
【Qiyi Experiment Happiness Two Neighbors】Happiness Education Delivery Activity

author:Living in Liaoning

In order to devote itself to building Huanggu's "happiness education" and carrying out a variety of "two neighbors" activities, Qishan No. 1 Experimental Primary School carried out the activity of "happiness education into the community". On the afternoon of June 24, 2024, the lecturer group of the Experimental Primary School of Qishan No. 1 School walked into Lianshui Community and Wenshui Community to deliver two classes of "Traffic Safety" and "Table Tennis" to community residents.

Traffic safety is not only related to the safety of everyone's life, but also the embodiment of respect for the lives of others, and is an important part of building a harmonious society. The convenience of modern transportation has increased many safety risks, and traffic accidents have been called "traffic wars in modern society". Maintaining traffic safety is not only everyone's responsibility, but also the embodiment of social morality. Director Wang Tie of our school gave a wonderful lesson of "Traffic Safety" to the community residents. The community residents have not only increased their knowledge of traffic safety, but also greatly enhanced their awareness of traffic safety.

【Qiyi Experiment Happiness Two Neighbors】Happiness Education Delivery Activity
【Qiyi Experiment Happiness Two Neighbors】Happiness Education Delivery Activity

Teacher Ren Gang of our school gave a lesson of "Table Tennis" to the community residents. Playing table tennis is a full-body sport that has a significant effect on strengthening the body. This exercise improves the coordination of the body and maintains balance by constantly adjusting the muscle groups in the lower back and abdomen. Moreover, playing table tennis requires speed, explosiveness, etc., and can mobilize almost all limb muscles to achieve comprehensive physical exercise. Through this lesson, the residents mastered the basic table tennis skills and improved their physical fitness.

【Qiyi Experiment Happiness Two Neighbors】Happiness Education Delivery Activity
【Qiyi Experiment Happiness Two Neighbors】Happiness Education Delivery Activity

Next, Qishan No. 1 Experimental Primary School will continue to carry out a variety of cultural and sports activities, guided by party building and guided by the needs of residents, and continuously improve the sense of belonging and happiness of residents.

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