
People who get on fire at every turn, drink more tonic liquid and less water! 2 small recipes to clear heat accumulation and replenish liquid

author:Jia Yajun in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Internal Medicine

People who get angry at every turn should drink more tonic liquid and less water! Hello everyone, I'm Dr. Jia.

Dry skin is easy to peel, hot hands and feet, a lot of eye feces, drinking water all the time and not quenching thirst, bad breath, constipation, etc., this series of symptoms are all caused by fire. It is very common to get on fire, but most people don't take it seriously, thinking that taking some medicine to clear the heat and quenching the fire will pass, or drink more water, and want to put out the fire with water, but it is often repeated and cannot be cleaned.

People who get on fire at every turn, drink more tonic liquid and less water! 2 small recipes to clear heat accumulation and replenish liquid

Then today I will share with you 2 small recipes to nourish yin and clear heat to help you extinguish a fire!

The first recipe is to soak water with water chestnut and fresh reed root, the medicinal properties of water chestnut and fresh reed root are cold, which can clear away heat and relieve fire, moisten the lungs and rejuvenate the body, and also have the effect of moistening the intestines and laxative, and excrete the heat evil in the body by cleaning up the stool. It has a certain conditioning effect on symptoms such as dry mouth, bitter mouth, bad breath, mouth ulcers, increased eye feces, short urine, constipation and dryness such as sheep feces caused by real fire. However, people with a weak spleen and stomach cannot use it.

People who get on fire at every turn, drink more tonic liquid and less water! 2 small recipes to clear heat accumulation and replenish liquid

The second recipe is black plum, hawthorn and licorice, which is a simple version of sour plum soup, black plum and hawthorn are acidic, acid can converge, can converge the liquid, do not let it be dissipated excessively, and with licorice, it can sour and glycolytic, promote the metaplasia of the liquid. This is more suitable for people with yin deficiency and fire, such as easy to have hot hands and feet, irritability, hot flashes and night sweats, soreness in the waist and knees, etc., and need to use the way to nourish yin to clear heat.

People who get on fire at every turn, drink more tonic liquid and less water! 2 small recipes to clear heat accumulation and replenish liquid

In addition, everyone should also pay attention to regular diet, do not stay up late, avoid damaging the spleen and stomach, and deplete yin and blood, otherwise it will be useless to use more medicine. That's all for today's content, I hope it can be helpful to you, and we'll see you next time!