
Huawei's management backbone wanted to resign, Ren Zhengfei delayed for 2 months to approve, and the departing employees received a bonus of 2 million

author:The wind rises in the lecture hall
Huawei's management backbone wanted to resign, Ren Zhengfei delayed for 2 months to approve, and the departing employees received a bonus of 2 million

[Feng Qitang original | Do not compile or pass on, have a source and evidence, share the entrepreneurial legend of the business world, and interpret the management wisdom of the big guys. 】


Tian Tao wrote "Will Huawei Be the Next to Fall", "Concept, System, People", Wu Chunbo wrote "Huawei Has No Secrets", Yu Shenghai wrote "Business Thinker Ren Zhengfei", and Kazuo Inamori "Living Law", etc.

Huawei's management backbone wanted to resign, Ren Zhengfei delayed for 2 months to approve, and the departing employees received a bonus of 2 million


The backbone resigned, and Ren Zhengfei delayed for 2 months before approving it

Ren Zhengfei said, "Only by achieving employees first, can employees achieve the company." ”

Huawei does not treat strivers badly, not only to current employees, but also to employees who leave the company.

We can often see that there are "Versailles" employees who have left Huawei on the Internet, and they can also receive year-end bonuses from Huawei after leaving the company.

Not only now, even in Huawei's early era of lack of money, employees' salaries were usually half of the white slips, but if employees want to leave, Huawei will definitely cash out their salaries and bonuses in full, not only a lot, but even more than you can imagine.

Let's talk about a case of Huawei's early employee resignation.

In the early days, Mr. Li, a key manager of Huawei, proposed to resign, and the reason for his resignation was that he was not in good health, his family was in other places, and he wanted to return to his family.

The time when Mr. Li submitted his resignation report was November 1, and on that day, Ren Zhengfei ignored it.

On November 2, he submitted his resignation application again, but Ren Zhengfei still did not reply.

On November 3, he submitted his resignation report for the third time. Finally, there was a response the next day, and Ren Zhengfei's secretary called and made an appointment.

During the interview, Ren Zhengfei said that he was very optimistic about Mr. Li and kept him many times, but Mr. Li insisted on leaving.

Helpless, Ren Zhengfei had no choice but to say, then you go home to recuperate first, it is not considered to approve the resignation, but it seems to be a delaying tactic.

In the next two months, Ren Zhengfei sent Zheng Baoyong, Su Yafang and other senior executives to Beijing many times to have dinner together and pleaded to stay, but Mr. Li had already made up his mind.

In the end, Ren Zhengfei had no choice but to die.

In this way, from the date of the resignation of this management backbone to December 31 of that year, his resignation application was delayed by Ren Zhengfei for two months and was not approved.

In the end, I couldn't keep it, and seeing that it had passed on December 31, Ren Zhengfei finally agreed to the resignation application of the management backbone and asked Chairman Sun Yafang to sign and approve the resignation.

Some people are puzzled, thinking that Mr. Ren is not close to people, employees are unwilling to stay, and the resignation application has been delayed.

It turned out that Huawei had a rule in the early days that those who left the company before December 31 of that year would not be paid year-end bonuses (of course, Huawei has subsequently revised this system.) Now, even if you leave your job in June, Huawei will still calculate your half-year year-end bonus for the past six months and transfer it to the employee's special account filed with Huawei when you leave the company in the coming year.

Another Huawei executive revealed to Mr. Li that the reason why Ren Zhengfei did not let Sun Yafang sign the resignation letter until after December 31 was so that the departing employee could get the bonus of that year.

The departing employee wrote many years later that the bonus of 2 million yuan that year was the most he received at Huawei.

When it comes to the boss giving up the money, some old Huawei employees sighed, "You want a bowl of rice, the boss doesn't give you a bucket of rice, he gives you ten buckets of rice!" ”

However, Ren Zhengfei's sharing is more than just a penny.


Zheng Baoyong: I had a lot of power back then

"The boss has thought about human nature very thoroughly, not only dividing the money, but also basically dividing the power, and at the same time, the boss is also a master of honor and incentives," said a number of veteran Huawei employees.

Ren Zhengfei knows that these young people who join Huawei are not only here for money, but also for power.

Therefore, at the beginning of his business, Ren Zhengfei decomposed human rights, financial rights, and affairs rights to different people.

Huawei's management backbone wanted to resign, Ren Zhengfei delayed for 2 months to approve, and the departing employees received a bonus of 2 million

Zheng Baoyong, Huawei's early R&D founder and second-in-command, said:

"Back then, I had a lot of power, and I could let whoever I wanted to come in, and many of the executives on the executive board today were recruited by me at that time, which is (using) human rights.

The financial power is also very large, I say that I will give as much salary as I want, and sometimes I report to Mr. Ren, and the boss basically says that it is good, and it is so decided.

I am in charge of research and development, I have the final say on what projects I am on, and I have the final say on how much money to invest. Of course, I also support any project on the people below, and he finds it himself, and I don't have anyone, so I just give money. ”

Therefore, Zheng Baoyong was promoted to executive vice president in the second year after joining Huawei, when he was only 27 years old.

