
The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

author:Chronicles of the Origins
[Opening statement]: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.
The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

In the history of science, there have always been some jaw-dropping experiments that have challenged human imagination and moral boundaries. In 1927, a shocking piece of news came from France that shocked the whole world: scientists were conducting human-orangutan-orangus hybridization experiments in an attempt to create a completely new species!

This seemingly fantastical experiment turned out to be a reality in the Soviet Union two years later. Even more incredibly, five brave female volunteers volunteered to join the experiment.

What is the story behind this crazy experiment? It is not only a scientific exploration, but also a complex drama that reflects the interweaving of society, politics, science and ethics at that time. Let's travel back in time to uncover this long-lost history of the Soviet Union, explore the rhapsodies of scientists of that era, and the ultimate fate of this experiment.

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

1. Soviet scientific rhapsody: from animal insemination to human-ape hybridization

At the beginning of the 20th century, the scientific community was undergoing an unprecedented transformation. In this era of innovation and challenges, a Russian scientist named Ilya Ivanov is quietly rising. This gifted expert in reproductive science has quickly become the focus of the international academic community for his outstanding achievements in the field of artificial animal insemination.

Ivanov's research began with artificial insemination of horses. In those days, horses were not only an important means of transportation, but also the key to military power.

Through artificial insemination, Ivanov managed to increase the efficiency of the reproduction of high-quality horses, an achievement that immediately attracted the attention of the military. Subsequently, he expanded his research to include sheep, cattle and other livestock, with remarkable success in each attempt.

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

These achievements have given Ivanov a great reputation in the international community of reproductive science. He is frequently invited to participate in various academic conferences and communicate with scientists from all over the world. In the process, Ivanov's ambitions also swelled. He began to think about an even bolder hypothesis: if it could be possible to hybridize between different species, would new species with special abilities be created?

However, just as Ivanov's career was booming, a dramatic change interrupted his research. In 1917, the October Revolution broke out in Russia, plunging the whole country into turmoil. Research funding has been slashed, and many laboratories have been forced to close. Ivanov's work was also seriously affected, and he had to suspend most of his research projects.

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

However, this revolution unexpectedly opened a new door for Ivanov. The post-revolutionary Soviet government urgently needed to establish the authority of materialism in order to counter entrenched religious theology. Against this background, Ivanov's bold scientific ideas received unexpected support.

The government believes that a successful human-ape hybrid would be the most powerful proof of evolution and would shatter religious myths about the origins of man. This idea fits perfectly with the ideological needs of the new regime. So, with the full support of the Soviet government, Ivanov began his most crazy scientific exploration, the experiment of human-ape hybridization.

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

At the time, the plan seemed like a fantasy. Even in the scientific community, there are many who scoff at this. But Ivanov is convinced that with his extensive experience in artificial insemination of animals, this experiment is completely feasible. His goal was to create a new species between humans and apes, a creature that would have the intelligence of a human and the physical strength of an ape.

Ivanov believes that such a "super-creature" could not only provide valuable information for scientific research, but could also become an important source of labor in the future. In the eyes of the Soviet government, if the experiment succeeded, it would be a great blow to the science of capitalism, and at the same time it would prove the superiority of the socialist system.

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

In order to realize this ambitious plan, Ivanov began to work on preparations. He needed to find the right test subject, and Africa became his first choice. There are a large number of chimpanzees there, which are the closest genetically to humans and are ideal test subjects.

In 1925, with the support of the Soviet government, Ivanov embarked on a journey to Africa. The expedition was fraught with unknowns and dangers, but for Ivanov it was an exciting scientific exploration. He brought advanced experimental equipment with him and prepared to carry out his research in the jungles of Africa.

However, this experiment was fraught with controversy from the start. Many scientists have questioned the feasibility and ethics of experimentation, arguing that such experiments are inhumane and could even have catastrophic consequences. But with the support of the Soviet government at the time, these doubts were quickly silenced.

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

Immediately after his arrival in Africa, Ivanov began his field research. He observes the behavior of chimpanzees and collects physiological data on them in preparation for upcoming experiments. At the same time, he is also looking for volunteers in the local area who are willing to provide sperm samples. The process was fraught with challenges, not only overcoming linguistic and cultural barriers, but also facing doubts and opposition from the locals.

After a series of preparatory work, Ivanov finally began his first attempt. He injected sperm from human males into the uterus of female chimpanzees in the hope of producing hybrid offspring. During this process, he encountered many technical difficulties, such as how to ensure the motility of sperm, how to choose the right timing for injection, etc.

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

However, after several attempts, the experiment ended in failure. None of the female chimpanzees were successful in getting pregnant. This result dismayed Ivanov, but he did not give up. Instead, he began to think about new possibilities. If it were the other way around, would it have been different if the sperm of a chimpanzee had been combined with a human female?

In this way, Ivanov's experiment entered a new stage. The idea is even crazier and more controversial than previous experiments. It is not only about the ethics of science, but also about human dignity. However, in the context of that particular era, this experiment was actually approved.

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

Ivanov, armed with the results of his research and a new experimental program, embarked on a journey back to the Soviet Union. His heart was full of anticipation and apprehension, and he didn't know what fate awaited him. And this crazy experiment is about to unfold its most amazing scene on the soil of the Soviet Union.

