
In the next 10 years, who will be most comfortable?

author:Talk about the second child

1. The husband and wife have hundreds of thousands of joint savings, although they are not as rich as the rich, but if there is any urgency at home, they can also resist risks and not let themselves panic. I'm afraid that when I encounter an emergency, I don't have money when I need it, the whole person will be very broken, and the family will be in trouble.

2. Both parents have pensions, do not need to help provide for the elderly, and they are in good health, and they can also help themselves take care of their children to do housework and reduce the burden.

3. Have your own personal connections, know people who are relatively good, can learn a lot of new knowledge from these excellent people, and continue to become a better self.

In the next 10 years, who will be most comfortable?

4. The husband and wife have a stable job, the husband and wife are loving, the family is harmonious, and they go out to go shopping and watch movies together on weekends and weekends.

5. The husband and wife have strong financial management skills, in addition to their salaries, they have additional income, even if they are suddenly dismissed, they can have a side job to support their lives, and they are not afraid of starvation.

6. There is a house without a mortgage in the city center, the surrounding educational resources and medical resources are very good, the transportation is convenient, and it is convenient to buy food. The environment in the community is beautiful, and you can take a walk and exercise after dinner.

7. There is a self-built house in my hometown, and I am tired of staying in the city, so I go back to my hometown to grow vegetables and flowers, sit in the yard and read books and taste tea, and life is very comfortable.

In the next 10 years, who will be most comfortable?

8. There is no foreign debt, good health, good food, good sleep, radiant and good spirits. I don't have any anxiety about the future, and I cherish my life in the present.

9. Both children are sensible and filial, have good academic performance, will not cause trouble outside, and will not make parents angry at home.

10. There is a small car at home, which is convenient for you to go out and go out without being exposed to the rain and rain. It is also very convenient to travel with children.

In the next 10 years, who will be most comfortable?

Which of the above 10 points did everyone win?