
In 1943, the pregnant Wang Guang was disemboweled, and her eyes, tongue and two breasts were gouged out by the Japanese army

author:Galactic Dream Painter

In 1943, Wang Guang, who was pregnant, was disemboweled, and her eyes, tongue and two breasts were gouged out......

Source: "Women's Hero Wang Guang" was published on People's Daily Online-Communist Party of China News Network on May 28, 2020

Wang Guang was born into a poor peasant family, and the hardships of life have accompanied her since she was a child. However, fate seems to favor this little girl extraordinarily.

When she was seven or eight years old, by chance, she escaped the miserable life of being sold as a maid and was adopted by a wealthy family of kindness.

This turning point is like a beam of light shining into Wang Guang's life. Her adoptive parents not only gave her a warm home, but also sent her to school.

As he grew older, Wang Guang was exposed to many progressive ideas. In 1937, when the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, the young Wang Guang did not hesitate to devote himself to the anti-Japanese salvation movement.

In 1939, she honorably joined the Chinese Communist Party. When she graduated, the organization wanted to keep her as an instructor at the school, but Wang Guang insisted on going to the front.

She said: "I am not afraid of hardship or sacrifice, I want to go to the front line to fight devils and go to the countryside to rescue my compatriots who are suffering." "This courage and determination is very moving.

In February 1940, Wang Guang moved to the Qinyuan anti-Japanese base area with the 212th Brigade to carry out the work of the democracy movement. Two years later, she was appointed deputy head of the first district of Jishi County.

After taking office, Wang Guang immediately launched a series of tasks, including investigation and study, determining the work plan, mobilizing the masses, reducing rents and interest rates, and carrying out anti-traitor liquidation campaigns.

Wang Guang's work style is decisive and capable, she always eats and lives in the people's homes, and mingles with the masses. The masses are willing to discuss anything with her, and they are willing to confide in her whatever suffering.

In the autumn of 1942, the Japanese army intensified its "encroachment" against the Japanese base area, and Saburo Saburo, the commander of the Japanese army stationed there, threatened to turn it into a "security zone" within a month.

A few days later, Wang Guang led three squads of soldiers, skillfully disguised as ordinary people who went out to do funerals, eliminated more than 30 Japanese puppet soldiers in one fell swoop, and killed Saburo Saburo on the spot. This ambush was fought cleanly and neatly, which greatly boosted the morale of the people in the base area.

However, in October 1943, the wheels of fate suddenly turned. The Japanese army launched a brutal "pincer encirclement" and "iron rolling sweep" against the anti-Japanese base area in Yuenan, threatening to turn the base area into a "no man's land."

In order to cover the masses and defend the leading organs of the base areas, Wang Guang led the sub-district detachments and militia to fight guerrillas in the mountains. During an operation to cover the transfer of the masses, Wang Guang encountered Japanese troops patrolling the mountains.

In order to protect the militia and the masses hidden in the ravine, she deliberately exposed herself, climbed the mountain beam, ran in the opposite direction, and directed the attention of the enemy to herself. In the process, her legs were unfortunately hit by enemy bullets.

The Japanese escorted Wang Guang to the garrison in Xinzhuang Village, where she was tied to a pillar in the temple and tortured. In the face of the enemy's interrogation, Wang Guang always maintained a firm revolutionary will.

In the face of Wang Guang's unyielding loyalty, the Japanese army completely lost their minds and tortured her inhumanely. They first cut off her ear, and the pain caused Wang Guang to faint for a while, but the enemy splashed her with cold water to wake her up.

Even so, Wang Guang remained loyal and unyielding, and as long as there was a breath left, he shouted anti-Japanese slogans. Annoyed, the Japanese intensified, cutting out her tongue, gouging out her eyes, cutting off her nose, and finally brutally cutting off her breasts and heart.

After the Japanese retreated, the crowd who had returned from the "sweep" searched everywhere for Wang Guang's whereabouts. Eventually, in front of the temple in Xinzhuang Village, they found a bloodstain and a soft floating soil. After digging up, people found Wang Guang's body, which had been mutilated by the enemy.

When sorting out Wang Guang's relics, there was one thing that plunged everyone present into deep grief. It was a small belly pocket for a baby, which meant that Wang Guang not only abandoned his own life when he sacrificed, but also had an unborn child. This discovery made everyone present, including the strong men, couldn't help but cry bitterly.

In 1943, the pregnant Wang Guang was disemboweled, and her eyes, tongue and two breasts were gouged out by the Japanese army
In 1943, the pregnant Wang Guang was disemboweled, and her eyes, tongue and two breasts were gouged out by the Japanese army
In 1943, the pregnant Wang Guang was disemboweled, and her eyes, tongue and two breasts were gouged out by the Japanese army
In 1943, the pregnant Wang Guang was disemboweled, and her eyes, tongue and two breasts were gouged out by the Japanese army

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