
The famous host of CCTV is about to do something? The people involved posted a group photo and responded generously

The famous host of CCTV is about to do something? The people involved posted a group photo and responded generously

Chengdu Business Daily Red Star News

2024-06-19 14:32Posted on the official account of Red Star News of Chengdu Business Daily, Sichuan


The news of "the crown and Nigmaiti getting married".

Frequent on the Internet

It is reported that the crown once revealed on a variety show that he was about to get married,

At that time, Nigmat was next to him with a smile on his face,

sparked speculation about the relationship between the two.

On the evening of June 16,

Crown and Nigmat hosted the event on the same stage.

The famous host of CCTV is about to do something? The people involved posted a group photo and responded generously

June 17th

The well-known host Wang Guan posted on social media,

Nigmat is his good friend and good partner,

"Only sprinkle joy together, not sugar".

It is suspected that there is news from the nearest place

Be clear and clarify.

At the same time, the crown was also revealed

His object is actually Mr. Li.

The famous host of CCTV is about to do something? The people involved posted a group photo and responded generously
The famous host of CCTV is about to do something? The people involved posted a group photo and responded generously

Famous host Cao Kefan

Blessings as well:

"I wish Mr. Li and Miss Guan eternal happiness."

The famous host of CCTV is about to do something? The people involved posted a group photo and responded generously

Source | Xinmin Evening News

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  • The famous host of CCTV is about to do something? The people involved posted a group photo and responded generously
  • The famous host of CCTV is about to do something? The people involved posted a group photo and responded generously
  • The famous host of CCTV is about to do something? The people involved posted a group photo and responded generously
  • The famous host of CCTV is about to do something? The people involved posted a group photo and responded generously

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