
How important is body management for actors? Just look at the same frame photos of Tan Jianci and Deng Wei!

author:The telegram has something to say
How important is body management for actors? Just look at the same frame photos of Tan Jianci and Deng Wei!

This year's Tencent conference has attracted the attention of many film and television dramas, among which the highly anticipated "Sauvignon Blanc 2" has become one of the hot topics. The main creators of the crew carefully prepared and dressed up to attend, which made the atmosphere particularly hot.

"Sauvignon Blanc 2" is presented in the form of a group drama, closely focusing on the protagonist Xiaoyao to unfold her emotional entanglement and growth process. The trailer for the second season was first revealed at the Tencent conference, and the plot of the film is full of tense emotional tension, vividly showing the contradictions and inner struggles between the characters, making the audience eagerly look forward to the arrival of this drama.

In the trailer, Xiao Yao (played by Wang Xiaochen) quickly grabbed the audience's attention with complex emotional clues. The intricacies of her relationships with different characters are gradually revealed in the camera, and a seemingly peaceful family life hides many waves. Netizens said, "This kind of complex character relationship makes people can't stop watching it." Some netizens posted on social media: "Xiao Yao's character development this time is too exciting, there are many emotional lines, and every episode is full of highlights." ”

How important is body management for actors? Just look at the same frame photos of Tan Jianci and Deng Wei!

The tense plot and inner struggles of the characters in the trailer have also sparked heated discussions. In a dispute scene in the play, sparks fly between Xiao Yao and another main character (played by Li Anmu), and the plot climaxes repeatedly. Netizens commented on this, "This scene is so devoted, and people are nervous when they see it." Someone else wrote in the barrage: "After watching the trailer, I feel that the tension of this season is stronger than that of the previous season, and I look forward to the in-depth development of the plot." ”

In addition, the growth and inner changes of the various characters in the play have also become the focus of the audience's attention. In the plot presentation, the complex psychological depictions of the characters in the face of life and emotional problems are impressive. A netizen commented on the forum: "Seeing their growth in the play, it is like seeing their own shadow, and the struggles and choices in life are so real." There are also fans on social media who shared: "The growth of these characters is not only their stories, but also the mental journey of each of us." ”

How important is body management for actors? Just look at the same frame photos of Tan Jianci and Deng Wei!

In terms of image management and appearance performance of the series, the differentiation of the four leading actors has also become a topic of discussion. Zhang Wanyi, Wang Hongyi, Tan Jianci and other actors showed completely different styles and images on the scene, and each actor showed unique charm and expressiveness in their own roles. Regarding the image management of a certain actor, some netizens raised concerns and suggestions, "The actor's image in the new drama is a little different from the past, and I hope they can maintain stability in their performance in the role." ”

At the Tencent conference, the image display of the four male lead actors attracted wide attention from the audience. The live performances of actors such as Zhang Wanyi, Wang Hongyi, and Tan Jianci attracted much attention, and each actor showed a unique style and charm. Their dress and demeanor on the scene all reflect the characteristics of their respective characters and the atmosphere of the series.

Zhang Wanyi, as an important role in the play, sparked a lot of discussion at the conference. He is dressed in a simple and neat suit, capable and gentlemanly, showing the maturity and stability of the character. Netizens commented on social platforms: "Zhang Wanyi's image design this time is really to the point, which is completely in line with his character temperament in the play." Some people also praised his performance: "Seeing his confidence and calmness on the scene, I look forward to his wonderful performance in the play." ”

How important is body management for actors? Just look at the same frame photos of Tan Jianci and Deng Wei!

Unlike Zhang Wanyi, Wang Hongyi's image display is closer to the character's rebellion and rebellion. He opted for a retro-rock-inspired outfit with thick bangs and a slightly uninhibited look that immediately caught the eye of a young audience. Some fans left a message in the live broadcast comment area: "Wang Hongyi's appearance is really cool, and it is in line with his character image in the play." Others joked: "Looking at his outfit, you know that this character will definitely bring a lot of trouble." ”

Tan Jianci showed himself as a gentleman and a mature and stable image. He opted for a classic suit look, and his neat hairstyle and smile showed his gentlemanly temperament. The audience praised his dress choice and demeanor: "Tan Jianci's appearance is simply handsome, which is completely in line with his character image in the play." Some netizens even said bluntly: "This kind of gentlemanly demeanor is simply heartwarming, and it deserves to be the representative of the 'warm man' in the play." ”

How important is body management for actors? Just look at the same frame photos of Tan Jianci and Deng Wei!

Netizens are full of discussions about the changes in the appearance of the actors and their performance in the play. They are full of expectations for the broadcast prospects of "Sauvignon Blanc 2", and at the same time expressed their hope that the actors will remain in the best condition.

A topic that many netizens have been discussing lately is the sequel to a certain movie or series. Everyone has expressed their dissatisfaction with the long wait for the sequel. A netizen left a message on social media: "This sequel has been out for too long, and it no longer has the same passion as it was when it was the first part." His remarks immediately sparked heated discussions among other netizens.

Some netizens believe that the sense of loss and disappointment in the waiting process has greatly reduced their interest in the sequel. "I remember the excitement when I watched the first part, but now that I've waited so long, I'm a little less looking forward to it." One commenter wrote.

How important is body management for actors? Just look at the same frame photos of Tan Jianci and Deng Wei!

They believe that when the producer launches a sequel, he should pay more attention to the audience's feeling of waiting and avoid overcooling the expectations.

Other netizens discussed it from the perspective of production. "Maybe the production team didn't maintain the style and quality of the first part, which caused the audience to wait longer." A movie lover analyzed. They pointed out that a successful sequel not only needs to continue the excitement of the previous work in terms of story, but also innovate in production level and plot design, otherwise it will be difficult to win the favor of the audience.

How important is body management for actors? Just look at the same frame photos of Tan Jianci and Deng Wei!

In the comments of netizens, there is also some understanding and support for the producer. "Although the waiting time is a little longer, the production team must also be trying to present better works for the audience." Here's what one fan said. They believe that making a good sequel is a complex task that requires time and effort to polish.

"Sauvignon Blanc 2" is not only a TV series with a tight plot, but the image management and performance of its actors have also become the focus of attention of the audience. As the broadcast of the series approaches, I look forward to seeing their wonderful performance on screen, and at the same time, I hope that they can stay in the best shape and bring more surprises and touches to the audience.

How important is body management for actors? Just look at the same frame photos of Tan Jianci and Deng Wei!

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