
In 1933, Xu Shiyou heard that there was a woman from Wudang in the army, so he wanted to come forward to have a fight to see whether Wudang's kung fu was more powerful or Shaolin's kung fu was more profound. host

author:Galactic Dream Painter

In 1933, Xu Shiyou heard that there was a woman from Wudang in the army, so he wanted to come forward to have a fight to see whether Wudang's kung fu was more powerful or Shaolin's kung fu was more profound.

Main source: Published on Wenhui 2020-08-28 Report on "She dares to compete with Xu Shiyou, and she is a female Red Army ...... with Wudang's stunts such as "deifying the five poisonous thunder and lightning killers".

She came from a humble background, her family was poor, and she was a poor child of fate, but she was chosen in the dark and became the beginning of a legend. The years are like dust, her thin figure disappears in the morning light, and beads of sweat like silver bells roll down, soaking through her thin clothes.

She punched and kicked, her body was vigorous, like a female tiger shuttling through the forest, and she was full of heroism in the cold, this is He Ziyou, who was later named "He Iron Fist".

She was still young, but she was already a rising star in the martial arts at that time, and her superb martial arts were unrivaled in the army.

In her career, she has been tempered several times and has never slackened at all. The sincere heart of protecting the country and the family, burning, finally pushed her life to the peak of legend.

The fate of a poor girl is destined to make her life hard. At the age of 10, a person has to run for a living at a young age. The world thinks that she is a natural sacrificial fish, and believes that she will be poor all her life and will never be able to turn over.

Who knew that fate was opening a window for her, an ignorant girl, and opened a new world for her. That year, she was sent to a martial arts hall and became an unbearable handyman, cleaning, carrying water and charcoal, as if everyone could bully her life.

However, in that dilapidated martial arts hall, there was a martial arts master lurking, with eyes like a torch, and she knew that she was extremely talented. This wise old man did not despise her because of her humble background, but took a fancy to her qualifications and intelligence, and made up his mind to take her with him.

What was this at the time? It's equivalent to a slap in the face that Qianfu is referring to! However, this master was calm and stubborn, and insisted on taking this little girl as an apprentice, which attracted countless criticisms and cynicism.

However, the stubborn old man firmly believes in his decision.

So, a little girl from a humble background embarked on a tortuous path of cultivation. Beneath the bright face of a flower, there is an amazing perseverance and tenacity.

Since then, she has used her own hands and feet to open an unprecedented legendary chapter. Did fate play a joke on her? Or will she use her tenacity and tenacity to create a shining legend in life?

An ordinary beginning, but an extraordinary life has been born. Since that day when she was accepted as a master and apprentice, the fate of the girl He Ziyou has undergone earth-shaking changes. She seems to have regained her life and is living a new life in the martial arts hall.

Time flies, time flies. After a few years, this unknown little girl is already a peerless master, and her martial arts are world-famous, as if she is a fairy in the world. At the age when she was afraid of being attacked, she was already a "Wudang Woman" who shocked the martial arts. The doubts and doubts of the past have disappeared with the wind.

After becoming famous, she could have sat back and enjoyed her old age with peace of mind. But she never thought that a fire of sincerity to save the world was burning in her heart. Those heavy historical pictures have taught her that her family and country are small, but her mission cannot be shirked.

Yes, she made up her mind to use her hands and feet to protect her fragile homeland, go to the front line of war, and water this land with blood. As a result, this "Wudang Woman" with peerless martial arts turned the tide and joined the ranks of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.

Since then, she can be seen everywhere in the shadow of the sword. Whether she was facing a ferocious enemy or a fierce horse bandit, she was undaunted and bravely passed on the story. With the courage and resourcefulness comparable to that of a man, she broke a path in the rain of bullets.

The calloused palms have witnessed her countless struggles for the country; Her resolute eyes tell her daughter's pure heart to protect her family and country.

At that time, there was a general in the army who was also a martial arts master, Xu Shiyou, who was known as the "Shaolin Arhat", and learned that He Ziyou had a fierce nature and outstanding martial arts, so he took the initiative to fight with her. The two of them are fighting together, hearty, you come and go, they are on equal footing, and they don't let anything go.

In the end, some people said that He Ziyou won, but He Ziyou said that it was Xu Shiyou who let her. Since then, she has been known as the "Iron Fist Woman" and is a powerful force in the army.

At that time, there was a bucket-like joke in the army, saying that although she was a heroine, no one wanted to marry her, because no one dared to have this courage!

The smoke of the past made her write a legend. But the years flew by, and fate opened a new chapter for her. At that crossroads in her life, she met a like-minded revolutionary comrade-in-arms, Zhou Zikun.

Zhou Zikun was a staunch communist and devout to the ideals of New China. It was fate for two like-minded souls to meet in the midst of war. In that turbulent era, they shared weal and woe, fought side by side, and fought against death day and night.

However, just when their relationship was in full swing, fate played another big joke. In 1941, in a battle ambushed by the enemy, Zhou Zikun was imprisoned alive and sentenced to death.

She witnessed the scene of life and death parting, and her heart was full of shock and pain. But she did not give up, she was still alone, insisted on the revolution, kept chastity, and never married. With her devotion to the revolution, she raised her confidant's widow alone.

Time goes by, time passes. The child had long since become an adult, but she was still chaste and faithful.

The picture scroll of life has turned the last page. Her life is like a bright pearl, shining brightly, illuminating the entire era.

To say that she is a chivalrous woman, is it more than that? She is also a fearless warrior, a sincere patriot, and a pioneer who paves the way with her life. In that turbulent era, she used courage and wisdom to compose a heart-wrenching epic, which can be called a legend in the world.

Some people sincerely admired her, praised her, and engraved her good name in their hearts. Even those who doubted her back then have to admire her integrity and integrity, and praise her.

In 1933, Xu Shiyou heard that there was a woman from Wudang in the army, so he wanted to come forward to have a fight to see whether Wudang's kung fu was more powerful or Shaolin's kung fu was more profound. host
In 1933, Xu Shiyou heard that there was a woman from Wudang in the army, so he wanted to come forward to have a fight to see whether Wudang's kung fu was more powerful or Shaolin's kung fu was more profound. host
In 1933, Xu Shiyou heard that there was a woman from Wudang in the army, so he wanted to come forward to have a fight to see whether Wudang's kung fu was more powerful or Shaolin's kung fu was more profound. host

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