
Nourishing the heart is to nourish life", it is recommended to eat it vigorously in summer, one to nourish the spleen and invigorate qi, and the other to clear the fire and generate Jin

author:Physician Sister Xiaohong
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Lao Zhang is a retired old doctor who usually pays attention to health preservation. Last summer, he was hospitalized once because of his heartbeat. Since then, he began to pay special attention to the summer diet, followed the advice of his old friend Lao Li, adjusted his diet, and added some foods that can clear the fire and nourish the spleen and qi.

Nourishing the heart is to nourish life", it is recommended to eat it vigorously in summer, one to nourish the spleen and invigorate qi, and the other to clear the fire and generate Jin

The importance of summer diet for the heart

Summer is the season when yang energy is at its peak, and the human body's heart fire is easy to be overpowered, which poses a certain threat to the health of the heart. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the heart is the main blood vessel, and the health of the heart is directly related to the blood circulation of the whole body and the normal function of various organs. Therefore, in the summer, a reasonable diet is particularly important.

Nourishing the heart is to nourish life", it is recommended to eat it vigorously in summer, one to nourish the spleen and invigorate qi, and the other to clear the fire and generate Jin

It is necessary to reduce the fire in the heart and increase body fluids. In summer, when the temperature is high, the human body sweats easily and consumes a lot of water and electrolytes. Eating more light, water-rich foods can not only replenish body fluids, but also help cool down and clear heat.

Provide adequate nutritional support. The heart is a non-stop organ that needs adequate nutrition to maintain its normal function. Eating more foods rich in vitamins and minerals can help strengthen the function of the heart and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

Recommended foods to nourish the spleen and qi

Oats and barley: Oats and barley are rich in dietary fiber, which helps improve digestion and lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that these whole grain carbohydrates also reduce the risk of many types of cancer.

Nourishing the heart is to nourish life", it is recommended to eat it vigorously in summer, one to nourish the spleen and invigorate qi, and the other to clear the fire and generate Jin

Dates and lotus seeds: Dates are rich in vitamin C and iron, which help boost immunity and improve anemia. Lotus seeds have the effect of nourishing the heart and soothing the nerves, especially suitable for the anxiety caused by excessive heart fire in summer.

Sweet potatoes and yams: Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A, which helps boost immunity; Yam contains diosgenin, which can tonify the spleen and improve digestion.

Nourishing the heart is to nourish life", it is recommended to eat it vigorously in summer, one to nourish the spleen and invigorate qi, and the other to clear the fire and generate Jin

Recommended food for clear fire

Cucumbers and watermelons: Cucumbers and watermelons are great for clearing away heat and relieving heat in summer. Cucumber is rich in water and vitamin C, which can clear heat and detoxify; Watermelon can not only replenish a lot of water, but also rich in vitamin A and B vitamins, which is conducive to quenching thirst.

Nourishing the heart is to nourish life", it is recommended to eat it vigorously in summer, one to nourish the spleen and invigorate qi, and the other to clear the fire and generate Jin

Green tea: Green tea has anti-inflammatory biological activity, which is able to reduce the level of inflammation in the body. The polyphenols in green tea have a preventive effect on a variety of diseases and can also improve immunity.

Pears and lilies: Pears are rich in water and fiber, which can moisten the lungs; Lilies have a calming effect on the heart, especially suitable for summer consumption, to help relieve the discomfort caused by excessive heart fire.

Nourishing the heart is to nourish life", it is recommended to eat it vigorously in summer, one to nourish the spleen and invigorate qi, and the other to clear the fire and generate Jin

Other tips for summer care

In the summer, proper aerobic exercise can help boost your heart and lungs, but be careful to avoid hot periods and choose to do it early in the morning or late in the evening. The intensity of exercise should not be too high, and it is recommended to walk, jog, swim and other activities, which can not only exercise the heart, but also avoid physical discomfort caused by excessive exercise. Moderate exercise not only improves the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, but also helps relieve mental stress.

Nourishing the heart is to nourish life", it is recommended to eat it vigorously in summer, one to nourish the spleen and invigorate qi, and the other to clear the fire and generate Jin

In summer, the days are long and the nights are short, and people tend to go to bed late and get up early, and their work and rest are irregular. It is recommended to maintain a regular sleep schedule, avoid staying up late, and ensure 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Getting enough sleep can effectively reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and contribute to the recovery and health of the heart. A proper nap in the afternoon can also help the body better adapt to the hot weather and reduce fatigue.

Nourishing the heart is to nourish life", it is recommended to eat it vigorously in summer, one to nourish the spleen and invigorate qi, and the other to clear the fire and generate Jin

High temperatures in summer can easily cause mood swings and increase the burden on the heart. Maintaining peace of mind and learning to manage your emotions is essential for heart health. It is advisable to practice meditation or yoga on a daily basis, which can help relax the mind, stabilize the mood, and relieve stress. At the same time, maintaining good interpersonal relationships and communicating more with family and friends also helps to improve mental health.

Dietary precautions and misunderstandings

Although the summer is hot, people often like to eat cold food to cool down, excessive intake of raw and cold food will cause damage to the spleen and stomach, which in turn affects the production of qi and blood, and increases the burden on the heart. Therefore, the summer diet should be moderate and avoid excessive craving.

Foods high in fat and sugar can not only lead to weight gain, but also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. In summer, you should try to choose light, easy-to-digest foods, reduce the intake of greasy and high-sugar foods, and maintain the health of your heart.

Nourishing the heart is to nourish life", it is recommended to eat it vigorously in summer, one to nourish the spleen and invigorate qi, and the other to clear the fire and generate Jin

Sweating a lot in summer can easily lead to a lack of water in the body. Drinking enough water is an important step in maintaining heart and body health. It is recommended to drink 2000-2500 ml of water per day to ensure water balance in the body and promote metabolism.


It is very important to nourish the heart in summer, and through reasonable diet and lifestyle adjustment, heart problems can be effectively prevented and improved.

Nourishing the heart is to nourish life", it is recommended to eat it vigorously in summer, one to nourish the spleen and invigorate qi, and the other to clear the fire and generate Jin

Food choices that nourish the spleen and qi, clear the fire and invigorate the body, proper exercise and good work and rest, combined with psychological adjustment, can provide comprehensive protection for the heart in the hot summer months. I hope that everyone can pay attention to heart care in summer, so as to truly nourish the heart and life, and maintain the health and vitality of the body.

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