
When people are old, they know that the ten years from 65 to 75 years old are the beginning of the "cold winter of old age".

author:Talk about the second child

1. If you don't adjust your mentality, you will feel very uncomfortable

After retiring, I lost my job, so I could only stay at home and watch TV and take my grandchildren with me. Sometimes I miss the days of work, even if I am tired, I live a fulfilling life, and the most important thing is to have a source of income.

When I get older, I feel that I am useless and have no contribution to society, so I will only stay at home and enjoy life.

If the pension is relatively low, it will also face the problem of pension pressure. It can even become a burden to children.

At this stage, if you can't adjust your mentality, the whole person will easily fall into a state of depression.

For the elderly, it is very sinful to be sick in their hearts, and it is very uncomfortable for young people to suffer from depression, let alone the elderly.

Therefore, when the elderly reach a certain age, they must live their lives happily. Don't think too much, adjust your mentality, live a good life if you have money, and live a good mood if you don't have money, it's not a big deal.

When people are old, they know that the ten years from 65 to 75 years old are the beginning of the "cold winter of old age".

2. Life will become more and more lonely and boring

In the years when they just retired, many old people took advantage of their flexible hands and feet to like to travel, relax, see the world, and make up for the regrets of their youth.

Or go to the park, chat with your peers, play chess, play cards, and your life will not be boring, and you will live to the fullest.

At the age of seventy, I am getting older and older, and my physical strength can no longer keep up, and there will be a lot of old diseases, and my body is not as good as before.

At this time, it is unrealistic to go out to travel, and you will only make yourself suffer, after all, travel needs a good body to support.

Most of the time, I can only stay at home and watch TV dramas, raise flowers and vegetables.

If it's okay to live with your children, you can have someone to chat with you and talk about something new.

Otherwise, if you live alone and repeat boring things every day, you will feel bored and lonely.

When people are old, they know that the ten years from 65 to 75 years old are the beginning of the "cold winter of old age".

3. The body is not as good as before, and the body is weak and sickly

When people live in their old age, it is not how much money they have to be happy, but whether they are healthy and disease-free, which is the best.

No matter how much money you have, you can't buy back health.

Only when you are healthy can you enjoy your retirement life well, and you will not have to affect your children, and you will not have to suffer so many sins.

It's a pity that many people are not in good health when they reach the age of 70, and there are many old diseases.

For example, obesity, inflexibility of legs and feet, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

And some diseases are not said to be cured all at once, but require long-term dependence on drugs.

When you get old, you will not only get all kinds of old diseases, but your physical strength will not be as good as before.

Sometimes I am out of breath when I walk down the stairs, and I am easy to wake up when I sleep at night, and I can't fall asleep when I wake up.

Therefore, without a healthy body in later life, life will be difficult.

If you get sick and be hospitalized at every turn, you will not only suffer yourself, but also affect your children's work, and even be disliked by them.

When people are old, they know that the ten years from 65 to 75 years old are the beginning of the "cold winter of old age".

4. Old, lost the ability to make money, and the pension is under pressure

After retirement, there is no job, life goes on, all kinds of personal contacts and hospitalization need money.

Therefore, it is possible to face the problem of pension pressure.

You must know that the concept of raising children to prevent old age is no longer realistic.

The children get the thousands of yuan of wages every month, the mortgage, the car loan, the children's education expenses, personal contacts, etc., are all great expenses, and it is good for them to support themselves.

It is unrealistic to rely on children to provide for the elderly, and you can only count on your own pension and savings.

Therefore, retirement funds and savings are a guarantee for one's own life in old age and a source of security.

Coupled with his old age and inflexible hands and feet, it is no longer possible to go out to work again.

If you have a small pension and savings, you will face the problem of retirement pressure.

When people are old, they know that the ten years from 65 to 75 years old are the beginning of the "cold winter of old age".

5. Don't have much hope for longevity

Although the current medical level is much more developed than before, and the standard of living is also better, many elderly people hope that they will live a little longer.

But this is just a hope, not every old man can live a long life.

In terms of average life expectancy, the average life expectancy of the elderly is in their seventies, and it is possible that some elderly people may be higher than the average price, and some elderly people will be lower than the average.

Like some of the elderly people around me, there are also people who died of illness in their sixties, and some of them live long lives.

Therefore, we should not take age too seriously, we must follow the laws of nature, and everyone must experience birth, old age, sickness and death.

The most important thing is to calm your mind, live your old age to the fullest, and don't let yourself have regrets.

When people are old, they know that the ten years from 65 to 75 years old are the beginning of the "cold winter of old age".