
Braised winter melon confession bureau, this is low-fat and delicious, nanny-level strategy, to cool off the heat and satisfy the food

author:The taste is flowing for years


Braised winter melon confession bureau, this is low-fat and delicious, nanny-level strategy, to cool off the heat and satisfy the food

In China's Jiangnan water villages, the summer heat is always accompanied by the chirping of cicadas and the sound of frogs in the rice fields. Winter melon, a very common vegetable in the Jiangnan region, has become an indispensable delicacy on the summer table with its heat-clearing and heat-relieving properties. Braised winter melon, a simple but delicious home-cooked dish, carries the warm memories of countless families and the yearning for a better life.

Braised winter melon confession bureau, this is low-fat and delicious, nanny-level strategy, to cool off the heat and satisfy the food

Winter melon has a long history in China, and was first recorded in the "Qi Min Yaoshu", which is regarded as a good product for summer heat. In Jiangnan, braised winter melon is not only a home-cooked dish, but also a cultural inheritance. Every summer, every household will cook this dish, and its taste penetrates into the taste buds of every Jiangnan person, becoming the most intimate hometown taste in summer.

The choice of ingredients is crucial for braised winter melon. Fresh winter melon has delicate flesh and plenty of moisture, making it the best choice for making braised winter melon. The high-quality soy sauce and dark soy sauce give the winter melon a deep color and rich taste. In addition, spices such as star anise, cinnamon, etc., not only add flavor but also enhance the nutritional value of the whole dish.

Braised winter melon confession bureau, this is low-fat and delicious, nanny-level strategy, to cool off the heat and satisfy the food

The ancient book "Compendium of Materia Medica" mentions that winter melon has the effects of diluting water and reducing swelling, clearing heat and detoxifying, and the modern food documentary "A Bite of China" takes braised winter melon as a representative of summer food in the south of the Yangtze River, showing its profound cultural connotation and unique flavor.

Cooking in detail

Nutritional information

Winter melon contains about 10 calories of energy per 100 grams and contains almost no fat, making it an ideal ingredient during weight loss. Winter melon is rich in vitamin C and trace elements such as potassium and magnesium, which help maintain electrolyte balance.

Cooking principle

The cooking principle of braised winter melon is to make the winter melon fully absorb the flavor of the seasoning through slow cooking, while maintaining its soft and glutinous taste.

A list of ingredients

  • 500 grams of fresh winter melon
  • Light soy sauce 20ml
  • Dark soy sauce 10ml
  • Sugar 5 grams
  • Salt to taste
  • Star anise: 2 pcs
  • Cinnamon bark 1 small piece
  • 1 green onion
  • Ginger 3 slices
  • Garlic 3 cloves
Braised winter melon confession bureau, this is low-fat and delicious, nanny-level strategy, to cool off the heat and satisfy the food

Cooking steps:

  1. Peel and remove the seeds of the winter melon, cut it into 2 cm square pieces, and set aside.
  2. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot, add green onions, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.
  3. Add the winter melon cubes and stir-fry until the surface is slightly yellow.
  4. Add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and sugar, stir-fry evenly, so that the winter melon pieces are evenly colored.
  5. Add star anise and cinnamon, add an appropriate amount of water, and the amount of water is appropriate for winter melon.
  6. After the heat boils, turn to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes, during which the winter melon can be turned in time to prevent it from sticking to the pan.
  7. When the melon is soft and the soup is thick, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste.
  8. Sprinkle chopped green onions before removing from the pan and serve on a plate.
Braised winter melon confession bureau, this is low-fat and delicious, nanny-level strategy, to cool off the heat and satisfy the food

Personal style is self-adjusting

The amount of sugar and salt can be adjusted according to personal taste, and a small amount of chili pepper can be added if you like spicy.

Cooking tips and tricks

  1. When choosing winter melon, you should choose one with smooth skin and hard texture, so that the winter melon has enough moisture and has a better taste.
  2. The winter melon should not be too large, so as not to be difficult to absorb the flavor when cooking.
  3. Before stir-frying the winter melon, you can blanch it with boiling water to remove the raw and astringent taste of the winter melon.
  4. During the braising process, pay attention to the control of the heat to avoid the winter melon from being boiled.
  5. The ratio of soy sauce to dark soy sauce can be adjusted according to personal preference to achieve the desired color and taste.
  6. When the braised winter melon is cooled, it has a better flavor and is suitable for preparing in advance as a bento for the next day.
Braised winter melon confession bureau, this is low-fat and delicious, nanny-level strategy, to cool off the heat and satisfy the food

Cooking Instructions

Q1: How to prevent winter melon from cooking rotten during cooking? A: Winter melon can be blanched before cooking to reduce the cooking time, and at the same time, turn it in time during the stewing process to avoid the melon sticking to the pot and rotting.

Q2: How to make the color of braised winter melon more attractive? A: By adjusting the ratio of light soy sauce to dark soy sauce, you can control the color of the dish. The dark soy sauce adds color, while the light soy sauce provides a salty taste.

Q3: How should I adjust the soup of braised winter melon? A: According to personal taste, the amount of water can be increased or decreased appropriately to achieve the desired consistency of the soup.

Q4: How to enhance the flavor of braised winter melon? A: In addition to the basic seasoning, you can add some spices, such as bay leaves, cloves, etc., to add layers to the dish.

Braised winter melon confession bureau, this is low-fat and delicious, nanny-level strategy, to cool off the heat and satisfy the food

Related dishes to share

  1. Winter melon pork rib soup

    With winter melon and pork ribs as the main ingredients, with an appropriate amount of medicinal materials, such as wolfberry and angelica, stewed, the soup is clear in color, delicious in taste, and has the effect of nourishing and maintaining health.

  2. Stir-fried winter melon

    A simple and fast home-cooked dish, you only need to slice the winter melon, with simple seasonings such as minced garlic and salt, and stir-fry it quickly, retaining the crisp taste of the winter melon.

  3. Winter melon and seafood stew

    The winter melon is stewed with various seafood such as shrimp, crab, fish, etc., and the freshness of the seafood and the sweetness of the winter melon complement each other, making it a delicious dish with good color and flavor.

  4. Winter melon sugar

    After slicing, the winter melon is candied and turned into a sweet but not greasy winter melon candy, which is a cool snack in summer.

Braised winter melon confession bureau, this is low-fat and delicious, nanny-level strategy, to cool off the heat and satisfy the food


Braised winter melon, this simple but emotional dish, is not only a taste bud enjoyment, but also a cultural inheritance and hometown nostalgia. On this hot summer day, you might as well cook this braised winter melon for your family and friends to share the coolness and warmth. At the same time, everyone is also welcome to share your cooking experience in the comment area, like and follow, and let us explore more secrets of food together.

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