
Is it healthy to sit still? These habits turn your perception upside down!

author:Unique and enjoyable popular science

First of all, it is the habit of lying in bed. Many people have the experience of being woken up by an alarm clock in the morning and immediately struggling to get out of bed. But you know what? Lying in bed for a few minutes is actually a kind of cardiovascular care. When we wake up from a deep sleep, our heartbeat and blood circulation are in a slower state. If you get up immediately at this time, it will bring a greater impact on the blood vessels, which is easy to cause cardiovascular accidents such as acute myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction. Therefore, lying in bed for a few minutes after waking up, stretching, and getting up slowly can help protect cardiovascular health.

Is it healthy to sit still? These habits turn your perception upside down!

Secondly, it is the habit of not folding the quilt after getting up. Many people think that they should make their bed and keep it tidy as soon as they wake up. But in reality, after a good night's sleep, there will be dandruff, oil, sweat, etc. left in the quilt. If you fold the quilt as soon as you get up, it will not only make the quilt smelly, but also provide a warm living environment for bacteria and mites. Therefore, it is advisable to lift the quilt and dry it for a while after waking up, so that the moisture can dissipate as soon as possible and reduce the chance of mite breeding.

Is it healthy to sit still? These habits turn your perception upside down!

Again, it is the habit of washing the machine without closing the door after washing. Many people will habitually close the door after using the washing machine. But this is not conducive to the maintenance of the washing machine. The inside of the washing machine will leave a lot of moisture during the washing process, and if the door is closed after washing, a lot of mold will grow. Therefore, it is a good idea to keep the washing machine door open after washing your clothes to allow the inner bucket to air dry naturally and reduce mold growth.

Is it healthy to sit still? These habits turn your perception upside down!

In addition, washing your face without facial cleanser is also a habit that seems lazy, but it is actually good for your skin. The oil on the face acts as the skin's natural barrier, locking in moisture and preventing the skin from drying out. If you wash your face with facial cleanser frequently, it is easy to destroy this barrier, resulting in dry and sensitive skin. Therefore, for people with dry skin, there is no need to use a facial cleanser when washing their face, just wash it off with water. For people with oily skin, you also need to choose a facial cleanser that suits your skin type and avoid over-cleansing.

Is it healthy to sit still? These habits turn your perception upside down!

Finally, there is also a seemingly lazy habit of sitting still. While sitting for long periods of time is not good for the body, proper rest and relaxation are also essential. In between work or during breaks, you can stand up and walk around and do some simple stretching exercises to relieve muscle fatigue and stiffness. At the same time, you can also use this time to do relaxation activities such as deep breathing and meditation to relieve stress and anxiety.

Is it healthy to sit still? These habits turn your perception upside down!

In short, these seemingly lazy daily habits are actually good for our health. As long as we can understand and apply these habits correctly, we can better protect our physical health.

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