2. The initiation of experiments: the fierce collision between ethics and science

The trip to Africa made Ivanov feel like a fish in water. There are all kinds of apes he needs, especially chimpanzees, which are the closest genetically to humans. He began experimenting with injecting sperm from human males into the uterus of female chimpanzees, hoping to produce hybrid offspring.

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

The experiment caused an uproar in the local area. Many consider this a blasphemy against the laws of nature, and some even see Ivanov as the embodiment of the devil. But Ivanov ignored these criticisms and threw himself into the experiment.

However, it backfired. After several attempts, the experiment ended in failure. None of the female chimpanzees were successful in getting pregnant. Faced with such a result, Ivanov was not discouraged. Instead, he decided to think backwards – what if chimpanzee sperm could be combined with a human female?

The idea is even crazier and more controversial than previous experiments. But incredibly, in 1929, the Soviet government again gave Ivanov great support. Even more shocking was the fact that five female volunteers had signed an agreement to participate in this unprecedented experiment.

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

The identities of these five women remain a mystery to this day. Some say they are intellectuals who have dedicated their lives to science, while others speculate that they may have been forced by the government. In any case, this decision is destined to push them to the center of the vortex of history.

However, the experiment did not go well. First, there is the issue of climate. The cold climate of the Soviet Union was a great challenge for chimpanzees from Africa. The second is the difficulty of transportation. Transporting chimpanzees safely from Africa to the Soviet Union required overcoming numerous obstacles.

These difficulties led to repeated postponements of the experiment. Volunteers waited anxiously, while Ivanov ran around, trying to solve these problems. This crazy experiment seems to have reached an impasse.

It was at this moment that the political winds in the Soviet Union changed, giving Ivanov's experiment a glimmer of life. In 1928, Joseph Stalin began to promote the ideological construction of the proletariat in the Soviet Union. Against this background, Ivanov's experiment suddenly acquired new political significance.

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

3. Scientific experiments under the political storm

Stalin believed that if Ivanov's experiment succeeded, it would be a great blow to capitalist science and at the same time prove the superiority of the socialist system. As a result, Ivanov received more support and resources.

With new support, Ivanov finally managed to transport eleven chimpanzees to the Soviet Union. However, the good times were short-lived. Unable to adapt to the harsh climate of the Soviet Union, these creatures from Africa soon died one after another. This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the experiment.

But Ivanov did not give up. He continues to look for new chimpanzees while also preparing for the five female volunteers. However, the experiment still faced many difficulties. Insufficient equipment, backward technology, and ethical controversy...... Every step of the way is full of challenges.

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

At this time, the political situation in the USSR once again underwent a drastic change. In 1930, Stalin launched the famous Great Purge. As a scientist of the Ancien Régime period, Ivanov soon became a target. He was accused of being a "bourgeois element" and exiled to distant Kazakhstan.

This sudden turn of events completely put an end to Ivanov's experiments. Did the five volunteers start the experiment? Did the experiment really go to the last step? These questions remain a mystery to this day.

Ivanov spent the last two years of his life in exile. In 1932, the genius who once shook the world of science passed away in obscurity. His experiment, the scientific rhapsody that once shocked the world, has also become the dust of history.

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

IV. The End and Legacy of Experimentation: The Eternal Controversy of Science and Ethics

Although Ivanov's experiment ended in failure, the impact and controversy it left behind continue to this day. Are chimpanzees really capable of interbreeding with humans? There is no definite answer to these questions and has become an eternal mystery in the history of science.

This experiment has also provoked deep thinking about the ethics of science. Scientific exploration is important, but should there be a bottom line that cannot be crossed? If the experiment succeeds, what about the "half-man, half-ape" creatures? Should they have human rights? These questions are still hotly debated in the world of science and ethics.

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

Ivanov's experiments, although they failed, similar research did not stop. In recent years, with the development of genetic engineering technology, human-animal hybridization has once again become the focus of attention in the scientific community. Some scientists believe that through gene editing technology, animal organs can be cultivated in the human body, solving the problem of organ transplant shortage. However, such research also faces ethical controversy.

Ivanov's story provides us with a profound cautionary tale. It reminds us that while pursuing scientific breakthroughs, we must always keep ethical and moral boundaries in mind. Advances in science and technology are important, but the dignity of human beings cannot be ignored either.

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?


The Soviet Union's human-ape hybrid experiments, which have been sealed for a long time, have left a strong mark in the long river of scientific development. Although the experiment was ultimately unsuccessful, the ethical controversy and social repercussions it caused are still reverberating in the scientific community and all walks of life.

Ivanov's story teaches us that scientific research cannot be divorced from human nature and ethics cannot be neglected. While pursuing breakthroughs, we need to maintain rational and moral restraint at all times.

In this era of rapid technological development, Ivanov's story is particularly important. Gene editing, artificial intelligence, brain-computer interfaces...... These cutting-edge technologies continue to challenge our ethical bottom line. We need to be more cautious in weighing the opportunities and challenges of each scientific breakthrough. What do you think differently about this?

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?
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苏联人猿杂交试验:大猩猩精液给蒙古女人授精  2008-09-17 07:25

Revealing the inside story of the former Soviet Union's human-ape hybrid experiment 2008-09-10 16:35 Enter the Renaissance Forum Source:

Revealing the Former Soviet Union and Other Chinese Hybrid Experiments with Animals 2006-10-12 15:59:38 Zhejiang Online News Website

The Soviet "ape" experiment in the last century: 5 girls and 11 orangutans participated, and what was the outcome?

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