When Huawei consultant Tian Tao first came into contact with Huawei, he received dozens of business cards with the title of vice president a year, and Professor Tian asked Huawei executives how many people in the company had the title of vice president. Some say thousands, others say "at least four or five thousand"!

But this is Ren Zhengfei's logic of decentralization, "Huawei will 'gather stars' in the power corridor from top to bottom, and successors will be gathered." ”

As for honors, Huawei may be the most awarded company in the world to give out awards to employees.

At Huawei, there are a variety of awards: Gold Medal, Blue Blood Ten Heroes, Heavenly Reward Award, Rising Star, Outstanding Family Award, and other special awards.

Usually, Huawei will hold a grand commendation meeting at the hotel, attended by relevant department leaders and employees, and managers will present awards. For example, when the Heavenly Dao Reward and Attendance Award was awarded, many people burst into tears, because the awardee's simple perseverance, silent dedication, and persistent struggle touched many people.

"What's so bad about giving the glorious big red flower to someone else?" Ren Zhengfei said proudly in an interview with CCTV reporters.

Huawei's management backbone wanted to resign, Ren Zhengfei delayed for 2 months to approve, and the departing employees received a bonus of 2 million


Kazuo Inamori and Ren Zhengfei's altruistic thinking

Ren Zhengfei often said to the company's executives: "We should always be grateful to our employees and partners, and do more altruistic things, altruism is the greatest self-interest, and altruism is the key to the success of the enterprise." ”

This benefit-sharing mechanism is also called "altruistic thinking" by experts and scholars.

The reason why it extends to the "altruistic" thinking is that we have to mention the sympathy between Ren Zhengfei and Kazuo Inamori, the saint of Japanese management.

Kazuo Inamori, who founded Kyocera and KDDI, two Fortune 500 companies, successfully saved JAL, adhered to the business philosophy of "respecting God and loving others, self-interest and altruism", and once donated all his 1.7 billion yuan shares to 12,000 employees, so that employees can obtain corporate capital gains.

Similarly, Ren Zhengfei also established a benefit-sharing mechanism for employee stock ownership from the beginning of the company, and distributed more than 99% of the shares to employees.

Kazuo Inamori advocates "the pursuit of material and spiritual happiness of employees" in the management of the enterprise, and employees and managers are in a big family, comrades and partners.

Similarly, Ren Zhengfei also advocated "consolidating spiritual civilization with material civilization", insisting on benefit sharing, "everyone living together", and never letting the strugglers suffer.

One is known as the saint of management in Japan, and the other is known as the "god of management" in China, Two selfless entrepreneurs, Kazuo Inamori and Ren Zhengfei, have met and exchanged four times since 2009.

Ren Zhengfei's Huawei and Kazuo Inamori's KDDI have also established a partnership since 2009.

Kazuo Inamori commented on Ren Zhengfei: "Ren Zhengfei's exploration is very remarkable, especially in terms of effectively playing the role of the majority of first-class IQ figures, surpassing Kyocera and other companies in Japan!" ”

Ren Zhengfei believes: "The reason why Kazuo Inamori is so famous is not only because of his company's high reputation, but more importantly, his business ideas have influenced many later entrepreneurs. ”

Ren Zhengfei also said that Huawei has world-class mathematicians, but Kyocera has world-class chemists and physicists, and we can't catch up with him.

Huawei's management backbone wanted to resign, Ren Zhengfei delayed for 2 months to approve, and the departing employees received a bonus of 2 million

Mr. Inamori also personally inscribed Ren Zhengfei and presented him with the book "Living Law".

Ren Zhengfei said: I have read a lot of books, I like Kazuo Inamori's books, and I have learned a lot from him.

Yu Shenghai, a Huawei research expert, revealed that even now, Ren Zhengfei often reads Kazuo Inamori's works.

Although Ren Zhengfei and Kazuo Inamori are different from each other, they both share the same management ideas and philosophies, and they also write business legends.

Inamori is revered as the "saint of management" in Japan, so who can become the saint of management in China?

Wang Yukun, who studies Inamori's philosophy, said that in the history of China's business management, although "there is no ancient", it is possible for someone to come later, and Ren Zhengfei, who has many characteristics in common with Mr. Inamori, may be this "comer".

Professor Jin Yinan of the National Defense University has said in his speeches on many occasions that Ren Zhengfei can be called "China's god of management."

But Ren Zhengfei, who is under the reputation, insists that he is just "a local citizen, who does not understand technology, does not understand the market, and half-understands management, and was carried to the top of the mountain by a group of elites and became a 'decent little old man'".

"The greatest selfishness is selflessness", and it is precisely because of this altruistic heart that Ren Zhengfei has insisted on "dividing money, position, and face" at Huawei for more than 30 years, and skillfully transforming employees' desire for wealth, power, and a sense of achievement into the essence of Huawei's culture: "striver-oriented".

Ren Zhengfei said that Huawei has not succeeded, only grown.

Guided by such values and spirit, how can Huawei not continue to grow?


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