
My dad made three cold salads, which is a cure for lack of appetite in summer!

author:In Aqing's kitchen

Hello everyone, this is Aqing's kitchen~

Today is the day of being conquered by the cold salad made by my father~

My dad made three cold salads, which is a cure for lack of appetite in summer!

It's strange that every time I ask my dad to cook, he waves his hand and says no, but occasionally on a whim, he can always easily capture the stomach of the whole family~

My dad made three cold salads, which is a cure for lack of appetite in summer!

Today's cold salad is three silks, sour and hot appetizing, with steamed buns, wraps, and even eating alone is a must, and it is refreshing and greasy, no matter how much you eat, you don't have to worry about growing meat, this bite is really essential in the hot summer~

My dad made three cold salads, which is a cure for lack of appetite in summer!

The method is very simple, you will have a hand, you can get it in a few minutes, come and unlock it with Aqing~

  • Shredded carrots, shredded kelp, vermicelli
  • Minced garlic, chopped green onion, millet pepper, chili flakes, white sesame seeds~

1: Prepare an empty bowl, add minced garlic, white sesame seeds, chili flakes, and pour a spoonful of hot oil to stimulate the fragrance~

2: Add 3 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of aged vinegar, 1 tablespoon of chili oil, a pinch of salt, Sichuan pepper noodles, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, rattan pepper oil and stir well, mix well and set aside~

3: Boil water in a pot, boil the water into the shredded carrots and kelp, and then add the vermicelli and cook it in cold water twice, control the moisture of all ingredients, pour the juice and mix well~

My dad made three cold salads, which is a cure for lack of appetite in summer!

Look at this mouth-watering appearance, this is a vegetable salad that is more suitable for the physique of Chinese babies~

My dad made three cold salads, which is a cure for lack of appetite in summer!

Have you learned?

Pay attention to Aqing, and continue to output food and drink knowledge for you~

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