippines a "disadvantage".

The Philippines has set up missile positions, and the Chinese coast guard has used unprecedented means against Philippine ships

The launch site being built by the Philippine side

A few days ago, foreign media reported that the Philippines is currently building a launch site for the BrahMos anti-ship missile, which is located at a naval base on the coast of West Luzon, which is located in Zambales, Philippines. It has been learned that the construction of the launch site has begun to take shape, and the relevant facilities for storing missiles and assembling and maintaining the "BrahMos" missiles all need to be built and placed in warehouses, and the construction of this project has been initially completed.

The report pointed out that preparations for the construction of the relevant facilities began when the Philippines ordered the "BrahMos" missiles, and it has been two years since then. In April this year, India completed the first delivery of the order, and since then the construction process of the launch site has accelerated. At present, the situation in the South China Sea is scorching and difficult, and the direction of this position can be said to be well known to passers-by.

You must know that the position is located in Zambales, which is only 250 kilometers away from Scarborough Shoal, which is currently disputed between China and the Philippines. Not only that, but the location of the Zambales Islands allows for the control of important sea lanes, which is essential for maintaining regional security and stability. The islands are key locations for military operations in the South China Sea, not only because of their value but also because of their important role in monitoring and protecting strategic waterways.

The Philippines has set up missile positions, and the Chinese coast guard has used unprecedented means against Philippine ships

"BrahMos" missiles

In addition, according to foreign media analysis, the other launch site selected by the Philippines is likely to be in the northern part of West Luzon. If the guess is accurate, then the Luzon Strait will be exposed to its strike range, and in the event of a conflict, it is very likely that the "BrahMos" missiles here will cooperate with the formation of the US military to intercept and attack the opponent's ships passing through the Luzon Strait.

At present, the Zambales launch position has been determined, and not only the "BrahMos" missile body will be placed, but there is a high probability that a garage will be built that can be used to accommodate missile launchers. In other words, the "BrahMos" missiles deployed here will be matched with the launch vehicle and have complete mobility capabilities. In layman's terms, it is to be able to achieve "one shot to change a place" and avoid a fatal blow to the core strength.

This is an important chess piece for the Philippines in the South China Sea. After all, the BrahMos missile has a maximum range of about 290 kilometers and a maximum speed of Mach 2.8 to Mach 3. The missile is also equipped with an intelligent navigation system that provides high-precision guidance when approaching the target.

The Philippines has set up missile positions, and the Chinese coast guard has used unprecedented means against Philippine ships

India delivers "BrahMos" to the Philippines

In particular, its super speed and stealth characteristics increase the difficulty of interception by any anti-missile system. And not just the land-based version, the BrahMos missile system includes three versions of the sea, land and air, and can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft and mobile ground platforms, making it a highly flexible and adaptable military asset. In other words, this can be regarded as a "deadly threat" for surface combat ships.

It can be said that the construction of this launch site is a blatant provocation by the United States and the Philippines against China, and seriously threatens China's security in the relevant waters. For some time now, the Philippines has followed the "baton" of the United States and has been making trouble in the South China Sea, spreading rumors and smearing and playing tricks.

The United States and the Philippines have obvious ambitions in the South China Sea, and China is naturally "clear-eyed", and even though the United States and the Philippines collude and use endless means, the situation in the South China Sea is always in China's hands. A few days ago, the China Coast Guard officially implemented the new regulations for the South China Sea, further tightening the control of relevant waters in the South China Sea. As expected, only two days after the implementation of the new regulations, the Philippines immediately "sent a ship to commit the crime".

The Philippines has set up missile positions, and the Chinese coast guard has used unprecedented means against Philippine ships

Chinese and Philippine ships meet at sea

The Philippine side also tried to resort to "touching porcelain" and manipulated a supply ship to illegally intrude into mainland waters, which was immediately discovered by the Chinese coast guard. The Chinese side repeatedly shouted at the Philippine vessels and demanded that the relevant vessels be inspected in accordance with regulations, but the repeated warnings were to no avail, and the Philippine side had the audacity to adjust its operation methods, deliberately ramming the Chinese vessels in normal navigation, and colliding with the Chinese vessels.

The Chinese Coast Guard took decisive measures to forcibly stop the Philippine vessels that continued to violate the law, and carried out boarding inspections, and then forcibly drove them away, completely crushing the Philippine provocation this time. It is worth mentioning that even if the Chinese side has used water cannons to drive them away, it has not "forcibly boarded and inspected" Philippine ships, and today's move is the implementation of the new regulations by the Chinese coast guard and a gravitational response to the US-Philippine conspiracy.

China's principle of safeguarding sovereignty in the South China Sea will not change, and the US-Philippines plot is doomed to fail. China has no intention of escalating the regional situation, but the United States and the Philippines do not know how to restrain themselves and blindly jump sideways above China's "red line", but the PLA is not a "soft persimmon", and the China Coast Guard is not a "decoration". The Philippine side still thinks about it, and when it really comes to the time when the swords and soldiers face each other, the Philippine side's family can survive a few rounds.

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