
Sign up! AAES2024 Tea Break Shop solicitation begins

author:Zhitiqiao Innovation Consulting

【Tea Break Shop】——The indispensable immersive product experience activity of the AAES Conference, has won the wide love of the participants with its practical and interesting characteristics over the years.

Since 2019, [Tea Break Shop] has successfully brought together more than 570 dazzling health innovation products, attracting the active participation of more than 260 companies, and building a unique platform for [nutrition/health/function] products that can be seen, touched and tasted directly to the market. For companies that aspire to impress in front of more than 5,000 trade visitors, this is undoubtedly the ideal place to "grow grass".

Now, as the AAES2024 approaches, [Tea Break Shop] has set sail again, officially kicking off the product collection. We sincerely invite companies in the field of nutrition and health to bring your "terminal innovation products" to join this annual event. Here, every display may trigger a new opportunity for cooperation, and every product can find its Bole.

Sign up! AAES2024 Tea Break Shop solicitation begins
Sign up! AAES2024 Tea Break Shop solicitation begins

What do you get by participating in the coffee break shop?

For participating businesses, there are several benefits:

1. On-site interaction, planting grass upgrade - In the [Tea Break Shop], your products can not only be seen, but also experienced and tasted. This is a fresh grass planting scene, let the product "speak" by itself, easily cross the cognitive boundary, and achieve word-of-mouth out of the circle.

2. Hit the target and connect with customers — As the focus of the exhibition area, the first encounter between products and customers is frequently staged here. "Which one is this? How to contact us? "It has become the most direct signal for enterprises to harvest intended customers, establish contacts efficiently, and broaden business networks.

3. Gather crowds and share prosperity - The flood of people brought about by the agglomeration effect allows each participating company to enjoy the dividends of synergy, jointly create a hot spot with a surging flow of people, and attract more attention.

4. Prolong interactions, deepen impressions — Rich options encourage visitors to stay longer, compare, ask, experience...... Every minute is a valuable opportunity to deepen the impression of your product and promote deeper communication.

5. Innovation Highland, Leading the Trend — [Tea Break Shop], a display window for health product innovation. New dosage forms, new flavors, and new technologies are unveiled here, becoming a vane of attention inside and outside the industry.

6. Multi-dimensional exposure, amplify the impact — We will use the multimedia matrix (graphics, live broadcast, video) to create an exposure plan for the product, increase awareness, and make the product shine on a broader stage.

Sign up! AAES2024 Tea Break Shop solicitation begins

Tea Break Shop Solicitation Requirements

Solicitation of enterprises: terminal brand, OEM/ODM

Scope of solicitation: medicine and food homologous nourishing health products, dietary supplements, health foods, functional foods/beverages/snacks, etc

Submission period: June 15 – September 12, 2024

Product Requirements:

1. There is independent packaging, clear production date, and non-expiring products;

2. Each single product needs to provide more than 200 products to the organizer (the smallest unit, such as a box of 10 bottles, calculated as 10).

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